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June immediately sprung into action, the girl familiar with gunshot wounds. She pulled the bandana from around her face, wadding it up and handing it to John B in the front seat.

"I need you to push down. Look this is gonna hurt but I need you to push down." Sarah gasped as John B pushed down on the gunshot wound, June's eyes wide as she realized she had no idea what to do. John B fumbled with the phone, throwing it into the backseat with June and instructing her to call the others. June immediately called them, the phone ringing twice before the man picked up.

"Did you get the gold?!" He yelled through the phone, June nodding as she looked into the back of the truck.

"Yes we got it! But—" she was cut off by cheers from the other side, the girl quickly yelling out over them.

"Sarah's been shot! Shes been shot in the gut! We need your help! Please hurry!" June yelled, John B pulling the phone from her hands and talking to Terrance. June pushed out of the truck, running to Sarah's side and pulling open her door. She grabbed the girls face, giving her a panicked smile as she looked down at the bloody wound.

"Hey Sarah, we're gonna take care of you okay? We're gonna get some help!" June said, reaching in and helping Sarah apply pressure to the wound. John B hung up the phone soon after, looking to June then Sarah and then back to June.

"Help me get her out!" He said, pushing his door open and running around the side. They both pulled her out, Terrance and Cleo pulling up moments later.

"Sarah!" Cleo yelled, running toward the girl.

"I just texted you the address of a doctor. Tell him I sent you!" Terrance said, taking in the sight of Sarah in front of him.

"Okay and it's a hospital right?"

"No you wanna get caught?" Terrance yelled.

"I really don't give a shit, T. She needs help."

He's better than any of the doctors in that shitcan. He's my guy. He got ya!" Terrance assured them, June closing the door after Sarah got in. She jumped into the bed of the truck, the yelling starting to blur as she looked at the truck with the gold in it. Cleo ran to the back of the truck, giving June a pointed look as John B started to pull away.

"Don't get caught!" She said, June answering with a curt nod. They disappeared onto the road, the brunette looking down at her blood stained hands with wide eyes. She thought back to the last time she had had blood stained hands, June briefly returning to the tarmac where she saw Sheriff Peterkin die.

The ride was silent for June, the girl turning her head to look at Sarah every few moments, her eyes wide as the injure girl got worse every time she looked at her. Finally he stopped,  June and John B immediately jumping out of the car. John B pushed the phone into  June's hand,  pulling the door open and helping Sarah out.

"You guys know where the doctor is?" John B asked the people on the street, the people pointing towards the door.  They all hurried over, John B frantically pushing the buzzer.

"What do you want?" The voice came from the  intercom, June's eyes closing as she held Sarah up.

"I'm looking for Dr. Nygard."

"Dr. Nygards not here." The voice said.

"Where the hell is he then?!" June yelled into the intercom.

"Who are you?"

"I'm a friend of Terrances. Okay look, somebody's been shot!" John B called frantically.

"Aw hell. Theres a camera  above to your left. Look at it and let me see your faces." They all turned to look at the camera. "Alright  go through the bar. There's some stairs on the right."

"Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Let's go. Help me." John B said, immediately helping June hold up Sarah. They stumbled inside, heading towards the stairs as they all caught sight of the doctor.

"It's not her head is it?" The doctor asked, John B starting to pull Sarah up the stairs.

"No it's not her head!  Come on."

"I don't do heads." The doctor said, watching as the two teens helped the girl up the stairs.  He stopped her at the top, looking at the damage and then sending them inside.  The got her to the table, the shouting starting to get to June as she looked at them all. Her eyes caught the blood all over everyone, a lump forming in her throat as she looked at the red.

"John B I'm sorry. I-I can't ." June said,  putting her hand over her mouth as she turned away from the table. She ran towards the door they came through,  pushing it open and immediately breathing in the fresh air. She gasped for it, finally catching her breath as she leaned against the railing, tears in her eyes. She let out a final shaky breath, dropping down onto the top step and putting her face in her hands.

She groaned as she thought of what had just happened, knowing that there was no way they could every have a successful plan. June rocked back , feeling something shift in her back pocket as she adjusted. Her breath caught in her throat again as she realized what it was that was in her pocket, her hand immediately dropping to the back of her shorts. She pulled the object out, her eyes lighting up as she held the phone in her hand.

Her fingers moved frantically, immediately going to the phone as she started to type a number in. Her hands were shaking as she pressed the green call button. She trembled as she held the phone to her ear, wanting nothing more than to hear the voice on the other side come through. She held her breath as it rang, her heart banging in her chest. It rang a final time, going to voicemail.

June let out a gasp, pulling the phone back and redialing the number. She held it up to her ear, pleading for them to answer. Voicemail again.

The girl began to get frantic, her eyes filling with tears and she called a final time. She stomped on the ground as she pleaded with the universe to let the boy look at his damn phone.


June pulled the phone down from her ear, her tears spilling as she felt all the emotions. Sarah was dying, Rafe knew she was alive, JJ wouldn't answer his phone, and all June wanted to do was go home. She covered her mouth with her hand, letting out ridiculous sobs as she sat there. This was the cry that she needed. She stared down at the phone in her hand, her eyes heavy and her breath heaving as she cried like a child. She lifted the phone one more time, pressing the green call button and holding the phone up to her ear.

"Please." She begged, her puffy red eyes closing.

Across the ocean JJ Maybank looked down at his phone, shaking his head as he looked at the fourth call from a spam number. He pressed the decline, shoving his phone back into his pocket and shaking his head.

"Damn spammers."

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