Chapter 35

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 "Sorry for being so late." Namjoon said when he entered the room, "I was in the middle of eating breakfast when I was informed of the meeting."

"You are not late, son. Councilman Sung-Ho was just getting ready to explain why he called this meeting." The King smiled at his son as he sat next to him on the small podium.

"Please proceed," Namjoon gestured to the wide eyed man.

"Forgive me your Highness. I didn't know you were going to be here." Sung-Ho said.

"I was informed that it had something to do with the women. They are my guests and aren't able to join, so I am here to speak on their behalf."

"Alright," the man straightened his back. "The council members had a meeting last night. We have come to the agreement that the women will be staying in the castle the rest of the week."

"So you wish to keep them as prisoners?" Namjoon asked.

"Not at all, your Highness. We will simply tell them that the roads are still bad and that it would be safer for them to stay until then."

"Why lie to them? Why not simply ask them to stay?" Namjoon already knew the answer. Seokjin's father had told him of the plan that morning. At his request, Seokjin rushed to Namjoon's room to inform him of what they were up to.

"We want you to choose a wife by the end of the week. This way you can spend equal time with them and none of them will receive special treatment."

"None of them have received special treatment. I've spent an equal amount of time with all of them, just like I was asked to."

"Tell us, your Highness, did you meet with all the women late last night or just the woman from Hwen?" The meeting room filled with the sounds of whispers.

"Excuse me?" Namjoon asked.

"Multiple people saw you sneaking in and out of her room last night."

"I won't lie, I did go to her room after dinner. None of us had a chance to thank her for saving our lives, so we took the opportunity to do so. I did not sneak. I walked in and out the front door knowing people could see me. My men and her Maiden were with us the entire time."

The entire room fell silent at the Prince's confession.

The King clapped his hands together and said "Well. That takes care of that. Now are we in agreement that the women will be staying?"

"I will agree with the plan, but here are my stipulations." Namjoon waved his men over to give the council members and the King a list of his demands.

"What is this? We can't possibly agree to these," Sung-Ho said, looking at the paper.

"The council is in charge of the laws and what goes on in this kingdom, correct?"

"Yes we are, your Highness. But.."

"Either do as I ask or send the women home," Namjoon said standing up. "You have one hour to decide."

"I guess I'll go eat my breakfast now." The King stood and placed his hand on Namjoon's shoulder, "We'll reconvene the meeting in an hour. Let's go, son."

The room filled with laughter as Yeona, her Uncle and Si-Woo sat around the small table eating lunch.

"So how did your breakfast with the Queen go?" KangDae asked as he refilled their cups.

"It went well," Yeona answered. "I really like her. She made us feel very comfortable and she treated us as her equal."

"It's amazing that, even though she's the queen, she is still the same Seondeok that I knew growing up." KangDae smiled, "Did you ladies talk about anything fun?"

"The Queen asked them if they would marry the Prince," Si-Woo said, not looking up from her food.

"Did she now?" KangDae asked in amusement. "And how did that go?" When Yeona refused to look at him he turned to talk to Si-Woo.

"Three of the women said they didn't want to take on the responsibility of being the future queen."

"And what about the other two?" He glanced over to his Niece who seemed very interested in her food.


"Ah, the mean one that leaves the handmaidens crying," KangDae said, recalling some of the gossip he'd heard around the castle. They'd only been there one night and she went through about ten maidens.

"Yes." Si-Woo rolled her eyes, making him laugh, "She said that if she would be lucky enough to have the Prince ask that there was no way she'd turn him down. The role as future
queen would be difficult, but the bond they'd share would make it all worth it."

"What about you, my Niece?" KangDae tilted his head at her trying to see her eyes. "What did you tell the Queen?"

"I um.." Yeona's words were cut off by the sound of someone knocking.

"Excuse me." Si-Woo stood up and headed to the door. "Thank you. I'll give it to her right away." She said to the person on the other side.

"Who was it?" Yeona asked, looking up from the table.

"It's a message from the council."

"From the council?" KangDae asked as he and Yeona stood up. "Well what does it say?"

"They are concerned about us traveling so we are staying the whole week." Yeona said, reading over the paper.

"That's strange." KangDae took the paper from her to read. "I would understand a couple of days, but a week?"

"It's a lie."

"Eek!" Si-Woo squealed at the new voice in the room.

"What are you men doing?" KangDae let out a laugh as he helped Jungkook through the window.

"Prince Namjoon sent us." Taehyung said as he made his way through.

"He wanted us to make sure that Noona knew the council was lying."

"What do you mean lying?" Yeona watched Jimin easily slip through the window.

"The roads aren't why they want to keep you here for a week. They want Namjoon to spend time with each of you and choose his wife by the end of the week." Jimin said.

"Someone told them he was here last night and the council accused him of favoritism." Taehyung added.

"Who would have told?" KangDae asked, looking at the men.

"I bet it was Myung." Everyone turned to look at Si-Woo.

"What makes you think it was her?" Yeona asked.

"After you fell asleep last night I heard a man in her room. At first I thought it was the Prince, but I didn't see any of his men outside the door. I asked her maiden about it this morning and she said she didn't know because Myung made her go get her some tea."

"Do you think she has ties to someone on the council?" KangDae asked.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now