Chapter 38

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Namjoon looked over the group of men standing before him and his parents. He did just as Sung-Ho had done and called a meeting of the council first thing in the morning. So early in fact that the sun was just starting to come up. He didn't sleep last night. He and his men had stayed up to figure out what their next move would be.

He looked at Sung-Ho who was talking with Seokjin's father. Namjoon chuckled softly. Sung-Ho looked tired. It was a shame that he had only gotten an hour of sleep before Namjoon sent a message about the meeting. The man was furious when he received the news and, by the looks of it, he was still mad.

Council member Kim, along with the King, Queen and Head Guard Min, were the only ones in the room besides himself and his men that knew why the meeting was called. Namjoon wanted to let them know what he was planning on doing.

"My son, are you ready to start the meeting?" The King asked. Namjoon gave his Father a nod.

"Everyone!" A hush fell upon the room at the sound of the King's voice. "I know you all are as curious as the Queen and I are to see why this meeting was called. If we could have your attention for just a little longer I'm sure the Prince will have us out of here in time for breakfast."

"Thank you, Father," Namjoon said standing up. "A year ago my men and I left Yia so that I could find my future bride. Now as you all know, I was against that." A few of the men mumbled and nodded. "Council member Sung-Ho made sure that I never forgot, it was my duty as a Prince and future King of Yia. So I went. I wasn't happy that I was being forced to find love. Forced to lie to someone about who I was. But I did what was required of me." Namjoon started to pace. "Now I won't lie and say that I hated it, like I thought I would. My time outside the castle walls for the majority was amazing. I was able to live amongst our people and see just how beautiful our Kingdom is. But then things took a turn. My men and I had a target on our backs. I along with my guards couldn't figure out why someone would try and stop us, after all I was only doing as the law stated. But while I was tied up I realized. They wanted me gone so that they could put someone in my place that would do as they say without a fight. When these men were captured and we were rescued I thought that was the end. But what I didn't realize was that they had a back up plan." Namjoon stopped and looked at Seokjin's father. "Head councilman Kim, I am assuming that, since the women received their letters, you have done as I asked?"

"Yes your Highness. The law has been changed. From this day forward members of the Royal family will no longer have to hide behind the castle walls, so long as they have guards with them. Princes and princesses are allowed to choose their future partners when they are ready and they will not be forced to wed if they choose not to." Namjoon nodded in approval. "As for the other thing. We've had men working on it and it shall be done this morning."

"I'm guessing there were some that didn't want to make the change?" Seokjin's father nodded. "I know Councilman Sung-Ho was against it." Namjoon looked at the man. "See at first I thought he wanted the women to stay longer so that he and the rest of the council made sure I'd pick the right woman. Even though no one was supposed to interfere with my choice I decided to amuse him. Tell me Sung-Ho, did you know that the walls between the women's rooms are thin?"

The council members' eyes widened. "Silly me, of course you didn't or else you would have been more careful when you visited Miss Myung. I would ask you to explain why you were with one of my potential brides, but I think I know the answer to fact I know I know the answer. While you were busy entertaining her last night I had my men search your room." Namjoon smirked when he saw a bead of sweat form on his brow. "Now remember when I said the men who took me had a back up plan? The plan involved placing a woman in one of the villages. A woman who would do anything she could to make me fall for her. A few of my men found it strange that no one really knew anything about Myung, even though she told us she grew up in the village. But I just figured she and her family were private people." Namjoon waved his men over. Three of them were carrying boxes filled with letters.

"What are these?" One of the councilmen asked.

"Those are letters that were found in Sung-Ho's room, very well hidden I might add. These letters are from Miss Myung and DongHyun, my father's former advisor. Councilmen Sung-Ho, did you want the women to stay for me or for you? Now, it is no secret that I have stronger feelings for one of the women. But you knew that when they arrived. The problem was that it wasn't Myung. The one you wanted." Namjoon raised his hand and motioned for KangDae and BaekJee who'd entered through the side of the room with Myung. "You came up with the idea that they'd stay longer in hopes that she'd become the one that I chose. What you didn't expect was for me to ask you to change the law, which you had to do in order for me to spend more time with Myung or for me to hear you through the wall. You'll have to excuse me for not sticking around to hear your new plan last night. The sound of Myung giggling your name made me nauseous."

The King looked at his son and then Sung-Ho. "Well what do you have to say?" He raised an eyebrow as the man opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

"I do have to thank you both though." Namjoon turned to sit back in his chair. "I was upset at the thought of breaking the women's hearts. But thanks to my Mother I found out that three of them don't want the pressure of being the future Queen, which I don't blame them. Your inability to stay away from each other helped me see that one of them," he looked at Myung, "Was in love with the title and the power but not me. So thanks to you I don't have to wait any longer to ask the one that I've wanted all along to stand by my side."

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