Chapter 3

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The further she got away, the less safe she felt. Yes, she had walked the dirt-covered streets many times, but it was usually somewhat daylight, and other people were around. Now it was dark and quiet. Almost too quiet. The sound of a cat jumping from a roof made her jump, "Calm down, Yeona. It's just a cat," she said to herself as she took a deep breath to slow down her racing heart. "Why are you so scared anyways?" She spoke to herself quietly, "You know how to fight. Sure, you haven't practiced in about seven years, but you still know how to."

The sight of five drunk men stumbling out of a building stopped her in her tracks. She knew them; they were the kind of men that a woman tried her best to stay away from. They were handsy and filthy. But she had no choice; she had to walk past them. Her house was just a few blocks over. She slipped back around the corner and placed her back against the wall taking in a deep breath. Her foot hit a medium-sized rock, and she bent over to pick it up. "I'm going to need a weapon if I have to fight my way." She said before standing up straight and clutching the rock.

Before she could round the corner, she felt someone grab hold of her arm. Her fight or flight instinct kicked in, and she swung her other arm and smacked the person upside the head. "Ouch!" She heard her victim yell as he fell to the ground holding his head.

"Noona! Wait! Stop!" Yeona looked up to see six of the guys from the shop running at her.

"Wait, if there are six of you, that means." Her eyes finally took in the man who grabbed her arm. "Namjoon?" She asked, dropping the rock.

"Yes," he replied with anger.

"Namjoon, I told you not to sneak up on her like that," Hoseok said as he helped him up.

"How long have you guys been following me?" She asked, looking at the men.

"Right after you left the shop," Namjoon grunted as Hoseok tried to see if he was bleeding. "I...I mean, we didn't think it was safe for you to be walking by yourself."

"I would have been fine," Yeona said as she reached in her bag to get a handkerchief and handed it to Hoseok.

"You were scared of a cat." Namjoon pointed out.

"It came out of nowhere." She said as she turned around to continue her walk home. "Tomorrow morning, I go back to training."

"Well, what's a beautiful woman like yourself doing out here all alone?" Yeona stopped in her tracks as the group of drunk men made their way to her. She had completely forgotten about them.

"Gentlemen, if you'll excuse us, we are on our way home." All five men stopped in their tracks at the site of Namjoon and the guys standing next to her.

"Don't I know you?" One of the drunk men asked, squinting at Yoongi.

"I don't believe so. I've only been in Hwen a couple of days," Yoongi said confidently.

"I think I've seen you in Yia before." The drunk man was now stumbling closer to the group.

"That's possible. I have been there a few times." A sound from behind the group made the eight of them slightly turn their heads. It wasn't loud enough for the drunk men to hear but loud enough for the eight of them to know that someone was behind them. Yeona looked back and forth between Yoongi and Namjoon, who were having a conversation with each other without saying anything.

"What do you say I buy you and your friends a drink while we figure this out?" Yoongi asked with a smile to the drunk man.

"But there isn't-" Yeona's was cut off by a nudge to her back.

"I could use another drink." The man stood up straight and wiped his hands on his clothes. "How about you, fellas?" The other four men nodded and started to walk towards their friend.

"Excellent," Yoongi said with a clap of his hands. "This way, gentleman." Yeona felt Namjoon's hand on her arm again as he pulled her away from his friends and the drunk men.

"See you at the house, Hyung," Taehyung said with a smile as he patted Namjoon on the shoulder. "See you around, Noona." He gave her a bow before following the rest to the road they had just come from and where the noise was.

"Namjoon," Yeona said as he pulled her by the arm down the street. "There's no place open to drink." She said, looking behind them one last time before they turned the corner.

"I know." That was all he said as he kept walking.

"So why did Yoongi say he was going to buy them a drink?"

"To get them away from you."

"I could have taken care of myself," Yeona said.

"You were scared by a cat."

"I wasn't expecting the cat. But I knew they were there, and I had a weapon."

"Yeona, do you honestly think you could have taken on five guys with a rock?" Namjoon asked.

"With just a rock, no." The two of them stared off into the darkness as they walked. "Namjoon?"

"What now?" He stopped walking.

"I live just a couple of houses down. You can let go of my arm now." His eyes followed hers to where he was still holding her.

"Oh, sorry." Namjoon let go of her arm and stepped away from her, "Can you walk the rest of the way by yourself?"

"Yes, I can thank you." She gave him a smile and a bow before walking away. "Oh, Namjoon, one more thing," she said, turning around. "How's your head? I never did say sorry. But then again, you shouldn't have snuck up on me."

"I'm fine. It doesn't hurt much, and I'm sorry for sneaking up on you."

"Yeona," Kaira said as she stepped out of her parents' gate. "Where have you been? I've been worried. I haven't cooked the meat yet, and now it's too late. I wish you would have..."

She stopped talking once she saw Namjoon, "Oh, hello." She said with a bright smile.

"Sorry, Kaira. I got caught up with work and didn't realize how late it had gotten." Her friend wasn't even paying attention to her anymore. She was too busy looking over Namjoon. "This is Namjoon. He walked me home." Namjoon gave Kaira a bow.

"Is he staying for food?" Kaira asked.

"No, sadly, I cannot. My friends are waiting for me." Kaira pouted at his response.

"Next time then?" She asked hopefully.

"Definitely." He gave her a small smile. "Have a good night, ladies," he said before he walked away.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now