Chapter 11

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"You're distracted again."

Yeona hissed at the feeling of her Uncle's bamboo sword hitting her side. She knew that she kept losing her focus. Her mind kept traveling back to the night she and Namjoon were followed. She'd planned on asking him again the next day why they were after them. But she hadn't seen him or any of the men, and it has been a week.

"I told you not to be too hard on her brother." Her trainer shouted from his chair.

"She wants to fight. Fighting is painful and tiring. You've been going easy on her." Her Uncle pointed the bamboo sword towards his brother. He had seen Yeona training by herself when he came to visit his brother and decided to join her. She was good. A lot better than she was when she was younger. But he could tell by her hesitant movements that her brother had been soft on her.

"Will you two stop fighting," Yeona wiped the sweat from her face with her sleeve. She agreed with her Uncle that his brother had been going easy on her and hadn't realized it until after fighting Jungkook that day. "Let's go again," she pressed, taking a deep breath.

"We are done for the day." KangDae grabbed her sword and placed both of them on the rack.

"But I'm not done yet." She protested crossing her arms.

"Niece, you've trained enough today. Besides, you should get home before it starts raining." Yeona looked up to see grey clouds covering the sky.

She groaned as she turned and made her way to the office to change. The sound of rain starting to fall made her smile. She always loved the rain. Whenever it rained, you could find her standing in it, letting the water wash away all her worries and sadness.

"Are you going to tell her?" She heard her trainer ask.

"No, It's not my place to tell. Plus, if the word got out, it could put all of them in a lot more danger," her Uncle replied.

"She's going to find out eventually, and if it isn't from one of you, then she's going to be upset." Both men stopped talking when they heard her walking closer.

"Who's in danger?" She asked, standing in the doorway.

"Nothing to worry about, Niece. Why don't you hurry home before it gets worse." She gave him a nod and said her goodbyes before stepping out into the rain.

She smiled at all the people who were running around the streets trying to take cover. She took her time, even stopping a few times to stomp in a few puddles. A pout formed on her lips when she could no longer feel the drops on her head. She stopped walking and looked up to see an umbrella.

"You are going to get sick." She turned her head to see Namjoon smiling at her as he held the umbrella.

"Why did you do that?" She pouted at him.

"Because if you get any wetter, you'll get sick." He laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"You're cute when you pout." He laughed harder when the pout on her face quickly disappeared, and her eyes widened.

"Stop laughing." She huffed as she started walking again.

"Okay, okay, no more laughing." Namjoon jogged to her and placed the umbrella over her.

"Where have you guys been?" She kicked at the water on the road.

"We've been busy with things." He waited for her to ask questions about the night they were chased. He, the guys, and her Uncle had talked about what they would say to her if she asked.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now