Chapter 33: A Letter

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"Hey, Molly?"

Dr. Collingwood turned to see Billy slowly walking up to her. He seemed serious, not his usual cheery self.

"Charlie asked me to write this and give it to you." He handed her a piece of paper that had folded into thirds. "He said that he would've written and delivered it himself, just that, you know, he's blind and stuck in a concrete cell."

She slowly unfolded the paper.

Dear Molly Collingwood,

I am deeply sorry for my father's shameful treatment of you. Even knowing his character, I would have never thought he would sink to this. My brothers are equally disgusted by this act. I cannot imagine the pain that this has caused you. However, I hope it will be of some comfort to you that most of my pack does not support my father in any way, and ever since we revealed ourselves to be against him, some have actually become quite vocal in their displeasure, namely several youths and a few elders. I also wish to warn you that there is a rift growing between my father and his followers, and the rest of us. I will try my best to keep my pack together, but, as they say, a house divided against itself cannot stand. Know well that my brothers and I will do everything in our power to protect you, but please, stay away from our containment chamber. If you have no other option than to go there, then tread lightly and carefully, and do not speak. I will try to find some way to put this in your hands tomorrow morning.

Sincerely yours, Charlemagne.

"Charlie was pretty upset when he learned that his dad had, you know," Billy drew his thumb claw across his throat, making a "Kccch!" sound, "-your mom. He was apologizing to everyone - literally everyone - when he found out. I wrote it because John's handwriting is pretty much unreadable and I hid it in my room."

"Why does Bloodfang hate me so much?"

Billy shrugged. "I got no idea."

Lawrence walked in and spotted the letter in her hands. He pointed at it. "What's that?"

She handed the letter to him. He scoffed when he finished reading it.

"Bloodfang's the one who owes you an apology, not Charlie."

She shook her head. "That'll happen when SCP-682 becomes a cuddly teddy bear. Bloodfang called me a scar-faced born-out-of-wedlock daughter of the Scarlet King, so we can just forget about that."

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