Chapter 30

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"Now, don't forget the stuff I told you last night," Kaira said, helping Yeona get dressed.

The man they'd seen Deu-Sung talking to was, in fact, a Royal messenger. After he left the Magistrates office Deu-Sung waved Yeona over and handed her an invitation.

"I've been invited to Yia?" Her eyes widened as she read what was written on it, "I'm going to meet the King and Queen." She felt the baby being removed from her hip as she started to pace. "I'm invited to a feast Kaira." The two women looked at each other in awe.

Kaira looked at her husband, "Deu, is this good or bad? You're the only person I know, besides my father, who's been to the castle."

"There's only one way to find out," He answered as he smiled at his son.

"Deu, I'm serious. I need to know if my best friend is off to her death," Kaira whined.

"Don't be silly, sweetheart. Why would they go to all the trouble of sending a messenger and an invitation if they are just going to kill her?"

"But why would they invite me? Non-government officials aren't allowed near the castle, let alone inside." Yeona sat down on the ground as her head started to spin.

"Yeo, stand up. You'll get your dress all dirty." Kaira reached out her hand only for it to be slapped away.

"A dirty dress is the least of my worries Kaira."

"Will you two settle down?" Deu-Sung couldn't help the chuckle that came out as he watched the two women. "Yeona, you've done a lot of good things over the years. They probably just want to acknowledge it."

"What if it has to do with the rescue last month?" Kaira asked with wide eyes.

"Why would they care about us saving them?" Yeona asked, standing up.

"What if they were wanted by the Royal guards?"

"Those men didn't seem like they were bad," Deu-sung answered his wife.

"And the men who had them definitely weren't Royal guards. They were far too sloppy," Yeona added as she tapped the invitation in her hand.

"Oh my," Kaira said with a shocked face, "What if one of them was the prince?"

"Kaira, we aren't going with that rumor again. I highly doubt that one of them was the prince. Besides, if they were, they would have had a lot more protection."

"Why don't you ladies head home?" Deu-sung said, kissing his son on the head before handing his wife the baby, "It's starting to get dark and the baby is getting hungry. We'll discuss this more over dinner."

Yeona stared at the road ahead of her as she and the Royal messenger made their way to the palace. Neither of them said a word.

She replayed everything that Kaira told her last night. The list of things she rambled off last night and this morning was long. How to act, where to look, when was the appropriate time to speak. When she had finished talking about the eating etiquette, Yeona had to ask her to stop. The more Kaira talked the more nervous she became. Thankfully Deu-sung was the one to walk Yeona to her horse. Whether it was his voice, or the advice he gave, she didn't know, but she felt a lot less anxious by the time they arrived at the Magistrate's office.

The nervousness returned once they entered the capital city of Yia. Everything was different compared to Hwen. From the people to the buildings and the roads. Everything was neat. In Hwen they had mainly dirt roads that would get muddy whenever it was wet outside. Here the roads were paved with rocks and stones.

Yeona's body jerked when she felt the sudden movement of her horse. She wasn't sure when she'd stopped moving. Judging by the angry look on the messenger's face as he huffed and took the reins from her hands, it had been a while.

The nervous butterflies grew more intense the closer they got to the palace. Yeona was glad that he had taken the reins because she was frozen wide-eyed staring as they got closer to the gates of the palace.

"Miss, you can get down now."

Yeona snapped out of her daze and looked at the guard who was waiting to help her down.

"If you think the wall and gate are beautiful you should see what it's like inside," he said with a smile.

"I can take her from here." Yeona's face twisted in confusion when the guard suddenly straightened up at the sound of BaekJee's voice.

"Why did he..." Yeona forgot the question when she turned to see him standing outside the now opened gates. "BaekJee, what's going on, and why are you dressed like that?" She pointed a finger up and down the length of his body.

"I'll answer your questions later, Yeo. Right now we need to get you with the rest of the group."

"Group? What group?" Yeona looked around while she followed BaekJee inside the gates. "BaekJee answer me, please. Why am I here, why are you here and what group?"

BaekJee stopped and looked at his friend. "You're here because you were invited. I'm here because I work here." He chuckled when her eyes went wide. "And as for the group. Well," BaekJee opened a second gate. This one led to a huge courtyard that was at the bottom of the palace steps. Standing on either side of the stone walkway was the group she had saved the seven men and four women with. "Come on Yeo," he grabbed ahold of her arm, "We don't want to keep them waiting."

"Keep who waiting?"

"Niece, we are at the palace. Who do you think he's talking about?" Yeona looked in shock at her Uncle and trainer who BaekJee had placed her next to.

"I'll let them know everyone is here," BaekJee smiled at them before he hurried up the stairs.

"What the hell is going on?" Yeona whispered to herself.

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