Chapter 24

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The group came together in the woods where they each tied a ribbon on their arm while listening to KangDae and BaekJee's father as they went over the plan one last time.

"Blue team. You'll be with Yeona and BaekJee. You will enter through the front of the camp to get the men," KangDae said, looking at the group. "Red team. You're with my brother and me. We'll be going through the back of the camp. We know that the women are being kept in tents near where Jimin was being held." Everyone nodded their heads letting him know they understood.

"Only kill if necessary. We need to bring as many in as we can," BaekJee's father added, "Be alert and be safe." He looked directly at his son and Yeona before his group turned and walked away.

"Are you ready?" BaekJee turned to Yeona who had her eyes closed with her head tilted towards the sky.

Yeona took a deep breath through her nose, "Yes."

"Then why are you just standing there with your eyes closed?"

"You'll see in a second." Now everyone in the group was looking to the grey sky trying to figure out what she was talking about.

Yeona opened her eyes the moment she felt the first snowflake hit her eyelid. BaekJee laughed as a wave of excitement went over the group.

"Come on everyone. Let's bring the guys home safely." He put his arm around Yeona's shoulder and led the group towards the enemy's camp.

The blue team split into smaller groups the closer they got to the camp. The original plan was to use the light from the moon and a mirror to let each other know when they were in place. But with the grey clouds covering the moon they decided on a whistle instead. It would take a little longer but they needed to make sure they all entered at the correct time.

Once the whistle made its way back to Yeona and BaekJee's group the two of them gave each other a quick glance and nod before carefully climbing over the makeshift wall with their small group.

When they spotted Jungkook they quickly made their way over to him.

"Jungkook," Yeona squatted and lifted his face while BaekJee started to untie him. "Jungkook, I need you to wake up." She gently tapped his cheek.

"Noona?" He said in a groggy voice.

"Come on. We need to get you out of here." Yeona supported his body weight when he fell forward.

"Behind you." In one swift move, BaekJee grabbed a hold of Jungkook's midsection pulling him to the pole, as Yeona removed her sword and brought it across the legs of the man behind her.

"Well, that's not yours." She stood up and looked at the man who was now on the ground crying out in pain. She picked up the sword he'd been using and untied the case from his hips. "Don't you know it's bad luck to use someone else's sword without their permission?" She asked, placing the multi-colored sword back in its case.

"Are you ok?" Asked one of the men.

"Yes, I'm fine.Here, this is Jungkook's sword." She handed him the weapon. The man gave her a curt nod and moved to help the man who had taken Jungkook from BaekJee.

"Five more to go." BaekJee patted Yeona on the back as they made their way to their next target.

Yoongi was already alert by the time they made it to him. BaekJee and Yeona couldn't help but chuckle when they saw him. He was sitting on the ground still tied up with a big smile as he watched the fighting that was going on around him.

"Hey, you!" Yoongi yelled at BaekJee, "Kill that bastard over there. He has my sword!"

The man with Yoongi's sword eyes went wide when he heard that. He looked at BaekJee who had removed his own from its case and was making his way towards him. Yeona, not wanting to see what would happen next, quickly made her way over to Yoongi and started untying him.

"Can you stand?" She asked once the ropes had been removed.

"Not by myself," he replied. Yeona stepped around the pole to help him stand and motioned for two of the men who were still in hiding waiting for their signal.

"Here's your sword, sir," BaekJee handed Yoongi his sword in its case.

"Thank you," Yoongi smiled and returned the weapon to its place around his waist. "Now get me the hell out of here."

SeokJin was angry by the time they reached him. Angry at the men who had captured him and his friends. But also angry because no one was untying him yet.

"Will someone untie me!" He yelled while trying to use what strength he has to wiggle out of his restraints.

"I thought they were supposed to be in bad shape?" BaekJee remarked as he untied him.

"I think the fighting gave them some energy." Yeona held on to SeokJin's sword while the man who brought it over helped him stand.

"Get me away from here," SeokJin demanded, "There's no way in hell I'm dying here."

By the time the two of them fought their way to Taehyung, he was already being untied by the two men who would be taking him to safety.

"Did you find his sword?" Yeona slid her mask down so that she could catch her breath. One of the men nodded and pointed to the ground next to Taehyung.

"Noona?" Taehyung's eyes widened.

"Hi, Taehyung."

"If you're here, that means that Jimin made it to KangDae and he's alive!" Yeona smiled when Taehyung's face lit up.

"Yes, Jimin made it. He's waiting for us back at the camp."

"I hate to break up the reunion but the snow is falling harder and we still have two more," BaekJee said, looking around for the quickest route.

The man standing in front of Hoseok nearly fell over when he jumped into his arms. Hoseok had been tied to his stake for the past hour watching the chaos unfold around him. Once free, he used his strength to hug and thank one of his savers.

The fighting had pretty much ended when they got to Namjoon. Yeona's heart sank once he didn't respond when they tried to wake him. The dried blood on his face and clothes told them that he had received the worst out of the six men.

"I can't let you leave with him." The two of them froze. Yeona turned to see a man walking out of the shadows.

"And why not?" She stood to face him.

"Because I have orders to keep him here." The man removed his sword from its case.

"Well, we aren't leaving without him." Yeona removed hers and spun the handle in her hand.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now