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June pushed herself up from the floor of the small boat, her back aching as she let out an overly load groan. She opened her eyes, seeing the bright and brilliant sunrise in front of her. She smiled, feeling a twinge off happiness as she realized two things. Number one: she was on her way home. Number two: sunrises never disappointed.

The brunette stood, stretching her arms over her head as she looked at John B and Sarah who were arm in arm, both of them staring out at something in the distance. June walked towards them, the two other teens taking notice of her, smiles crossing their faces. John B dropped his other arm over June's shoulder, June following their gazes to whatever it was that was so intriguing. Land.

"Where are we?" June asked, her heart jumping with joy as she thought of being home.

"Well that big bridge over there? I think that means we're in Charleston." John B said, pointing at the bridge in the distance. A smile broke out over the brunette girls face, her eyes turning to the two people beside her as she let out a breath.

"We did it guys! We're going home." June said, leaping forwards and pulling Sarah into a hug. She was gentle with her, knowing that she was probably in a shit ton of pain and trying not to make it any worse. She adjusted her arms so that she could hug John B too, the three of them sharing a relieved laugh as they realized how close they were to their old lives, even if they weren't that close at all.

"I wonder what JJs doing right now." June said, pulling back from the hug with tears brimming her eyes. She walked to the edge of the boat, unable to hide her excitement anymore as they headed straight for land. In true JJ fashion she let out a yell of excitement, her fist punching the air as they got closer and closer to land.

June took in the sights, looking overhead as they crossed under the bridge. It was only within maybe the next half hour that they finally reached land, John B pushing the anchor into the sand and helping Sarah off the boat. June wanted to kiss the sand, finally being back in her home country and also so close to home. She has spent enough time on boats to never have to go on one again. She knew that was wishful thinking but she couldn't bother getting herself down about it, things were really looking up. June carried a gas tank for John B, the two of them sharing a smile as they headed up the beach.

"Listen, we're gonna get some gas, find a phone, get outta here all right?" John B said as they walked up the beach. June furrowed her eyebrows, pursing her lips as a problem arose with that statement.

"Excellent plan but there's just one thing..."

"How are we gonna pay for gas?" Sarah finished for the brunette, John B quickly answering.

"Don't worry about  it. We'll figure it out." He said, making June shake her head.

"Time for some good old fashioned stealing." She said, her nose scrunching up as they all walked together.  It wasn't long before the aroma of food started guiding June, the girls eyes attached solely to the restaurant that seemed to be about a blocks distance away. Her  stomach growled as she looked at a sandwich in a mans hand, her urge to reach forward and steal it from his hands becoming quite overwhelming.

"That looks so good. I'm starving." John B voiced all of their thoughts, June unable to stop herself now. She set forwards, her hands outstretched but she was quickly pulled back by John B, the boy shaking his head at her.

"No." Was all he said, the three of them walking up the stairs and into the restaurant. John B walked ahead of them, walking past a waiter and bumping into him.  The waiter stumbled forwards, the drinks on his tray falling over as John B stopped.

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