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It was hours later when John B came out to get the girl, his face red and puffy as he looked down at June. She looked back up at him with equally red and puffy eyes, her lip trembling as she waited for him to break some kind of news. He nodded his head, June springing up from her spot on the stairs and jumping into his arms.

"She's okay. She's- she's gonna make it." John B whispered into June's hair, his fingers tangled in the dark locks. He buried his head into her neck, a few tears slipping from his eyes as he thought of how close he had come to losing her. June sobbed into his shirt, relief filling her body as she realized Sarah was going to live.

"Can I see her?" June asked, her lips parting against his shoulder. He nodded, pulling back and giving her a small smile. His hand slipped from the back of her head, his other arm lingering on her waist as he walked her back inside.

"I thought I lost her. She-she stopped breathing. I-"

"What matters is that she's okay now." June said, putting a hand on John Bs bicep and walking towards Sarah. The Cameron girl was unconscious, her body covered by a sheet as she laid on a table. The blood was noticeably missing, June sighing in relief as she looked down at her friend. June noticed that her hands were still stained red, but she waited to do anything about it, instead pressing her hand to Sarah's cheek.  She leaned down, pressing a brisk kiss to Sarah's forehead, she was relieved that she was alive. June turned back to John B, lifting her hands slightly before looking down at the floor.

"Is there anywhere-uh— a bathroom?" June asked, the boy nodding and pulling her towards a door to the side. June thanked him, quickly closing the door behind him. She pressed her back against the door, letting out a sigh as she tried to regather herself. She has been so scared for Sarah, so worried that she had been hysterical at one point, and now that she was okay she was left to calm herself down. June pressed forwards, turning the sink faucet on and running the water over her hands. The water turned pink as she scrubbed at her hands, the girl looking up at the mirror in front of her. She almost gasped when she caught sight of herself, her eyes widening.

Staring back at her was a puffy, red faced girl, one covered in dirt. Her hair looked stringy and dirty, the natural waves now gone, leaving her hair straight due to how little it had been cared for. June's lips were chapped, she looked worse for wear and she could tell that a shower and some chapstick would really go a long way.

She cupped her clean hands under the water, using the warm water to wash off her face a bit. After a few moments she looks fresher, less dirt clinging to her skin as she did so. June turned to dry her hands, the cool metal of her stolen gun pressing against her hip. She immediately pulled it from her waistband, holding the firearm in both of her hands. She just looked at it for a few moments, wondering how something so small could cause so much damage. After more then enough time inspecting the gun she pushed it back into her pants, picking up her sweatshirt and  dropping it over the gun. She gripped the door handle, walking out of the bathroom and heading towards the room where John B and the doctor were seated.

"Everything alright?" John B asked, June nodding as the doctor pulled a chair out for her. She sat down, leaning back in her chair as her fingers flew to the cut on her neck. It was only a few minute before the two doors opened, Sarah walking through.

"Woah little lady! You need to go lie down." The doctor said, John B quickly standing to assist her.

"How long did I sleep?" She asked, John B grabbing her gently by the shoulders.

"Not long enough."

"Can we still make it?" Sarah asked, her eyes wide as June stood now too.

"No no. We— it's over okay?" John B said, making June close her eyes in defeat as she  remembered that Terrance had given them a time limit.

"No it's not."  Sarah said, her eyes shooting to the clock behind them.


"We still have an hour." The Cameron girl said, swallowing hard as she looked at John B.

"You need to rest. You just got shot." John B said, shaking this head at her idea. Sarah looked past him at June, her eyes pleading with her to help her out.

"John B." June said from behind him, his eyes shooting to her as the brunette gave him a nod.

"I am fine. We're going." Sarah said, John B finally giving in.  He grabbed his things, letting Sarah put her arm over his shoulders as he walked across the room. June ran over, letting Sarah put the other half of her weight on the girl, Sarah feeling much better now that she was basically being carried.  They struggled down the stairs, the three of them walking through the bar.

"Seriously Sarah, you shouldn't be standing."

"I'm fine."

They got to the edge of the bar, all of them noticing the cops that were interviewing people right by the entrance. June sighed, pressing her back against the wall and wondering how they were going to get out of this one.

"Shit. Are you kidding me?" John B said, looking at the police that were  crawling all over  the corner.

"You guys got a little heat on you don't you?" The doctor asked, looking mostly at John B. "I've been there and I've done that. But I've got an idea." He pulled the three of them through the bar, leading them to a car in the back alley.

"Friend of the devil is a friend on mine." The man said, pushing the keys into John Bs hand.

"Thanks doc." John B said, Sarah pushing past him to get in the car. He helped her in, June going to the other side and sliding into the back seat.

"Okay so how bad is it gonna be when the anesthesia wears off?"

"Pretty much mind-bending." The doctor answered.

"Something to look forward to." June quipped, sitting back against the seat and letting out a sigh. John B soon got into the car, turning it on and looking between the two girls.

"You sure we can take this?" John B asked the doctor through the window.

"Well you overpaid for the medical. So, have a nice trip."

"Thank you." Sarah chimed in, John B starting the car and also thanking the man.

"Let's go home guys." June said, knowing that at the end of their plan for the day, home was the ultimate goal.

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