Chapter 19

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Yeona's hand shook as she rang out the cloth to wipe the sweat from Jimin's forehead. The doctor left about two hours ago, leaving her with a list of care instructions. Her tears had stopped falling not too long ago as she studied the man laying on the floor beside her.

"KangDae," Jimin's groggy voice mumbled out again. He hadn't woken up completely but he seemed to know whenever someone was near.

"Jimin, I don't know who KangDae is," Yeona replied with a sigh.

"It's me." Yeona's head turned towards the doorway to see her Uncle.

"What?" She asked, giving him a puzzled look.

"My name is KangDae," He said, stepping further into the room.

"I thought you said you didn't know a man by that name." Yeona returned her attention back to Jimin.

"I lied," he stated bluntly, " I've made sure that everyone around here knows me by Dae. Anyone who knows my full name usually means trouble." He looked at Jimin. "But sometimes it doesn't."

"We'll talk about that later." She stuck the cloth in the bowl and placed her hands on her lap.

"How is he?" KangDae asked as he looked over the weak man.

"He has a gash on his right side across his ribs. The doctor said Jimin did a good job at keeping it protected. All he had to do was clean it up, put in some stitches, and bandage it. He needs to rest so that his body can heal." Yeona wiped away a stray tear.

"Has he said anything?" KangDae crossed his arms.

"Not really. He said our names and save. Other than that it has just been mumbles." Yeona took a deep breath.

"So we have no idea what happened to the others?" He asked, helping her stand up.

"No." Yeona picked up the bowl, "I need to get some fresh water and start some broth. Can you keep an eye on him?" Her Uncle nodded and sat against the wall as he watched her leave the room.

BaekJee sat by the hot cauldron as he watched Yeona wander around the small kitchen in a daze. She hadn't seen him sitting there or even heard him when he said her name. She was lost in her own thoughts. He had seen her like this before. She was the same way when her parents hadn't returned. He waited silently for the right moment to comfort her. The moment he saw her shoulders shake as the emotions flooded out of her, he stood up and went to her. He didn't say anything, he just held her in his arms while she cried out her sadness. Her tears weren't just for Jimin and his friends. But for the loss of her parents too.

"It's going to be okay, Yeo," he whispered softly as she held onto him tighter.

"But what if-" her words were cut off by her cries.

"Shh, we aren't going to think the worst. Okay?" Yeona nodded her head as she continued to cry.

Sometimes Yeona hated having a big heart. She had only known the men a short time, but they still had their own little place there. The thought that their life ended the same as her parent's had opened an old wound and wouldn't leave her mind. It had been a year and she hoped that they'd returned home safe by now. But with Jimin being here alone and looking for her Uncle she wondered how far they had gotten before something had happened. Yes, his gash wasn't very old but what happened to him before that?

"Are you cooking something?" Yeona looked at the lit fire.

"Yes, I was making the broth for you because it takes a while," BaekJee laughed, "It should be done by now actually."

"How long have you been here?" She moved out of his arms and looked at him.

"I went to get Uncle while you were helping the doctor. When I got back I started it with his help," he said, stirring the contents in the cauldron.

"Why didn't you say anything when I came in?" Yeona asked, getting a bowl and spoon.

"I did Yeo." She froze at the sadness in his voice.


"Hey," he said, taking the bowl from her, "No more thinking negatively. For all we know the other men are safe and it was just him."

"You're right," Yeona took a deep breath.

"Of course I am," He chuckled when she rolled her eyes, "Now go feed him so that he can regain his strength." BaekJee handed her back the bowl that now had broth in it and walked her out of the kitchen.

"I'll feed him," KangDae stood up when Yeona entered the room, "You should sleep, you look exhausted."

"I'll sleep when I know that he's doing better," she replied, moving to avoid his hand as he reached for the bowl.

"Yeona, you aren't going to be able to take care of him if you're sick yourself."

"KangDae," his body stiffened from the angry tone in which she spoke, "I'm fine." He pressed his lips together, nodded and then left the room. She was upset with him and he didn't blame her. They would have to work on that later, right now they needed to get Jimin better.

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