Chapter 28

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The guards stood at the palace gate as BaekJee and his men rode closer. BaekJee ignored the whispers that spread throughout the group. He hadn't told any of them where they were headed. Only that they would be stopping in Yia.

"Son, are you trying to get us killed?" His father asked moving his horse closer.

"No," BaekJee said with a chuckle.

"Then why are we getting closer to the Castle?"

"Remember that job I got?" His father's eyes widened.

"What's your business here?" Asked one of the guards.

"I have something for Head Guard Min and his Majesty the King," BaekJee answered, stopping in front of them.

"They aren't expecting anything this late."

"I'm aware of that," BaekJee said, reaching into the chest piece of his hanbok, "But they have been waiting for my arrival." He tossed the medallion at the guard.

"Royal Inspector," The guard said out loud after he caught the object. "Let them in and go wake up the King and Min," He said, turning to two of his men.

BaekJee gave the man a nod when he handed him back the medallion. Once the gates were opened the group made their way inside. The whispers amongst the men returned as they made their way to the courtyard.

"You work for the King?" BaekJee's father asked as they got off their horses.

"Why do you look so surprised? How else did you think we'd get through the gates and past the guards?"

"I figured we'd show them one of the men that are in the wagon."

"Uncle didn't tell you?" BaekJee chuckled.

"He told me that one of these men was the prince. Wait, he knew about you working for the King?"

"I told him I was a guard sent to watch over Yeona." The sound of footsteps quickly coming closer made the two men stop talking.

"BaekJee! Did you find them? Are they alive?" The group of men bowed when they realized who was walking towards them.

Gyeongsun, the King, his men and a few of the Royal Guards quickly made their way toward the group. BaekJee straightened up and watched as the man wearing his nightly royal robes frantically looked around.

"Your Majesty," BaekJee greeted him with a bow. "Could you follow me please?"

The King gave him a nod and followed him through the crowd of men toward the wagon. The King let out a sigh of relief when he looked in and saw the seven men huddled up under blankets and sleeping.

"Are they alright?" The King asked, squinting his eyes to try and see them better in what little light there was.

"They are weak and tired mostly," BaekJee stood beside him, "His Highness got the worst of it I'm afraid. He was hit over the head pretty good before we got to him."

"Who did this?" Yoongi's father asked, motioning for his men to move the seven of them inside, out of the cold.

"How empty are your cells?" BaekJee asked, turning his head.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure. Why?" Everyone turned towards the commotion at the sound of BaekJee's whistle. Some of his men moved from the back of the group. Each either dragging or pushing a man whose hands were tied.

"There have to be at least thirty men here," Yoongi's father said, looking down at the men who were now kneeling in front of them.

"These are just the ones that made it," BaekJee said as he started to walk in front of the row of men, "Some you won't recognize, but the ones you will were put in charge of either helping to protect his Highness or were supposed to protect the women."

A smile spread across his face as he stopped and grabbed one of the men, forcing him to stand.

"This one," He said, dragging him toward the King and Yoongi's father, "Not only did he put up a fight when we tried to take the Prince... According to a witness, he's also pretty close to one of your advisors." BaekJee tilted his head to look at the nervous man who was standing behind the King, "Isn't that right, DongHyun?"

"You know this man?" The King turned around and looked at his advisor.

"Oh, I've been waiting for this," Yoongi's father whispered to BaekJee.

"I asked you a question!" The King shouted, making the man jump.

"I um....I um..."

"Answer me now!" The King grabbed a fist full of his clothes.

"He...He's my brother your Majesty," the advisor stuttered.

"And why would your brother capture my son and his men?" The King spat.

"Because I hired him too."

"Why?" The King already knew the answer but wanted him to say it out loud.

"So that we could put someone in his place that was willing to listen to us. Someone who would willingly marry a woman of our choosing." The man stumbled a little when the King let go of him.

"You put my son, YOUR PRINCE'S, life in danger over a stupid marriage law?"

"He refused to marry any woman, whether she was of royal blood or not. So I hired my brother to hide him away long enough until everyone thought that they had either run off or died. Allowing us to appoint his replacement as the new king." Some of the men in the crowd winced when the sound of the man's nose breaking under the strength of the King's fist echoed throughout the courtyard.

"Take them to the dungeons," Yoongi's father said to his men, "We'll finish this later."

Inside the castle, the seven men were placed in their separate rooms. After they were checked out by the doctor they'd been bathed and dressed in clean clothes. The Royal Chef made them and the rest of the men some warm stew.

"Where is he? Where's my son?" The Queen asked, sliding open the doors to Namjoon's room. At the sound of his mother's voice, Namjoon slowly made his way out of his dressing area. Tears came to her eyes as she took in his appearance. He looked thinner, was limping, and had a bandage around his head, "My prince."

"Hello, Mother." Namjoon smiled as he hugged his mother. He held onto her as she cried tears of relief.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you too much did they?"

"I'm fine. Just sore."

"You should sit down and eat something," She said, taking his hand and leading him to a table, "Eat and tell me about your trip." She gave him a weak smile as she helped him sit.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now