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The group of teens inside the metal crate were very close to arguing, all of them starting to feel a bit hot and claustrophobic. Their arguments were  immediately forgotten when they heard the lock being lifted, all of them sharing wide eyed glances. The metal crates door began to open, all of them immediately scrambling to hide or get a weapon. John B remained standing,  grabbing a slab of wood from a pile and holding it over his shoulder like a baseball bat. He scrambled across the crate, going towards the middle so that he could get the person before they made it to the rest of the Pogues.

The door slowly creaked open, the sound of footsteps filling the still air as the Pogues all shared a look. A flashlight shown against the wall, someone stepping further into the crate. Their steps were wary and slow, they were unsure.

John B gripped the piece of wood as he felt the flashlight shine on him, his arms immediately sprinting into action as a gasp sounded.

"Wait wait! John B it's me!" June March whisper yelled, her hands flying up to show him that it was her. He stopped his swing, the wood clattering to the floor as he realized who it was, his eyes wide as he looked at her in disbelief.

"You almost killed me J-" June was cut off by John B pulling her into a hug, the girl instantly returning it as he breathed her in. Her pulled back, an excited smile on his lips as he checked over her.

"God I was so worried about you! Are you- is everything okay?" John B asked, his hand turning her so that he could check her from injuries. She gripped his wrists, pushing his hands off and letting out a relieved laugh.

"I'm fine. I'm fi-"

"Hey you! Hey June March!" June was cut off by the shocked voice of JJ Maybank, the boy running as quickly as he could to grab her. She met him in the middle, JJs hands flying to her face as he checked over her like John B had. His eyes were wide and panicked, the boy not quite knowing how to react as he held her in his arms.  He felt angry, angry at her for leaving him again. When he discovered that she was completely fine he  pulled  her into his arms, breathing out a sigh as he spoke. "Don't you ever—ever leave me again! Do you hear me?!" He tightened his arms around her, June being pulled flush against him as he buried his head into her neck. She felt tears in her eyes as she held his head, the apologies instantly flying from her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry JJ." She cried, tears of happiness running down her face as she held the back of his neck. He pulled back, shaking his head at her as his own tears brimmed his eyes, June noticing how anxious and scared he looked.

"You can't-you can't do that anymore okay?! You can't disappear like that on me ever again. We're too far into this thing for me to lose you again!" The Pogues watched as JJ pleaded with June, tears coming to their eyes as they realized how pure their love was. June was holding his face in her hands, nodding at his words as his voice broke.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I swear I won't, I won't." June cried, a relieved gasp leaving her lips as she felt the hope return to her body. Maybe she wasn't doomed to the awful fate that she thought she was. JJ pressed his forehead against hers, closing his eyes as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"We got stuff to do June. You can't keep leaving me when we have stuff to do!" JJ said, his hands on her hips as June nodded against his forehead.

"I know. I know."

"I want to- I want to take you stargazing, or go on a real date to a restaurant and eat lobster. And I wanna marry you and have kids and grow old and shit and I can't do that if you die. I can't do that if you leave me so don't you do that shit to me again June. Ever!" JJ said, pouring his heart out for everyone to see. June could feel her heart swelling with love for the boy in front of her, whose intentions were beyond amazing. She smiled as she wiped the tears from his cheeks, utterly and completely relieved to be back with him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." June said. JJ shook his head, words unable to form on his tongue anymore as he pulled her to him again. This time he pressed a kiss to her lips, both of them feeling the largest rush of emotions they had ever felt between them before. Pure love, a connection between two souls that were finally together again. June felt all the butterflies, all the fireworks, all the uncertainty melt away as they kissed, JJ feeling his heartbeat quicken, the beat only beating for her.

John B and Tyler both looked away, Tyler not wanting to watch the girl he had a crush on kiss her boyfriend. John B bit his lip as he smiled, unsure of how to feel that June was getting to reunite with JJ , but Sarah was still gone. Pope had a relieved smile on his face as he looked at his best friend getting everything he ever wanted, to be loved as much as he loved. Kie felt a twinge of happiness course through her, at least they were happy.

When JJ pulled back he pressed one more kiss to her temple, June smiling as she realized how dead quiet it was in the crate. JJ stepped away, trying to calm himself as June made her way to Pope.

"I'm so sorry Pope." She said, the boy instantly pulling her into a hug of his own. He was relieved that she was okay, the uncertainty had been killing all of them. He shushed her, burying his head into her hair as he closed his eyes.

"I'm just glad you're okay." Pope said, pulling back and giving her a nod. June gave him a watery smile, the girl turning her attention to Kie. The Carrera girl was quick to jump into June's arms, hugging her as tightly as possible as she let out a breath of relief.

"You scared us." Kie said, pulling back and letting out a laugh. June shook her head, sucking in a breath as she held Kie at arms length. She turned to look around the crate, her eyes falling on every single one of them as a smile lifted onto her face. JJs eyes fell on Tyler, the vaguely familiar boy making him narrow his eyes. One of Limbreys lackeys, one of the Captain in the Bahamas  crew members, and the boy who John B said was always a little too handsy with June.

"How'd you guys get in this crate?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows as they all shared a look.

"I blew up a gas tank." Pope said nonchalantly, June scrunching her nose up at his words. June finally let go of Kie, nodding her head as she went to stand beside John B and JJ.

"Right. So what's the plan?"


I absolutely loved writing this. Tell me what you think is gonna happen 😀😀

Also how are you feeling about them all being reunited??

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