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Adam March pulled the hysterical Rafe from the car, the Cameron boy having been yelling and trying to explain everything for the past few minutes as they drove. When they got to their destination Adam was relieved to be out of the car, ready to enact his plan. If Rafe was going to act crazy, Adam was going to return the favor and act crazier if that's what it meant to get his point across.

He had the Cameron boy by the collar, his fist clenched at his side as Rafe spoke.

"Adam where are we? Adam wher-"

"Shut the hell up Rafe! Alright shut up!" Adam said as he continued to pull Rafe. Rafe felt fear grip his chest as Adam pulled him away from the car, pulling him into what looked like woods. Adam had always been good at plans, making them, executing them. There was no way that this was happening without some thought behind it.

Their walk was short, Adam grabbing Rafe by the shoulders and standing in front of him.

"You fuck with my sister I fuck with you Rafe. That's how things work. Don't you remember when I found out about you two? Don't you remember that? Yeah I do. I beat the shit outta you didn't I?  Do you remember what I said that night?" Rafe soon realized where they were, his eyes widening as Adam got behind him,wrapping his arms under Rafes armpits and holding him so that he could lead him and Rafe couldn't get out. Adam started him towards the steps, the blonde boys eyes wide as he realized there was no way this  was going to go well.

"You told said that if you ever caught me with her again you'd kill me."

"And what did I...just do?" Adam breathed out, his breath getting heavier as they continued to climb the steps of the Hawks Nest. He started to regret what he was doing, then he remembered his sisters face, he remembered how much it had hurt when she had died. Rafe didn't answer, Adam and him reaching the top and Adam pushing him away. It was only then that Rafe noticed another person at the top with them, a laugh building in his throat.

"Zach? Are you kidding me? What are you gonna do? Jump me? Holy shit." Rafe laughed maniacally, disbelief on his face as Zach pushed closer. He grabbed Rafe by the shirt, gritting his teeth and getting in his face, Rafe holding his hands up in faux surrender as he bit back another laugh.

"You know...for-for a second I was actually a little bit scared. Just a little bit. And then Zach showed his face and now I realized this is all a joke! Are you kidding me?! You're wasting my time! This is poi-" Rafe was cut off but Zach pushing him back, the anger and betrayal in his eyes real as he did so. His hands on his shirt only tightened as Rafe stumbled back towards the hole in the railing, the one that John B had fallen through.

Zach pushed him again, Rafe reaching for something to grab onto but getting nothing. His heel found the edge of the wood, nothing holding him back from falling but Zach. Rafe looked past Zach at Adam, but the black haired boy just grabbed him by the chin, taking his attention back to him.

"Hey Rafe. I know what you did. Everybody knows. June told me-"

"Oh my God June told you something? That's a first. You're ri-"

"Rafe shut the hell up!" Adam shouted, making the Cameron boy click his tongue. He chuckled dryly, looking down and shaking his head before looking back to Adam.

"Does Zach even know? Did you drag him up here and not even tell him the truth?"

"Do I know what?"


"You're flipping out over a girl who lied to you. She wasn't a virgin Zach, she fucked me." Rafe spit out, watching as the damage started to begin. Adams lack of words proved to Zach that this was true, the black haired boy feeling a pinch of betrayal in his chest. He quickly snapped out of his trance, pushing Rafe just a little bit closer to the edge of the non-existent railing.

"I don't give a fuck what you did. You're a murderer Rafe. You killed the sheriff." Zachs words rang true, Rafe curling his lip up in disgust as he listened to the words.

"Zach let me at him." Adam said, pushing Zach away and grabbing Rafe. He brought his fist back, punching. Rafe as hard as he could and pushing him to the ground beside the hole.

"I didn't come up here to talk Rafe...I came up here to tell you what's up. Don't come to my house ever again. Don't talk to my fucking sister.  If I see your ass talking to her I will kill you. I'm not even playing." Adam said, crouching over Rafe as he tried to regather himself.

"So what? You took me out here to threaten me, to beat me up?" Rafe asked, his lip bleeding now as he looked up at the two boys.  Zach pushed past Adam,  punching Rafe in the face , the Cameron boy laying back as he tried not to pass out.

"We came up here because somehow, some way, you got away with murder. You betrayed us man. You deserve to get punished! You deserve jail! But they're not gonna get you now so we've gotta show you where we stand. We gotta show you that you're not welcome here." Zach spit, pulling Rafe up and pushing him back. The Cameron boy just stood there, his chest heaving as he looked between his two best friends, feel every ounce of betrayal he could possibly muster, his eyes filling with tears as he realized he truly had no one.

"And you were wrong Rafe. June doesn't love you. She hates you."

"You're gonna regret this. You're gonna...fuck— all this shit once again for a girl whose not in love with you. It's me! At the end of the day it's always gonna be me." Rafe said, stepping towards Zach now. Adam didn't like his words, lifting his fist to punch Rafe again, but this time the blonde was faster, ducking and pushing Adam back. Zach launched into motion, the anger from Rafes words getting to him and making him livid. He went to tackle him, the wood under them freaking as the three boys started to struggle. Rafe and Zach were stuck in a stance, Adam coming over and pulling Rafe from the younger boy.  The blonde stumbled back, stopping himself only inches front he hole in the railing, his eyes wide as he grabbed onto the wood around him for safety. He let out a growl as he ran towards the two boys, his fist flying and hitting Zach square in the jaw. He managed to duck smother punch from Adam, tackling the March boy and putting him on the ground. Rafes breaths were frantic and rapid as he turned around, Zach going to hit him. Rafe leaned down, pushing his shoulder into Zachs stomach and running forwards,sending the Roberts boy flying backwards.

"Wait! Wait no!"

With nothing to stop him and no railing to grab onto Zach Roberts tumbled through the hole in the towers side, his body plummeting to the ground below. The two boys in the tower stood, Adam starting for the stairs immediately as Rafe walked towards the edge. His eyes were wide as he looked down at the sight below, Zach looked dead, he wasn't moving. The Cameron boy tilted his head to the  side, a peculiar look on his face as he realized what he had done, thunder rumbling overhead.  He felt the quickness of his heart slow down, the familiar rush settling as he stared wide eyed at the body on the ground.  It took him a moment to pry his eyes away from the sight, a few words slipping from his mouth as he started to turn, the rain beginning to pour.

"It's always gonna be me."


😐😬 well.

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