Chapter 21: Clawed

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Another 939 instance picked up her fallen glasses and crushed them in its paw.

"Won't be needing these anymore," it cackled. It came closer, then suddenly lashed out with its claws and ripped her left ear off.

The grin of the one pinning her down somehow grew even wider as she cried out. "Pity that your father isn't here to see you die."

One of the doors slid open and Lawrence came charging in, raising a gun and pointing it at the one on top of her. "Let her go, unless you want a bullet to the head!"

It laid its claws over her neck. "A small metal pellet will not kill me, stupid ape. Attack and I will slit her throat. Leave, and you will be spared."

Lawrence gritted his teeth. "I'm. Not. Leaving. Without. Her."

"Hmph. Very well then. Grab him."

A group of 939s swarmed Lawrence, slamming him to the ground and digging though his pockets, ripping any weapons he had to shrapnel.

"So this is the fool so madly in love with you," said the one still pinning her down. He seemed to be the leader. "Not only a demon, but a seductress as well? My, my, my."

Dr. Collingwood snarled back at him. "Never. Insult. Lawrence. In front. Of ME!"

She raised a fist and slammed it into her attacker's jaw with all her strength. He recoiled, seemingly surprised, although his grip on her didn't loosen one bit. Once he recovered from the shock of her sudden outburst his face twisted into a snarl.

"Your blood is filled with the corruption of demons," he growled, "yet you seem to have no such marks on you." His paws passed over her face. "I shall... change that."

A flash of red filled her vision and something raked across her left eye, tearing through her skin.

A door flew off its hinges and a large, red blur slammed into the 939 pinning her down. It was yet another 939, with the same hulking, muscular build but a more normal-looking head. It stood in front of her, growling, the spines on its back standing straight up. A second and a third 939 joined and flanked it.

"Leave. Molly. Alone," the largest one snarled.

"Sons? What are you doing?" The one that had just clawed her in the face seemed to stare (as much as an eyeless creature can stare) at the three 939s in shock.

"Standing up for the weak and the helpless, Bloodfang," the smallest said, snapping its jaws together.

"Traitors!" The 939 that ripped her ear off lunged at the smallest. The biggest one batted it out of the air. John stepped out of the ruined doorway, Billy right behind him. The former unhinged his jaw and screamed.

"I swear to all that is good and holy, if any of you beasts ever try to lay your filthy claws on any of my friends again, there won't be enough of you left to bury!"

Billy didn't say a word, but she caught a glimpse of his head twitching. His irises had changed from their usual bright blue to deep red.

The leader growled something under his breath and howled. More 939s poured into the room. One of the friendly 939s grabbed her arm and dragged her out the door.

"We need to leave now!"

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