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The sun cast perfect rays through June Marchs window, the yellow shining into her eyes and waking her up. She awoke to an empty bed, her fingers finding a piece of paper instead of a whole blonde boy named JJ, making her frown. June opened her eyes, blinking a few times so that she could actually see and then holding the note up to read.

Didn't want to get caught. Had to shit. Sneak you later Carly.

- JJ

June reread over the note, her teeth snagging her bottom lip as she laid straight on her back,  a grin covering her lips as she let out a short content sigh. She stretched her arm, dropping the note onto the pillow beside her and closing her eyes, replaying everything that had happened the night before. Her smile momentarily dropped as she remembered the other reason for her low amount of sleep. Rafe Cameron. June's lip curled up in disgust as she threw her covers off of her, the chilled air in the room making her regret the action instantly. She sprung up from the bed, running as quickly as she possibly could towards her drawers to get at least something to wear.

Her eyes caught onto something white on the floor, June turning her head so that she could see what it was. JJs white t-shirt was right where it had been discarded the night before, June's eyebrows twitching together as she realized there was no way this was a coincidence. June picked the shirt up off of the floor, carefully pulling it on and feeling a sense of pride being in JJs clothes. She pinched the fabric, pulling some of it up to her nose and wondering if she would get a glimpse of that ocean and weed mixture that had intoxicated her the night before.  Instead she got sweat and maybe a twinge of what she wanted making her pull her nose back , scrunched up in disgust. She considered taking the shirt off but figured that JJ would enjoy seeing her in it when she saw him later, and she wasn't going to get in the way of making him happy.

She tucked the tee into a pair of shorts, running a hand through her hair and looking into the mirror beside her dresser. Her eyes widened as she noticed the dark marks that were adorning her neck, one peeking out from the collar of the white shirt. June untucked the shirt frantically, lifting it and looking at where the trail of hickeys lead. Her face turned a bright red as she touched the spots, remembering the feeling of JJs sloppy kisses on her skin. Finally she tucked the shirt back in, a smile on her lips as she heard a tapping at her window.

Her head turned immediately, her eyes widening at the sight of John B Routledge crouched in front of her window. A gasp came from her mouth, June immediately racing over to  where he was standing. She ripped the window open, leaning against the window pane and earning a dazzling smile from the Routledge boy.

"Miss me?" He asked, his arms outstretched. June immediately jumped into them, pulling him back and though the window, the both of them tumbling to the ground as she hugged the life out of him.

"God I was so worried about you." She whispered as John B let out a laugh, his arms wrapping around June's waist.

"As much as I'd love to continue being crushed, we've got some people waiting outside." John B whispered into her hair, June's head peeking up from where she was attached to his chest. She got off of him, giving him a hand up and a shocked look as she tried to figure out if this was real or if it was a dream.

"How the hell did you get out?" She said, a grin finally taking over her lips as she pushed his shoulder back.

"They dropped the charges." He told her, June's smile dropping as he said it. She gulped as she remembered that she would have to explain that Rafe had recanted his statement.  She pushed those thoughts aside, pulling him into another hug .

"I'm so glad you're okay." She whispered, John B pulling her back by her arms.

"Me too but we gotta go. I have been instructed by..." John B let out a sigh, hesitating before restarting again . "...fat ass-" June immediately smiled at the nickname that she had given JJ, John B rolling his eyes as he continued to speak ."- to break you out of your home prison."

His eyes attached to the deep purple marks  that adorned her skin, his lip curling up in disgust as June started towards the window. 

"Seems like fat ass already got to you. You look like you got beat half to death. I'm not- alright up and over Juneypoo, your steed awaits."  John B lifted the girl by her legs, pushing her out of the window and onto the roof outside of it. June took a large step, her leg shaking as she stepped across the black tile of the roof. She was not very good with walking on roofs. John B closed the window behind him, watching as June used her arms to hang from the roof and drop.

She waited for him at the bottom, John B landing on his feet beside her, locking their elbows. They strolled to the front yard, June catching a glimpse of the old familiar van  and giving John B a  surprised smile. The side door swung open, JJ Maybank stepping out and  looking at his girlfriend with a brilliant grin.

"Here's your girl fat ass." John B said, unhooking his arm from June's as JJ gave him a short glare. He ran over, pulling the girl into his arms and spinning her in the air,  June letting out a squeal and a laugh.

"I take it you two are back together. That's fantastic.  Now get in the car." Pope called from inside the van,  his eyes resting on the blonde and brunette who were still hugging on the grass of the front yard. Kie poked her head out behind Pope, elbowing the boy beside her as they looked at their favorite couple, all of them glad that they were no longer mad at each other.

The front door of the March house opened at lightning speed, Mr. March immediately yelling from the porch.

"June! Get your ass back in this house now! Don't make me come down there-"

"Shit go! Go!" John B yelled, pulling JJ back by the shirt, the blonde pulling June March with him by the arm.  She let out an amused shriek,  JJ pulling her to him and picking her up. 

"Hey! Get back here!" Mr. March shouted, running down the porch as the blonde threw the brunette into the car.  John B gave the distressed man a salute, running around the side of the van at lightning speed, his  mouth opening to shout something.

"Sorry for kidnapping your daughter!" John B yelled, the van pulling away just as Mr. March reached it. They all laughed, momentarily forgetting all of their troubles and  enjoying another successful heist. June  March smiled at the blonde whose arms were wrapped securely around her, his smile shining brighter the second that she looked at him. June  gave him a grin as he tried to kiss her, her hand connecting with her face as the others in the car laughed at JJs immediate frown. June sat forwards and wrapped her arms around John Bs neck from the seat behind him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Let's roll amigos!"


This chapter made me happy. I love June and John  B so much.

Let me know what you think!!

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