Chapter 5

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"Ugh, I'm so full," Kaira said as she laid her head on Yeona's back.

"I told you not to pack so much food," Yeona said, turning to a new page to draw.

"I can't help it that mom bought so many good snacks while we were gone." Kaira adjusted herself so that she could watch the people hanging out by the stream.

"Don't blame mom for your lack of control," Yeona laughed.

"What do you think their story is?" Kaira asked, changing the subject. Yeona didn't have to turn her head to see who her friend was talking about. She had seen the seven men at the bottom of the hill when they arrived a couple of hours ago. She and Kaira watched them and everyone else near the stream as they ate and chatted.

"Robbers, who have come to rob the village for all its money and take us, single women, as their wives," Yeona said as she started placing the finishing touches on her final design.

"I don't get bad vibes from them, though, and I know you don't either. Or else you wouldn't have let Namjon walk you home last night." Kaira said, sitting up.

"He didn't really give me a choice," Yeona mumbled.

"You know as well as I do, Yeo that if you would have gotten any bad feelings from them you would have run," Kaira said as she stood up. "I'll be back in a bit. I need to go talk to someone."

"Ok," Yeona replied as she watched her friend brush off her shirt and make her way down the hill.

Yeona sat up and stretched before going back over each sketch. She was pretty happy about how they looked. She was also thankful that the guys had been at the stream today. She was able to observe them and get a feeling for what she thought they might like. She had decided to do as her father did with her sword. Each of theirs had a different colored cord that matched the small drawing at the bottom of the case. Nothing too fancy but still unique. It also put less pressure on the men at the shop. They'd be able to get them done quicker and move on to other jobs.

"Please help yourselves. We brought so much food, and we don't want it to go to waste. Yeona looked up at the sound of her friend's voice. She had returned to their spot with the seven men.

"Good evening Noona," Jungkook said as he sat beside her. "What are you drawing?" He asked with a mouth full of food.

"A surprise," Yeona said as she quickly closed her sketchbook.

"Is it our swords? Can I see them?" He asked, reaching for her book.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I showed you then now, would it?" Yeona replied, smacking his hand.

"Can I draw something?" Yeona looked at Jungkook, who was looking at her with puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

"I don't usually let people draw in my books." Jungkook gave her a pout.

"Let him draw Yeo. It's not like mom didn't buy you ten before we left last month. Kaira said as she poured the guys something to drink.

"I was going to say yes," Yeona said, handing Jungkook her sketchbook. "How can you look at that face and say no?" She pouted. "Just draw in the back, please." Jungkook smiled at her and opened the back of the book.

"How many of them do you have left anyway?" Kaira asked.

"That's the last one." Yeona mumbled.

"Did you say that was the last one? I know you didn't go through them that fast." Kaira raised an eyebrow at her. "You gave them away, didn't you? Yeona, you have to stop giving all your things away. My mom buys you things because she..."

"I know that I am too stubborn to spend it on myself." She said, cutting her off. "And your mom knows that if I see someone who needs the stuff more than me, I will give it to them. Why do you think she buys me so much at once?"

"So, where are you guys from?" Kaira asked, breaking the staring contest that she was having with her friend. She knew that Yeona would be upset as soon as she had said it. But she couldn't figure out why her friend was so set on helping other people all the time, while she did without the finer things in life. Her mom would buy Yerona clothes, and she'd give away her old ones or sometimes even the new ones without a second thought. She'd even spend money on food for the beggars in the street before she bought herself any.

"Emelle." The sound of Namjoon's deep voice beside Yeona made her jump. She didn't realize he had sat beside her.

"Oh, that's on the other side of the capitol, right?" Kaira asked.

"Yes," Namjoon answered without looking up from his book.

"That explains the proper way you talk and your expensive clothes." The five men sitting near her looked down at their clothes.

"I don't think our clothes are costly," Hoseok said.

"They are. You won't find anyone this far out wearing something like that. Well, unless they have a lot of money and visit the capitol often like my family. Why didn't you guys bring horses or weapons if you came this far? And why would you pick a little village like Hwen?"

"Kaira, did you bring them here to integrate them?" Yeona asked, irritated at her friend's never-ending questions.

"I was just trying to get to know them," Kaira replied.

"There are less intrusive ways to get to know them," Yeona said as she looked over at what Jungkook was drawing. She had no idea what Kaira's mission was, but it was upsetting her. First, it was her and now the guys.

"No peeking, Noona," Jungkook said as he turned his back to her. Revenge for her closing the book on him earlier.

"I just wanted to see what you were drawing." She pulled her knees to her chest and watched the six people in front of her chat.

"It's a surprise. And you looking would spoil the surprise." She couldn't help but laugh at that.

"What are you reading?" Yeona asked, looking over at Namjoon, who had his head in his hand as he read.

"A book." He spoke softly out the side of his mouth that wasn't covered by his hand.

"It's about art?" Yeona asked as she started to read what was on the pages.

"Yes." She moved her head a little closer so that she could see more of the page. "Are you still upset with your friend?" Namjoon asked softly as he moved his arm out of her way.

"A little, yes." She said softly enough so only he and Jungkook could hear it, "You didn't have to move your arm.

"You can't read the next page if my arm is on it." He pointed out. "And you need the distraction of reading as much as I do right now."

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