Chapter 1

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"Yeona! Yeona!" She didn't have to look up from her food to know that her best friend Kaira was currently pushing herself through the crowded streets of the market, waving her arms around and jumping. Just trying to get her attention.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Kaira asked out of breath as she sat down and took a drink of Yeona's water.

"You didn't get in until late, so I was letting you sleep in," Yeona said, taking back her water.

"But I've been gone for a whole month, and I have so much to tell you." She laid her head down on the table so that she could look at her friend, who was still eating her breakfast.

"You aren't going to let me eat in peace until I've let you talk, are you?" Yeona lifted her eyes.

"Nope," she said with a smile that caused her friend to roll her eyes.

"Alright, tell me about your trip to our capital, Yia." Yeona placed her chopsticks on the table and sat up straight.

"There isn't much to tell," Kaira said, satisfied that she now had her friend's attention.

"Then you can tell me later, and I can get to work." Yeona placed her money on the table and was about to get up when Kaira grabbed her arm.

"Wait, I heard something about the Prince."

She knew what Kaira was about to say. It was the same rumor that had been going around for years.

"Kaira," Yeona stopped talking when Kaira stuck her hand in front of her face.

"Who are they?" Kaira asked. Yeona looked over her shoulder to see three men walking their way.

"I have no clue, Kaira. You know as well as I do that Hwen is one of the main travel cities to the capital." Yeona watched as her friend continued to watch the men as they walked under the canopy.

"Oh, look, they have friends."

Yeona smiled and chuckled as her friend sent a flirty smile and wave to the seven men sitting at the other end of the canopy.

"Kaira, either continue what you were saying or let me get to work," Yeona said, waving her hand in front of the woman's face.

"Sorry, I got distracted," Kaira said, bringing her attention back to the table. "You probably already know some of what I was going to say."

"The usual... the Prince has been sent out to find a wife." Kaira nodded her head.

"Well, what I heard is it's not just a prince, but princes." One of Yeona's eyebrows shot up, "I'm not sure how many, but there is more than one."

"Kaira, we would have heard something before now if we had more than one prince," Yeona said in disbelief.

"You know how secretive they are with these things. Heck, one of them could have two heads for all we know." Both women's attention turned to the table of seven men at the sound of someone choking.

"He's alright. He was eating a little too fast," one of the men said as he patted the back of the one coughing.

"I need to get to work," Yeona said, grabbing her things at the sound of the hourly bell.

"I'll bring some meat over later for dinner." Kaira stood up to hug her friend. "Oh, and mom bought you some stuff, so I'll bring that, too."

Yeona was eighteen when her parents died, they were visiting family when they passed and left her an orphan. Fortunately for her, Kaira, her childhood best friend, lived next door, and she was able to move in with them. Kaira's mother always picked things up for Yeona whether it was from a trip to the Capitol or just some shopping at the market. Kaira's father helped Yeona in any way that he could, also. With his assistance, she was not only able to keep the house, but she was able to keep her father's weapon shop open. Although the men would have stayed if it was just her, having one of the wealthiest men in town backing her put all their worries at ease.

"You're late, niece." Yeona looked at the doorway to see the man she had started calling uncle at a young age. He was one of the first men who started working with her father when he opened the shop, and after her parents had died, he was also one of the first who said he'd stay.

"Sorry, Uncle, Kaira got back last night and found me while I was having breakfast at Nightingales," she said as she followed him inside.

"That girl has always loved her words," he said before heading to the work area. She followed him into the shop area to say a quick hello to the other men before starting her daily rounds.

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