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JJ Maybank stood by the edge of the shore, his hat in his hands as they all waited for Sarah to return. After only a few minutes of being there, Pope and Kie had noticed that June was missing, making them all confused. After a hushed explanation form John B and many glances towards JJ they were both caught up, Kie fuming at how stupid JJ was and Pope feeling bad for his best friend, knowing how hard this was going to hit him after the initial shock. The Routledge boy has withheld some information from his explanation, Pope and Kie not needing to know everything about what had happened. Especially the part where they discussed June's virginity status.

John B trudged over to the blonde who was preparing a spot to sit, his frown digging into his face as he did so. He looked up at the sight of John B, his frown continuing, the blonde giving him a nod. John B reached out, clapping a hand on his best friends shoulder and giving him a not so convincing smile.

"How you doing buddy?" The brunette asked, looking down at the sand as JJ sucked in a breath.

"Oh me? I'm doing just fine." JJ said, biting his lip as he nodded again. That was not very convincing.

"You know we can talk about it right? Hey! I know you're not fine." He said, trying to catch JJs eye. The blondes face only scrunched up instead, his eyes staying in the grass.

"Nah nah. I'm good. And John b-" JJ lifted his head,  grabbing his friend by the cheeks and meeting his eyes, John B immediately picking up on the insane amount of hurt and sadness stuck in them. "-I don't wanna talk."  He let go of his friends face, walking away from him and running a hand through his hair.

JJ was currently regretting everything. He was regretting asking her about it, regretting being angry about it, regretting judging her for it, he was regretting all of  it. Whether she was a virgin or not didn't actually matter, he would have loved her either way, he didn't know why he had made it such a big deal. He felt like a dick, an insane dick, but he still couldn't find the will to go and talk to her. First of all he had no idea where she was...second of all he couldn't even think of words to say to express how sorry he was. Also, he knew June—she could hold grudges. The consequences had been devastating, the fight to get her back going to be a grueling battle. He had witnessed Zach try to do it firsthand...over and over again. It would be hard. No doubt about it.


June March had been given phone privileges, although she felt as though she didn't need them because she had nobody to text. She wanted to call JJ, or to call John B, but she decided against both of those things, realizing that Kooks didn't call Pogues to check up.

The Kooks had been villainized by the Pogues for years and years, something that June and never cared about until now. But if she would never be Pogue, maybe it was time to conform to the side she was on.

June was laid in bed, her feet against the wall above her headboard as she thought, her mind going crazy. She made a pact with herself that she wouldn't be sad about JJ, she wouldn't dwell. He was just another boyfriend, she would eventually find another.

What she had been thinking about nonstop was Rafe Cameron. And the longer she spent thinking about him, the more she found herself justifying some of his questionable actions. She felt sick for doing it, but when she was given the pieces to a broken puzzle, she would still try to figure it out.

Another thing she wanted to know was what Adam knew, and what exactly he had told JJ that ruined her relationship. June picked up her phone, pressing on her brothers contact and instantly sending him a message. Within a minute there was a knock on the door, June tilting her head to the side as she yelled for him to come in.

"What?" He asked, standing in the doorway and taking in the strange sight of his sister on her bed.

"Mm, close the door." June said, pointing towards the white door and then dropping her hand. She dropped her legs from the wall, turning her body so that she was sitting on the edge of the bed now. She watched as Adam closed the door, confusion on his face as he looked at her.

"What do you want?"

"What exactly did you tell JJ, Adam? You boyfriend. Well, my ex now because of you." June tried to guilt trip him, his eyes widening as he sat down on the bed beside her.

"I didn't mean to break you guys up, I figured he knew or something. You guys were so close or whatever."

"Now why would I tell my Pogue boyfriend that the kook that was terrorizing and the kook that killed the sheriff and framed me for it, was my first boyfriend?" June deadpanned, her eyes narrowing as Adam started to see why he didn't know.  "So I just wanna know what you told him."

"Well I told him that theres no way that Rafe would involve you in this stuff because he's in love with you." June sneered at his words, her heart clenching as she thought of the possibility. "He is by the way. He never stopped having feelings for you. You know up until you went missing he would send me texts about you. Or say some weird shit about you being in trouble. It was strange but, I think I was the only person he trusted to tell." Adam finished, looking down at the floor as June gulped beside him. She hadn't known it was that serious.

"Do you think that's why he recanted his statement?" June broke the silence, her eyes wide as she thought through everything he had just said. She didn't know how to feel. Ultimately the one thing she could feel the most was fear, the feeling that she was in danger because of how much he cared for her. She knew what he was capable of, she was just unaware of the lengths he would go to.

"That's definitely why he recanted his statement. June look at me." Her brother said, turning slightly on the bed so that they could look at each other. "I know you don't believe me, but his feelings for you are really strong. They always have been. You need to be careful. He's really serious about it. Don't do anything stupid."

Just as her brother finished speaking a text lit up her phone, her eyes dropping to the screen as she quickly read over the text.

John B had been caught.

June mouth dropped open in shock, the girl immediately standing from her spot and putting on a pair of shoes.

"What are you doing?" Adam asked, furrowing his eyebrows at his sister.

"I need- John Bs been caught. I gotta- I gotta go to the hearing I-I can't miss it okay?"

"June you're not allowed to leave.  How are you gonna-"

"Shit! Adam please. Please cover for me okay? This is important. These are my friends!" She said, grabbing her bag from the desk chair. He nodded, running a hand over his face. She ran towards the window,  opening it and throwing her bag out.

"June! How the hell are you gonna get there?!" She stopped, shaking her head she wondered how she would get there. Walking was out of the question if her parents found out, they would catch her within minutes. She sighed as she grabbed her phone, rolling her eyes as she sent a text.  There was an immediate ding, making her sigh as she looked at the answer.

"I've got a ride."

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