Chapter 37

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Seokjin and Hoseok showed Yeona around the grounds more on their way back to her room. They even walked through the gardens. It was just as she imagined and she couldn't wait until she was able to draw it on paper.

The three of them jumped at the sound of Si-Woo yelling Yeona's name across the courtyard. Their surprised faces looked in her direction to find her standing next to a laughing Jimin. Gone was the kind smile that was usually on her face. She was livid.

"I have been worried sick! I've looked everywhere for you. I thought you were taken. You are lucky Jimin showed up! I was about to go get the guards!"

"I'm so sorry Si-Woo. I didn't plan on being gone long or going far. But I got turned around and couldn't figure out where I was." Yeona took the angry woman's hand in hers. "I promise I wont leave without at least letting you know."

"Ugh, come on. Your lunch is probably cold by now. But with what you put me through you deserve it. Thank you gentlemen for bringing her back safely."

Yeona said a quick "thank you" to the three men and grabbed the box from Jimin's arms before she was pulled away by Si-Woo.

Si-Woo took the box as soon as they entered her room. Yeona sat at the small table and ate her cold lunch while she watched the slightly less angry maiden set up an area for her to draw in. Yeona tried to tell her several times that she didn't need a special area and that she could draw anywhere. But Si-Woo wasn't having it. She wanted Yeona to be relaxed and comfortable, after all this was going to be her home for the next week. Si-Woo was hoping it would be longer and, judging by the gossip going around, she wasn't the only one.

Yeona spent the remainder of the day tucked away in her new little art corner. Her only distractions were when Si-Woo would bring her something to eat. The maiden was amused whenever she had to repeat Yeona's name multiple times to get her attention. She was in a zone. Not even the sound of Myung yelling at her maiden drew Yeona's attention away from her drawings.

Yeona reached to grab something from the tray that Si-Woo had sat beside her earlier. She pouted when her hand touched the floor instead of snacks. Turning her head she found the tray gone and Namjoon sitting just out of reach holding it.

"Why did you steal my snacks?"

"It was the only way I could get your attention," Namjoon chuckled.

"You could have just said my name." Yeona rolled her eyes and turned back to the drawing she was working on.

"I did, multiple times."

"Where's Si-Woo?" She asked, glancing at the now empty space that the maiden had been in.

"She was fighting sleep when I came in so I sent her to her room."

"She doesn't go to sleep this early."

"Yeona, it's late." Namjoon smiled at the confused look on her face.

"No it's not." Yeona looked over to the open window that was no longer bringing in sunlight. "What time is it?"

"Like I said, it's late."

"If it's so late then why are you here your Highness?"

Namjoon let out a sigh. "I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk. When I saw the light coming through your open window I became concerned, so I came to make sure everything was alright."

"You're going to get in trouble again, your Highness, if someone witnessed you coming through the front door."

"But I didn't come through the front door. I came through the window." He said with a proud smile. "Which, surprisingly, you didn't hear. I said your name a few times and you didn't respond."

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now