Chapter 23: Disgraceful Mongrel

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Charlie dug his claws into the floor with a growl. Now that his father knew that he opposed him, the results were not pretty.

"Explain yourself, you disgraceful mongrel!" His father stopped circling him and snapped his teeth together.

"What exactly did Collingwood do?" he shot back.

"You know! And do not speak that accursed name!" roared his father.

"It wasn't their fault!"

"Shut up!"

His father dragged his claws across Charlie's face, slicing open an old scar over where his left eye would have been. Charlie backhanded him in response.

"You are a failure and disgrace upon our family," Charlie began. "You had the audacity to ask for the birthright that rightfully belonged to my uncle. Luckily, due to both his numerous ailments and his kindness, it had already been decided that it would be given to you. Then, upon seeing that I was a runt, you dump me on my uncle who already was dealing with both the loss of his wife and having to raise his son, on top of  his failing health. Oh, but that's not all! You also tried to indoctrinate Cornelius into accepting your racist beliefs and neglected to even try to take care of your own sons! And now you bring disgrace on Gallant's memory by being an intolerant, racist, xenophobic idiot while at the same time claiming that it is in the name of so-called 'justice'. Justice my a**! This is not justice, this is attempted murder! I am ashamed to have such a pathetic Execratus as my father!"

Bloodfang ground his teeth and clawed at the floor. Charlie knew that he wouldn't try to fight him. Despite his father's skill and ferocity, he was growing old and it wasn't worth the trouble anyways. Exiling him would be pointless, trapped as they were, and would only make him even more hated by the pack. There was nothing he could do.

Charlie turned his back on his poor excuse of a father and walked to the corner of his cell to lie down. A few minutes later he could hear light footsteps cautiously making their way towards him. He'd heard them before and sat up.

"Hello, Sharpclaw."

"Hi Charlie." Sharpclaw sat down in front of him. He was a youth and had only recently undergone the transformation from human child to young Execratus, shedding his old skin and head and growing new ones.

"Why'd you come?"

"I... I wanted to ask you some questions."

"Alright. Ask away."

Sharpclaw seemed to hesitate for a second. "Why is Bloodfang mad at you? You didn't do anything wrong."

Charlie sighed. "I don't understand either. Bloodfang has always had... a few screws loose..."

"More like all the screws loose."

"Right, right."

"Also, why does he want to kill the," the youth dropped his voice, "the Collingwood lady? She seems like a nice person. I've asked my parents, but they always dodge the question."

He chuckled. "She is a nice lady, but Bloodfang, along with a few others, don't believe that. Nor do they care. I'm guessing that the reason your parents dodge the question is to avoid attracting attention to themselves."

Charlie could almost hear Sharpclaw's frown as he spoke. "But I still don't get it. Some of the other pack members harp on and on and on to the point where you'd think that she was the Scarlet King's daughter. I know it's not true, but why do they all say that? It makes no sense."

Charlie shook his head. "There might be a cure for cancer, but there's no cure for willful ignorance."

Sharpclaw was quiet for a moment.

"Charlie," he said, a bit of hope in his voice, "c-can I do anything to help you in some way?"

"I'm afraid not physically. I don't want to put you in danger. But the fact that you care gives me hope, and considering where we are, that means the world to me."

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