Chapter 20

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"Are you sure we shouldn't wake her?"

"We'll let her sleep a little longer," BaekJee said, handing Jimin his food, "This is the longest she slept since you showed up."

The two men looked over to Yeona who was now curled up on the floor next to Jimin. When He woke up a few hours ago, she was slouched against the wall beside him. BaekJee had moved her to the floor and given her bedding when he came in to check on them.

"She must have been worried," Jimin whispered solemnly.

"She was and still is. She refused to sleep until you were better or her body gave out."

"I was hoping that I would make it here before mine gave out."

"I'm surprised you made it here at all," BaekJee said sitting beside Jimin, "You said you'd been walking for days with little rest."

"I promised the guys that I'd get help even if it killed me."

"That reminds me. When I went to get the doctor earlier I swung by the shop and let Uncle Dae know that you were awake. He said he'd stop by after work." Once he had gotten Yeona situated on the floor he ran to get the doctor and the two of them helped Jimin to another room where the doctor examined him and they were able to clean him up.

"Has it gotten better?" Jimin asked, looking at the sore across his right rib, "It still looks pretty bad."

"It's not as red and irritated as it was. But as the doctor said, you're going to have a nice scar."

The two men froze and gave each other a glance when they heard Yeona mumble and roll over to face the other way.

"I think we should stop talking," Jimin whispered.

"Nah," BaekJee said, returning his attention to wrapping the bandage around Jimin, "She wouldn't take the risk of hurting you."

"I just didn't want to wake her. What are you talking about?" Jimin looked at him with wide eyes.

"I see you've never woken her up before?" BaekJee chuckled, "Let's just say if done the wrong way she can be a bit angry and sometimes even-" His words were cut off when Yeona's pillow hit his head. "Violent."

Yeona's eyes sprung open at the sound of Jimin's laughter filling the room, "Jimin?"

"Good afternoon Noona," he greeted from behind his hand that was hiding his mouth as he laughed.

"You're awake?" Yeona placed her hands on his cheeks as she looked him over.

"Yeo, let go of the poor man. You're smashing his face." BaekJee shook his head.

"Noona, I'm fine. Just a little sore now from laughing." Jimin removed her hands from his face.

"I should go get the doctor." Yeona was about to stand up when BaekJee grabbed her wrist.

"The doctor has already been here. And, before you say it, he's got food right there." He pointed to Jimin's lap. "The doctor and I helped him get cleaned up and I just finished putting a clean bandage on him right before you threw your pillow at me."

"Why didn't you wake me?" This time when she picked up her pillow to hit him, BaekJee was ready and caught it.

"You were sleeping so well I didn't want to wake you. When did you start talking in your sleep?"

"I don't talk in my sleep," she huffed.

"Yes you do," Jimin took another bite of food as he enjoyed their bickering, "You said Namjoon's name a few times. I need to remember to tell him that when I see him again."

"I guess that means he's still alive?" The three of them looked at the doorway where KangDae now stood with his arms crossed.

"Yes sir," He answered, "They all were the last time I saw them." Yeona grabbed a hold of Jimin's hand when she saw the sadness in them.

The four of them sat around the room as Jimin told them what happened.

"We were being followed in Jinzou. At least two men on each of us at all times. They were from the same group that chased Yeona and Namjoon. We found where their camp was outside of town and planned to confront them. But before we could, they attacked us when we were coming back from one of Namjoon's nightly walks. They were prepared this time for us to fight. There were at least twenty of them that cornered us." KangDae knew that Jimin was choosing his words carefully so that he didn't accidentally give away too much info with Yeona in the room.

"They took us back to their camp in the woods. Separated us and tied us to large stakes. We were there for a week. The men that were in charge of me didn't check my ropes well enough and I was able to slip out of them. Once I had gotten my bearings I went for Namjoon because I knew he was the closest. But as I was untying him, his guards came out of their tent and caught me. As I was trying to run away one of them got me with his sword."

"You didn't see any of the other men?" BaekJee asked Jimin.

"The last time I saw anyone else other than Namjoon was when they brought us in." Jimin took a deep breath.

"Then how do you know they are alive?"

"As I said, they were the last time I saw them. But I do know that those men don't plan on killing them. At least not yet."

"I'll let my Dad know that we are going to need some men," BaekJee said standing up.

"Are you going to rescue them?" Yeona asked, looking at him.

"If they are alive then yes. If they aren't then we'll teach the other men a lesson." BaekJee gave everyone a small bow before leaving.

"You're not going," KangDae said to Yeona.

"What?" She glared at her Uncle.

"It's too dangerous. And you're not going."

"I will be going and that is not your decision to make," Yeona said, stood up, and brushed her skirt. "I'm going to go get cleaned up and eat something."

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now