Chapter 26

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"Ow!" BaekJee yelled when Yeona kicked him.

"That hurt!"

"I told you it was going to hurt before I even started," He said, getting back to stitching up the wound on her thigh, "It's not my fault you got yourself cut."

"You could have fought him instead," she retorted, removing her hood.

"You didn't give me a chance," BaekJee rolled his eyes.

"Just admit that you're slower than me."

"I'm not slower. I just had the full weight of a man dumped on me." He reached beside him and grabbed a bandage.

"Do you think he'll be ok?" Yeona asked.

"The doctors seem to think so." BaekJee let out a sigh when he saw the sadness in her eyes. "Yeo," he grabbed ahold of one of her gloved hands. She was shaking and having a difficult time taking them off, "Namjoon and his friends are going to be just fine. They just need time to rest and heal." He gave her a soft smile.

Yeona nodded and looked at her bruised knuckles. Her body was starting to hurt the more she relaxed. She wouldn't be able to tell how much of the pain was from bruising until she removed her clothes. She did know that she had a fat lip. She could feel the swelling and taste the blood from it.

BaekJee stayed to help her clean up as much as he could. After they laid out her clothes and he helped her untie some of her clothes, he left so that she could change and rest.

"How is she doing?" Jimin asked in a hushed tone when BaekJee walked into the tent.

"She's sore." He took a deep breath as he looked at the other six men in the tent. The doctors checked them out and now they were resting. "She had a few cuts and bruises that I could see. The worst is the one on her thigh."

"Namjoon woke up while the doctor was examining him. He knows that we are safe. I didn't get a chance to tell him anything else before he fell back asleep."

"What about the others?" BaekJee asked, sitting next to Jimin.

"They are good. Just tired and hungry. Once they've rested more I think it will all set in," Jimin answered. "You should have seen Seokjin's and Hoseok's faces when Jungkook and Taehyung told them that Noona was there," He said with a smile.

"Namjoon was almost outed by the man that Yeona was fighting."

"Was it the same man?"

"The one you saw talking to the adviser?" Jimin nodded.

"From the description that I was given and the way he was talking I think so." BaekJee stood up, "I'm going to speak to KangDae about taking Yeona with him to Jinzou. He's leaving with the women at dawn. I think it will be safer for her this way."

"She's not going to like that idea." The two of them looked over at Yoongi.

"I know. But like I said it will be the safest thing for her. Plus her body needs to rest and we don't know if there's going to be any trouble between here and the castle."

"Do whatever you think is best." Yoongi snuggled further into his blankets, "You were the one who was put in charge of protecting her."

BaekJee found KangDae sitting by one of the fires. He was cleaning and sharpening the seven swords they had retrieved. He didn't have to convince his Uncle to take Yeona with him. KangDae had already planned to do so after she'd gotten some rest.

Once the sun started to peek over the horizon KangDae went to Yeona's tent to wake her. He was surprised to find her awake with all of her things packed up.

"Planning on going somewhere?" He asked, pointing towards her bag.

"I think it's best if I go with you and the women," She started slowly standing up.

"Oh? Why's that?" He crossed his arms.

"I'm not in the best shape to be riding all the way to Emelle. The men already have enough to worry about. They don't need me slowing them down." She grabbed her bag.

"I'm glad you came to that decision by yourself," he holds open the tent flaps, "Are you going to be in the wagon with the women or on horseback?"

"Horseback. It's not that far away and it will help me clear my mind some." KangDae gave her a nod and asked one of the men to get an extra horse.

Yeona glanced at the tent that the seven men were in. She went to check on them before she packed her things. All seven of them were asleep and looked better than they did when she had last seen them. Their bodies still needed time to fully heal, especially Namjoon's. When the doctor came to check on her stitches he told her that he'd been hit over the head.

The man's words from last night still rang out in her head as BaekJee helped her onto her horse. She never really cared about the seven men's backstory. They were good men and that was enough for her. But now she wondered what they had done to make someone want to hunt them down throughout seven villages. And then there was BaekJee. She knew that he lied to her last night. It seemed that everyone was keeping something from her

While she was looking at the seven men she had made her decision to leave. Something inside of her was telling her to distance herself from them. She could figure out why everyone was keeping secrets later. But for those was time to say goodbye. Was it permanent or just temporary? She didn't know. She was going to leave that up to fate.

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