Chapter 12: Proof of a Kind Soul

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"SCP-682 has escaped containment. I repeat, SCP-682 has escaped containment. Evacuate the facility immediately."

John gulped. 682? The Hard-To-Destroy Reptile? Him?

John shuddered as one of the countless attempts to destroy 682 came to mind. Specifically, the one where he himself had been sicced on it.

It had gone as usual. 682 had been shown an image of his face, making him attack the reptile. He'd managed to destroy a large portion of 682's body, but he had sensed something horribly, utterly wrong about the creature. Like it shouldn't exist. Which was saying something considering the things he'd seen before. He'd had a fear of 682 ever since.

John shrank into the corner of his cell, praying that 682 wouldn't notice him and that it would be stopped soon.

Dr. Collingwood gulped. Oh God, no, please no-

"Are you kidding me? Again?" Lawrence shook his head. Agent Green swore.

She didn't wait to hear what else they were going to say and ran as fast as she could.

Fear ran down John's spine when he felt 682 going after Dr. Collingwood. Without thinking he crashed out of his cell and sprinted down the hallways, following the lead of the sixth sense that told him their location.

He paused right outside of the room both were in, fear still keeping him from just charging in headfirst. His fear-addled lizard brain shouted "What are you doing?! Get out of here!" while his heart and conscience shouted "No! You can't let 682 hurt people!"

John shook his head, clearing his mind, and smashed into the room. 

Dr. Collingwood stepped backwards, away from 682, until she felt her back hit a wall. Her eyes darted to the door out, then to 682. There was no way she was going to be able to ran past and make it to the door in time.

The door suddenly exploded and a white blur tackled 682, pinning it to the ground. It was a tall, frighteningly thin humanoid creature with pale skin.


"Just get out of here!"

She nodded and ran for the door.


"Dr. Buck!"

Dr. Collingwood had finally managed to catch up with the other researcher. 682 had finally been contained, but John was nowhere to be found.

"Where's John?"

"He should be in his cell. Why do you ask?"

"He wasn't in his cell. When 682 trapped me... John... he saved me."

John burst out of the facility. "Dr. Collingwood? Dr. Collingwood!"

His eyes scanned the sea of black armor and white coats. Even with his sixth sense, the worried frenzy he was in made it hard to focus.


He bolted towards her and scooped her up in his arms, burying her face in his shoulder.

"There you are!"

Dr. Collingwood whirled around and was caught in a crushing bear hug. Her feet left the ground. 

"Thank God you're alright," John whispered, tears in his voice. "I thought you were about to die."

"JohnIcan'tbreathe," she wheezed.

John quickly let go of and set her back down. "S-Sorry. D-Did I hurt you?"

"N-No," she panted. "It's fine. Just be a little more gentle, okay?"

"John! I missed you so much, buddy!" Billy grabbed John in a hug, lifting him off the ground as well.

"Billy! What the- Oh, forget it." John pushed on Billy's face. Dr. Collingwood let out a breathless laugh.

 Billy let go of him. "Whatever ya say, Johnny Apple-"

John quickly clapped a hand over Billy's mouth. "Don't you dare say it."

Carson snickered. "Lemme guess, Johnny Appleseed?"

Billy grinned. "Look, when your name is John and you spend an entire day running around with a cooking pot on your head-"

"Billy, shut up!"

"Alright, fine. Take a chill pill, man."

Dr. Collingwood bit back a grin. "John, did you really spend a whole day running around with a pot on your head?"

John's face was now firetruck red. "No! Billy's lying!"

"Judging by the look on your face, he's probably not."

"Oh, get over here, you little rascal." John grabbed her in a headlock and raised a fist, the red suddenly gone from his face and wearing a wide grin. "Noogie!"

"John! No! I don't like noogies!"

Billy and Carson roared with laughter as John playfully ground his knuckles into the top of her head.

"Dammit, John! Stop!"

"Alright, fine. I release you from my torture." John let go of her, still with that big stupid grin on his face.

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