Chapter 32

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"KangDae told me I'd find you near the water." Yeona jumped at the sudden voice beside her.

"Your Highness," She quickly stood up from the bench she was sitting on, "I'm sorry if I'm not allowed," Yeona said with a bow, "The lake is just beautiful and calming."

"It's perfectly fine, Yeona," the Queen said with a smile, "Please sit back down. I was going to join you."

Yeona nervously gave the Queen another bow before sitting back down on the bench. Yeona stared at the water once again and took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"So I hear that you know my brother quite well?"

"I've known him my whole life, Your Highness. He was one of my Father's first employees, and after my parents died he was there to help me keep the shop going," Yeona said with a sad smile. "But after everything that has happened this year I'm not sure I know him as well as I thought."

"He hasn't changed since I last saw him on our farm," the Queen said with a smile. "I know you are upset with him for keeping the secret from you, but you have to remember he wasn't allowed to tell you."

"That last part wasn't just about Uncle was it?" Yeona looked down at her hands.

"You really are a smart girl aren't you," The Queen said with a chuckle. "You're right it wasn't just about him."

"How did you feel when the King revealed his identity to you?"

"A mixture of shock and anger," the Queen answered truthfully. "I always knew something was different about him. Much like I assume you did with my son." Yeona nodded her head. "When Gyeongsun showed up at our farm with the Royal Guards I was shocked because never in my life had I imagined that he'd be the prince and that he was there to ask for my hand. But as the evening went on I became angry at him. So when he took me on a walk later that evening I told him everything that was on my mind. I still tease him from time to time about it," the Queen chuckled. "But I suppose that you'll do the same to Namjoon."

"What?" Yeona turned towards the Queen and asked in shock.

"You should go get some rest before dinner." The Queen changed the subject at the sound of the hourly bell and stood up, "I'll show you to your quarters. I hope you don't mind but I've asked one of my younger handmaidens to assist you while you're staying here. I know you are only here for the night but the castle grounds can be confusing. Are you coming?" The Queen smiled at Yeona who was still sitting on the bench.

"I, um, yes!" Yeona stammered, joining the queen at her sidep.

"Good," The Queen placed her arm through Yeona's. "We'll go through the garden. Even though the cold has killed most of the plants it is still quite beautiful. The temperature seems to be dropping."

The two of them stopped walking for a second as the Queen turned to one of her ladies, "Could you go and retrieve the purple and blue heavy cape that I don't wear for Yeona, please. I'm afraid her's won't be heavy enough." The maiden gave the Queen a quick bow before she hurried away.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Yeona bowed in appreciation.

"No need to thank me." She patted Yeona's arm that she was still holding, "It was a gift given to me many years ago that has been just sitting in my wardrobe. Every time we go through my clothing I just can't seem to part with it."

"Those are two of my favorite colors." Yeona smiled at the Queen.

"Oh really? Well, then I guess it was meant to be." The Queen smiled back.

Yeona's eyes scanned the garden, taking in as much of it as she could. The Queen was right. Even though the trees had lost their leaves, the grass was no longer green, and most of the other plants were dead, it was still beautiful. Yeona hoped that someday she would be able to return to the castle to see the beautiful greenery and flowers. The two of them stopped for a bit on the little bridge that went over the small stream as the Queen pointed out different things, trying her best to help the younger woman picture what the garden would look like fully in bloom.

"Rest up Yeona," the Queen said when they reached the door to where Yeona would be staying, "You've had a long trip and an exciting day. I'll see you in a few hours for dinner."

"Is everything okay, Miss?" The maiden asked, watching Yeona.

"This room is the size of my whole house," Yeona replied, from where she stood in the middle of the room.

"Who is that yelling?" Yeona walked towards the door and opened it just enough so that she could see out.

"That's one of the Prince's possible wives." The maiden answered quietly when she joined Yeona.

"Why is she having such a fit?" The Queen told her while they were walking that the women from the camp had been invited too.

"From what I've been able to hear, whoever packed her clothes didn't do it well. So now the skirt she had planned on wearing tonight is all wrinkled."

"And she's yelling because of that?"

"She stopped for a bit when it was announced that the Queen was here. The maiden she was given is new, she's trying her best but the lady refuses to let her use the iron. She keeps yelling that she didn't trust her not to burn her favorite skirt and that there's no way she's going to wear another one to meet the King and Queen."

"Oh for the love of all things," Yeona said loudly as she straightened up and slid open the doors.

"Where are you going, Miss?"

"To help the poor girl out. No one deserves to be yelled at like that, especially over something as meaningless as clothes," Yeona answered over her shoulder as she made her way to the room the sound was coming from.

"What are you going to do Miss? You aren't going to fight her, are you? I heard you are a really good fighter and that you are also a possible bride for the prince."

"No, I'm not going to fight her," Yeona answered with a smile and laugh. "Well, not unless she tries to fight someone. Who told you that I fight?"

"Words get around pretty fast here. There were rumors that a woman had helped save the Prince and his men. And seeing you standing with everyone in the courtyard only helped prove it."

"What is your name?"

"My name Miss?" Yeona nodded at her. "It's Si-Woo, Miss."

"Si-Woo, I promise that I will not fight anyone unless they start it first. And please call me Yeona or Yeo."

Yeona paused outside the door that the yelling woman was behind. After closing her eyes and taking a deep breath Yeona straightened up her clothes and hair.

"Follow my lead," She whispered to the confused-looking woman beside her before she opened the door.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now