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June was searching frantically through the back of the truck, her eyes straining in the darkness as she tried to find something to use as a weapon to get away. She had conceived a semblance of an escape plan, the girl planning to hit Rafe or whoever when the door opened, and then run away as quickly as possible. June dropped to the floor, letting out a sigh as she put her face in her hands. It was then that she remembered something, her hand flying to her back pocket as she pulled out her phone.

She immediately unlocked it, going straight to JJs contact and pressing the call button. It rang a few times, the girl stomping her foot on the floor as the phone got to the last ring. Finally it clicked on the other side, June letting out a relieved sigh.

"Hel-" The line cut off, June's entire body filling with dread as she pulled the phone down from her ear. The phone had died.

"No! No! This has got to be a fucking joke!" June cried, hitting the phone against her hand as she tried to get it to turn back on. She gasped in disbelief wondering how this situation could possibly get any worse. She was in for a rude awakening.

She dropped the phone on the floor beside her, running two hands through her hair and feeling as if tears were the only thing she could muster. June lifted her hand to her chest dramatically sucking in a deep breath and then letting out a long overdue sob. The girl buried her head into her knees, tears falling down her face as she thought of how truly fucked she was.

Rafe was going to do God knows what, kill her, kidnap her, torture her, or worse...make her forgive him, and all of those choices sounded terrible to the brunette. June thought of how much Zach must hate her now, how much his blood must boil when he thinks of her. She thought of her newly uncovered information, the way that Kiara looked at JJ, the way she clearly felt and how she had possibly missed it until now.

June remembered the way that JJ had looked at Kie when he was giving his speech, the way that jealousy had unleashed its devilish claws and sunk them into June March,  making her feel an unnatural way towards the Carrera girl and towards  the Maybank boy. June wondered if she had come in at the wrong time, if she had ruined the perfect picture that  would have been JJ and Kiara and if she was the one who had stolen JJ away from the girl who so clearly felt something for him.

Insecurity was not really June's thing when it came to relationships, but Kiara Carrera was huge challenging prospect, and she had more history with JJ than June ever had. Not only that but June had been nothing but a fuck up lately, making Kie the clearly better choice.

"Fuck." June groaned, wiping her eyes as she tried to think of something else. Anything else. Jealousy was the last thing she needed to feel right now, and especially when it was directed towards Kie, her friend. Someone who had never confirmed but also had never denied the claim that she had feelings for JJ.

June crawled towards the front of the truck, where bed met cab, the girl beating on the metal. She pressed her head against the metal, not wanting to torture herself with thoughts anymore and instead try and talk her way out of this.

"Rafe! Rafe please talk to me!" June yelled against the wall, feeling the urge to puke as the truck took a turn.  "Rafe! I'm sorry!"

The Cameron boy tried to tune out the cries of the girl he loved, the one who was locked in the back of the truck he was driving. His nose twitched up as he swiped at it, Renfield shifting uncomfortably in his seat as he looked over at Rafe.

"What are you gonna do with her?" Renfield asked, his eyebrows raising in curiosity as Rafe intercepted his question. They both seemed to be ignoring the beating on the wall and the pleading from the back of the truck, Rafe sniffling. The Cameron boy ran his tongue over his top row of teeth, tilting his head to the side as he ran his hand over his face.

"I don't- that's not really a question right now. I don't know. Shes-shes gonna thank me for this. She'll be okay with it after I just talk to her- I just need to talk to her." Rafe said, Renfield watching as he gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.  Something told the man that that wasn't true, but he just dropped it, turning his head to look out the window.

"Rafe I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! Please let me out! I didn't mean it! I don't hate you!" June pleaded, beating against the back of the truck.  She had an overwhelming feeling that something bad was just bound to happen, the girl not wanting to get to wherever their destination was.  The tears fell down her cheeks as she beat on the wall, feeling a bit hopeless as she yelled again.

"Rafe I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! P-please! Let me out okay? Please let me out! Lets talk about this!" June yelled, the girls hand starting to hurt from how much she had been hitting the metal. She pressed her forehead against it, her eyes closing as she uttered another word. "Please Rafe. I'm sorry."

Silence followed, June realizing that there was no point in  pleading anymore, he wasn't going to let her out. Rafe gripped the steering wheel, his teeth gritting as he thought over her words. He was not a very logical person, although he liked to think he was, but he was having trouble approaching the situation with logic when all she did was cloud his mind.

He could feel the regret getting to him as he tried to think of what exactly he would do with her, there was no plan.  Rafe ran a hand through his hair, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked out the window. He dropped a shaky hand to his lap, wiping his palm on the material of his pants before clearing his throat.

Having her under his control was something so ridiculously appealing, he controlled what happened next.  Rafe thought back to the explosive night that the two of them had on June's 16th birthday. How his control had slipped away when she ended their relationship. He hadn't had anything like her since, she had haunted him every night, had infiltrated his dreams and wrapped her bewitching hand around his heart, caging it so that it couldn't feel for anyone else like it did for her.

"Rafe please! Let's just talk about this!" He wanted to press the breaks, to let her out and talk to her, but the need for control was too strong. He couldn't let her go, and now he physically couldn't let her go. This was what he had wanted all along, she was all he had wanted. And finally he had her. And now he had no intentions of giving her up.

Rafe turned the radio up, tuning the girls cried out as he clenched his jaw. June sat down against the wall, letting out a huff as she looked into the darkness.

"God JJ please...please find me."


JJs reaction is next. I'm sorry but I really like writing psycho rafe.  Especially when i get to write about how much he "loves"June.  Also thoughts on June feeling jealous??

Let me know what you think!!

Next chapter coming in a  little bit.

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