Chapter 31

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Yeona looked around at the men who were standing in front of and beside her.

"Do any of you know what's going on?" She asked.

"Sorry Yeona, we are as clueless as you are," one of the men on the other side of the aisle replied.

"Okay," she turned to look at her trainer and Uncle. "Why the hell is BaekJee here?"

"My son is a Royal Inspector," her trainer answered with a proud smile.

"He's a what?"

Their conversation was cut off as someone announced the King and Queen. The group gave them a deep bow and waited for them to sit before they stood back up and kept their heads down.

Don't look at them unless spoken to. Kaira's voice repeated in Yeona's head.

"Good afternoon everyone," the King's voice boomed across the courtyard.

"Good afternoon your Majesty," the group replied in unison.

"I guess you all are wondering why you've been invited here." The King and Queen looked over the group from their seats at the top of the stairs. The Queen gave him a small nudge when she saw her brother and Yeona. "A month ago you as a group decided to take it upon yourselves to rescue six men and 4 women, also taking another man in and caring for him until he was reunited with his group."

"Did we mess up?" Yeona heard one of the men behind her whisper.

"They wouldn't have invited us to a feast if we messed up, right?" Another man asked.

"Will you two shut up and listen!" Her Uncle hissed.

"I'm not sure what made you decide to help these strangers, but the Queen and I are very grateful." The King smiled at his wife. "Amongst that group of men was our son, the Prince of Yia."

Yeona's stomach dropped. She wasn't sure she heard him correctly, but judging by the whispers of the men around her she must have. One of the seven men she'd met over a year ago was the prince? Kaira was right in her guess.

Her mind started to go crazy while she tried to listen to what the King was saying. Every interaction she had with the guys played over and over in her head. How did she not realize something sooner? The way they spoke, the way they dressed, their mannerisms. They were pretty secretive about their lives.

Because of who I am. Namjoon's voice echoed through her mind.

Yeona's eyes widened as the memory of the night they were chased stood out. It all made sense now. They were after Namjoon because he was the prince. The previous encounter with the drunk men, she began to realize, they somehow recognized the seven of them and that's why they wanted to get Yeona away from them quickly.

Yeona's hand reached out and grabbed her Uncle's arm attempting to hold herself up as her head started to spin.

"Are you alright?" He whispered.

"You knew." Yeona closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "This whole time you knew who he was."

"Told you she'd be upset," her trainer whispered.

"You knew too?"

Commotion coming from the large gate drew everyone's attention to the opposite end of the courtyard. Yeona's breath hitched when she saw Yoongi and SeokJin step through the gate. Both men immediately made eye contact with Yeona and gave her a small smile and nod.

"His Highness Prince Namjoon." A loud voice announced.

"Ah, my son. What brings you here?" The King asked as the crowd started to bow.

"I heard a rumor that the men," Yeona lifted her eyes just enough to see the end of Namjoon's sword as he stopped on the carpet in front of her, "and the woman who saved us were here, and I wanted to thank them."

"We were going to send for you after your meeting," The Queen said.

"I moved my meeting back." Namjoon clenched his jaw and tried to keep his attention on his parents and not the woman bowing beside him. "These people risked their lives to save us. The least I can do is thank them in person."

"Very well. Then come sit with us," the King said.

Yeona watched the feet of the seven men as they walked toward the stairs. She hadn't realized that she had grabbed her Uncle's arm again until he placed his hand on hers. She turned to look at him and gave him a shaky smile.

Namjoon sat at the top of the stairs with his parents while they spoke to the crowd down below. He couldn't help but look at Yeona. She was a mixture of nervousness and anger. The nerves he could understand. But the anger part was a mystery.

He watched as she turned and gave KangDae a weak smile. His heart stopped for a moment when their eyes made contact. She was just as beautiful as the day he first saw her in Hwen.

Namjoon broke eye contact when his mother squeezed his hand, "I think it's time for you to explain to the ladies now what happened." She whispered, "Your father is almost done speaking. You'll be able to thank them at the feast." Namjoon opened his mouth to speak but closed it when his mother shook her head, "You and Yeona can talk later. Right now you both are upset. I'll explain as much as I can to her afterward."

"Okay," Namjoon said softly. He gave a small nod to both his parents and quickly made his way inside the palace.

The six men following him all bumped into each other when Namjoon abruptly stopped a good distance from the door. They knew what was coming so they straightened themselves up, three of them standing on each side of the wall as they waited.

"Did any of you know that she was there that night?"

"Yes, Your Highness," they answered.

"And not one of you thought I should know?" Namjoon tried to keep himself from getting angry, but the thought of Yeona getting hurt or worse because of him was making him upset.

"She asked us not to tell you," Jimin answered.

"What why?"

"Because of this," Yoongi answered, pointing a finger up and down Namjoons body, "She knew you'd be mad."

"No offense your Highness, but Noona is a lot scarier than you," Jungkook said with wide eyes, "You should have seen the way she was taking down those men. She even almost killed the one who knocked you out."

"She what?" Namjoon took a deep breath. He had to remember where he was. "We are going to go talk to the women who had gotten caught up in this mess, and then you all are going to tell me everything!" he bit out.

"Yes, your highness."  

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now