Chapter 12

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"Namjoon." He felt an arm around his waist tighten. "Your Highness. You need to wake up. We need to get going." Namjoon opened his eyes and saw Seokjin squatting in front of him.

"I fell asleep?" Namjoon tried to sit up but was stopped by Seokjin and a weight on his left side.

"The two of you fell asleep." Namjoon followed his friend's eyes to see a sleeping Yeona curled up around his side.

He couldn't help but smile at the sleeping woman. He remembered her falling asleep while they were looking at her sketchbooks and talking. He'd planned to finish looking at them and then leave. But evidently, he fell asleep too. Seokjin helped Namjoon move away as quietly and slowly as possible so that he wouldn't wake her.

"Hand me that pillow and blanket," Namjoon whispered as he held on to her head so she wouldn't fall over.

"Careful," Seokjin said as Namjoon laid her down, "Don't wake her."

"She's going to wake up if you keep talking," Namjoon hissed out while he covered her. Both men let out a breath when she snuggled into the blanket and pillow.

"I'll give you a minute to say goodbye," Seokjin said as he backed out of the room.

Namjoon brushed a piece of hair away from her face. His heart ached when he realized that this could be the last time he saw her. They were leaving. Not just her house but the village. The seven of them were supposed to be here for two months, but they were forced to leave early because of the men from the other night. It wasn't just for his and his guards' safety but for hers too. If any of them found out he had gotten close to her, she'd be a target too. He wanted more time with her and to say a proper goodbye. He wanted to tell her everything. But because of the stipulations that were written into this ridiculous law, he wasn't able to.

"Are you gentlemen sure about this?" KangDae asked as soon as Namjoon had stepped off the porch into the night sky.

"They are expecting us to stick by the rules and won't expect us to leave early," Yoongi replied.

"Did my father have to deal with these men trying to stop him?" Namjoon stopped in front of the group of men.

"Not that I'm aware of. But your father and his men also didn't beat up a group of men in the first week." KangDae stuck his hand up, stopping Namjoon from speaking, "I know you were just protecting her and yourselves."

"We should get going. It's already pretty late," Hoseok said, stepping towards Namjoon and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Protect her for me." Namjoons eyes softened when he looked at KangDae. The man who he now knew as his Uncle.

"I will do my best. Just like I've been doing since her parents left. Now go and be careful. I won't be able to watch out for you guys as well in the other villages as I did here." All the men nodded their heads at the older man.

Namjoon gave one last look towards Yeona's room before they bid their goodbyes and headed towards their next village.

"You fell for the first one, didn't you?" Yoongi asked as the men walked through the trees.

"Yes, I think I did," Namjoon took a deep breath, "I didn't mean to." He scratched the back of his neck.

"That's good. Because if you didn't, one of us was going to see if we had a chance." Jimin said, with the rest of the men agreeing.

"Do you think there will be other women like her in the rest of the villages?" Taehyung asked.

"No. There's nobody like Noona Yeona. She's talented, beautiful, kind, and a good fighter." Jungkook stopped walking when all the men stopped and looked at him.

"Why do you mean a good fighter?" Namjoon asked the younger man.

"I um.." Jungkook looked at Yoongi for some help.

"He means that her beauty, strength, and heart are unmatched." The men mumbled out their agreement to what Yoongi said as they continued to walk.

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