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"Let's just do it and get it over with," Yoongi said, exhausted from the hours of arguing that had been going on.

"No, that law is bullshit, and everyone knows it." The sound of Namjoon's fist hitting the table caused everyone in the room to jump, "It wasn't bad enough that you've kept us hidden away, now you expect us to go live like commoners?"

"I wouldn't say you'd be living as one son," Namjoon's father, King of Yia, said from his throne, "As the law states, you and the rest of the men will have everything provided for you. All you have to do is find someone to be your wife and don't let anyone know who you are."

Centuries ago a law had been put in place, due to a decline in female heirs being born and leaving many future kings without a queen. If a prince was not married by the age of twenty-five, he must leave the palace to find his wife to rule by his side. Of course, many were against the law, saying that they shouldn't taint the royal bloodline. But many were for it, excited for someone who knew what it was like to live outside the castle walls.

"What will you do to ensure our safety?" Seokjin, the eldest of the guards, asked, "Even though few outside the palace walls know what we look like, there are still those who do and would gladly take us down."

"As stated in the law, we have placed men throughout the towns if you need help to protect the Prince," Yoongi's father, the head of the royal guards, said as he watched the seven men at the table.

"Which of the seven towns are we visiting first?" Taehyung asked, as he stretched. He knew that it would be at least a full day of traveling no matter which town they chose.

"You'll be starting in Hwen," Seokjin's father, a council member, said as he motioned for two men to place a map in front of each of the men at the table, "It's the farthest away. You'll be staying in each town for two months. But please, Your Highness, be picky about who you choose and don't settle on the first beautiful face you see."

"How shallow do you think he is?" Jungkook looked at Seokjin's dad, "He knows better than to just go for looks." The other six men mumbled in agreement.

"We just want to make sure he finds the right person," the council member replied.

"I think this whole thing is ridiculous, to be honest," Jimin said, "I don't understand why we can't just bring all the single women here."

"Because they aren't like us, Jimin." Hoseok rolled his eyes, "They weren't raised with the wealth and privileges we have."

"Exactly, they are not like us. That's why we shouldn't be doing this. They don't know what it's like in our world." Namjoon rubbed his temples.

"They might not be royalty, but they know what it's like for the people who live outside the palace walls. They know the struggles and how to work hard. Remember, I was once a commoner, too." The voice of Namjoon's mother had everyone turn their heads towards the door.

"I didn't mean anything negative by it, Your Highness," Namjoon said as he and the rest of the men stood up and bowed to the Queen.

"I know you didn't, Namjoon. But each of you need to remember that she will have the same concerns as you. She might even be scared because she will be leaving the only life she knows." That was something the seven men didn't realize. Even if he did find someone, would there be a chance that they would turn him down? Would they be able to handle the pressure? All seven men knew one thing for sure. When the time came, they would do everything in their power to aid their future queen.

"The horses are ready, Your Majesty." Everyone turned towards the man in the entryway.

"Very well." Namjoon's father said. "The seven of you should head out before it gets too late. It's a two-day trip to Hwen. Make sure that you remove anything that could connect you to the palace before you go. That includes your weapons."

"The men will protect you." Yoongi's father, the head of the royal guards, said before any of them could speak.

"There's a weapon shop in Hwen," Namjoon's mother whispered and handed him a piece of paper. "They are trustworthy people, so you can get what you need there." Namjoon looked at his mother, confused.

"Why do we secretly have to get weapons?" Jungkook asked as they made their way to the horses.

"Because we can't trust anyone, and the fewer people who know we can defend ourselves, the better," Yoongi replied as they rode out of the palace gates, "We don't want to be weaponless if anyone tries to come after us."

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now