Chapter 36

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"This is so boring," Yeona said out loud to herself. She was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling while she waited for Si-Woo to return with her lunch.

She wished that Si-Woo would hurry or one of the guys would sneak back through the window like they did yesterday. Sitting around her room not being able to go outside without an escort was boring. She wanted to explore, she wanted fresh air, other than her window. Last night after the guys and her Uncle left she finally had enough and did some cross stitching just so she'd have something to do.

Yeona sighed and turned her head to look at her open window. It was a beautiful day out. The sun was shining brightly on the slowly melting snow. "It wouldn't hurt if I looked around a bit. I won't go very far and I'll keep my head down."

With her mind made up she got up off the floor and headed toward the changing area. Yeona removed her cape from the hook. The one that the Queen had given her was too noticeable, so she chose her own to blend in better.

Yeona's hand was on the door handle when she froze at the sound of voices in the hall. As slowly and as quietly as possible she opened the door and peeked out. When she noticed that none of the women were Si-Woo she shut her door again and looked at her window.

"Well this will be fun." She smiled and walked over to make her escape.

She let out a grunt once her feet landed on the ground below. A quick look at the front of the building let her know that she would be good leaving that way. The little courtyard was empty for now and if she was quick she'd be able to get away unnoticed.

Yeona took a deep breath and pulled her hood over her head before exiting the side of the building. She wanted to go to the garden. She wanted to see if it was as beautiful covered in snow as she had imagined. So she headed in the direction that she and the Queen had come from on her first night.

BeakJee and Si-Woo warned her that the castle grounds were huge and anyone who wasn't familiar with it would easily get lost. She hadn't believed them until she was standing in the middle of one of the pathways trying to figure out which way to go next.

"This is why you aren't allowed out without an escort," she said to herself.

The sound of voices off in the distance grabbed her attention and curiosity. Giving up on her search for the garden, she turned and made her way toward them. What she found was a group of men walking into the closed courtyard next to the training grounds. Some of the men she recognized from the camp and some she didn't. Keeping her head down she chose to walk along the side wall to see if she could see anything.

After finding an empty crate nearby she placed it on the ground to help her see over the wall. On the other side she could see more men standing around talking. There was a building, it wasn't too big. She guessed it was a temporary place for prisoners by the look of it. Standing next to the building she could see the King surrounded by guards and talking with one of them. "It looks like they are waiting on someone."

"What are you doing?" The sudden voice in her ear made her squeal and lose her balance. Before she knew it she was being held in someone's arms. "It's good to know you're still easily startled." Namjoon chuckled.

Yeona stood up and gave him a bow. "It's good to know you still like to sneak up on people, Your Highness." His body tensing up again made her bite the inside of her cheek to hold back her smile.

Namjoon straightened his back and cleared his throat, "You didn't answer my question. What are you doing?"

"I was walking around and heard a group of people so I thought I'd see what was going on," she confessed.

"You're pretty far away from the building you're staying in. Where's your escort?" Namjoon asked, looking around.

"I don't have one," Yeona mumbled.

"You what? Yeona, the castle grounds are not a safe place for you to blindly wander around," he sighed.

"I know that now. I was originally looking for the gardens."

"You're bored, aren't you?"

"What?" She asked, finally looking at him.

"I'm so sorry Yeona. I should have realized that you wouldn't enjoy being stuck inside all day, especially with nothing to do." Namjoon turned and looked at his guards. Yeona didn't even realize they were there. "Seokjin, Hoseok. Could you please escort Yeona back to her room?" Both men nodded and moved closer to them. "Jimin, I know you don't really want to be here, so could you please go into my supply room and get Yeona some drawing material?"

"You don't have to do that," Yeona said with wide eyes.

"Drawing is something you enjoy and I want nothing more than to make you happy." Yeona's heart skipped when Namjoon gave her a shy smile. She didn't realize just how much she missed his smile and dimples until just now.

"We should go before it starts." Yeona blinked, breaking her eye contact with Namjoon at the sound of Seokjin's voice.

"Yes you should." Namjoon nodded, "Yeona, please no more wandering around by yourself."

"You have my promise, your Highness," she said with a bow.

"Good. I'll come see you tomorrow." He gave her another smile before leaving.

"Guys," Yeona said as the three of them made their way away from the crowd. "What was that place?"

"It's the execution grounds," Hoseok answered bluntly.

"Who's being executed?"

"The men you saved us from."

"Oh." Yeona's eyes widened and she walked faster. She definitely didn't want to see that.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now