Chapter 39

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It was mid afternoon by the time Yeona woke up. She wasn't sure what time she'd fallen asleep in her art corner. After Namjoon left she brought her blanket and pillows over to it. Her bed was too close to the wall and she didn't want to hear any sound that might come through.

"Miss, is that you and the Prince?" Si-Woo asked, looking at the paper on Yeona's table.

Yeona's eyes widened as she quickly turned to look at the Maiden. "I thought I put that away."

"Is he kissing you on the forehead?"

"Um, yes."

Si-Woo smiled and simply said "mmhmm."

"It's not what it looks like."


"Seriously nothing happened."


"Stop saying that."

"Mmkay." Si-Woo's smile never faded even as she made her way across the room to answer the door.

"Good afternoon Ladies." In-Su said with a big smile.

"Good afternoon Guard In-Su" the two women said in unison.

"What brings you by?" Yeona asked, standing up from the table.

"The Prince asked me to escort you. So that you may explore the castle grounds."

Si-Woo looked over her shoulder at Yeona, "Oh did he now?"

"You hush."

"Mmhmm." Si-Woo said before going to the changing room and getting their capes.

The women followed him out of the door. They stopped at the opened door next to Yeona's room. Inside were women cleaning and all of Myung's things were gone.

"Excuse me?" Yeona asked, grabbing the attention of one of the cleaning crew, "Where is Myung and all her things?"

"We aren't sure, Miss," one of the women answered. "All of her things were removed before we got here. We were just asked to clean."

"Hmm, that's strange. Thank you." She gave the women a smile before the three of them continued down the hall.

"Maybe she ran off with the mysterious man," Si-Woo said as they stepped outside.

"Something like that," In-Su said softly enough that neither of the women heard him.

The sun shone high above as they made their way around the castle grounds, and the air would fill with laughter each time the two women got into a snowball fight.

Something felt different to Yeona as they walked around. Maybe because she was able to move around the grounds more freely with In-Su by their side or that more people seemed to be out enjoying the nice weather. Everyone they came in contact with treated them kindly. The Head Chef even gave them a few snacks to enjoy as they walked around.

"What is this place?" Yeona asked Si-Woo and In-Su.

"I'm not sure, Miss. I've never seen this place before." Her Maiden answered, looking at the new building that was surrounded by a wall.

"This, ladies, is the new training grounds." In-Su smiled as he took the lock off the gate. "Well are you coming?" He turned and asked them once he walked through it.

"I don't know," Yeona teasedy, making her way towards him, "The last time we were in a training grounds together we both got in trouble." She cocked an eyebrow at him.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now