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June was biting her nails, the girl sitting on her bed as she waited on news from anyone about anything.  Her brother had texted her, telling her that she needed to get home immediately before her parents found out about her being gone, he could only come up with excuses for so long. After getting Kie to drop her off back at home she had somehow managed to scale the side of the house, the girl only managing to almost fall about 4 times.

She stood from the bed, walking towards her closet and opening the door, her eyes tracing over the clothes inside. She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she contemplated what she was about to do, but her hands had already reached inside, the girl pulling out a shoebox that was hidden on the shelf in the back of the closet. Her fingers traced over the brown cardboard as she read the words she had scribbled on the top so neatly years before.

June & Rafe.

The words brought a feeling to her chest that she just couldn't describe, a silent longing for old times as she looked down at their names scribbled together. She trudged over to the bed, opening the lid of the shoebox and feeling a smile cross her lips as she felt an instant wave of nostalgia. She reached into the box, pulling out a photograph that was long forgotten before now, a Polaroid picture that June had taken. She was laid across Rafes lap, her eyes closed as she smiled, the boy smiling up at the camera with his own closed eyes, mimicking her.

June's smile dropped as she looked at the photograph, wondering first of all how he had changed so much, and second of all why he chest ached for him. He had stuck his neck out to free her, but he had put her in the situation. Not only that but  he had threatened to kill her numerous times, and committed a murder right in front of her.

June slammed the box shut, standing and placing it back into the closet before falling back on the bed.
She indulged momentarily in the nice memories of Rafe, before he became a terrible person, her mind recalling their good times together. She had been unable to get Rafe out of her mind from the moment she had seen him in the Bahamas,  unhinged being one of the only words she could think of to describe how he looked. She couldn't dwell in the past of a man that was too far gone to save.

Across Figure Eight the blonde Cameron boy was pacing his room, his fingers pulling at his hair as he tried to think of a solution to his problems.  Sarah would testify against him in court. Not only that but he had helped to free another key witness, someone who he knew there was no chance of turning.

June Marchs brunette hair and perfectly pink lips had haunted his mind for years now, his body craving her touch. He was able to handle being around her when she was with Zach, because she was always within his reach. He would invite her to parties so that he could hit on her, so that he could spend time with her. But something had changed when she and Zach broke up. Rafe was not privy to traitors, and to see the girl that inhabited his dreams every night, spending time in the arms of a Pogue was something that he couldn't handle.

He recalled the night of the summer movie, the way that she had sneered at him like nothing had ever happened between them, the way she dismissed their entire history like it was nothing. He had watched as she was held by JJ, and listened as Zach had complained. And when they had jumped the Pogues for sinking Toppers boat, he had watched in anguish as Zach pushed June to the ground, knocking her unconscious.

The ride home had been almost silent that night ,  Rafe fuming at the Roberts boy who looked so shaken up from what he had done. Rafe remembered how it had taken everything in him not to beat the shit out of him. Rafe recalled all the times he had warned her to stay out of it, to not get involved, and after JJ had robbed Barry he knew that he had to say something. He had drank all the liquid courage he could, racing over to her house and confronting her about what her boyfriend had done. He remembered the way he had pressed her against the car, how close their faces had been that night. He remembered how so much of her skin was showing, the silky smoothness of it nagging at him for days to come. He regretted not kissing her, but he knew she wouldn't have returned it.

Rafe let out a groan as he ran a hand over his face, his lips parting as he sat in a chair. He hadn't wanted to involve her, and yet it had become unavoidable. She was on the tarmac, she had witnessed his crime and he remembered the feeling of her pulse beneath his fingers, the fear in her eyes. He felt wrong for enjoying it. Once again when he had caught her that night, he remembered the way that the fear in her eyes made his stomach turn, the way his fingers on her skin drove him crazy.

Finally he remembered the pride that had bloomed in his chest when she had punched him in the face the day she left. Even he could see how fucked up it was that he felt this way, but his chest burned every time he thought of her and his heart had become accustomed to her addictive nature. He knew a bit about addiction, and ever since he had gotten his very own taste of the March girl he had been hooked, her intoxicating persona had earned his obsession. He just could not get over her.

He remembered the way that his heart had ached when he thought she was dead, this is when he knew he was capable of caring about something.

Rafe Cameron sucked in a deep breath, looking up from the floor and tilting his head to the side.  He didn't know how to solve his June problem, he couldn't even imagine hurting her unless he had to, but now all he could think about was how he wanted to wrap his fingers around her neck. How he wanted to be able to see that same fear in her eyes as he held her life in his hands. Rafe Cameron remembered the feeling of her captivating kisses, something he would never forget.

He stood as an answer came into his head, the boy realizing how to solve his problem with Sarah. He pulled his shoes on, leaving the thoughts of the  bewitching girl in the room as he disappeared into the night. It was time to take matters into his own hands.


Idek what this is but I wanted to shed some light on how Rafe really feels about June. I'm trying to get across that he's a bit obsessed with her.

As promised I am not robbing you guys this time around, there is some sexual content coming up and I hope you're ready because I spent FOREVER writing it so that it was just RIGHT.

Thank you for reading once again and let me know how you're feeling about the story 😀😀

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