Chapter 17

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"You sure know how to wear a man out." BaekJee and Yeona lay drenched in sweat in the cool grass as they tried to steady their breathing.

"Want to go again?" She smiled at him.

"No. No more today. If we go again neither of us will be able to walk tomorrow." BaekJee laughed.

"You're no fun."Yeona looked at the stars that were shining brightly above them.

The two of them were in the woods not too far from the training grounds where BaekJee had made Yeona her own training area. Over the past year, Yeona decided that she should be spending more time not only doing things she loves but getting to know more people. She had even been on a few dates. Her Uncle was more than happy to take over the shop when she told him that she'd only be in a couple of days a week.

BaekJee had noticed that even though she had more free time she still only visited the training grounds in the morning. After talking to her and finding out that she still wasn't comfortable with some of the men he had cleared out an area in the middle of the woods. He wanted her to be able to train whenever she wanted.

"You are thinking about him again aren't you?" BeaJee stood up and started picking up the bamboo swords that they had just got done practicing with.

"What are you talking about? I'm just looking at the stars," Yeona rolled her eyes.

"So you're not thinking about Namjoon?" He chuckled.

"How do you know that name?" Yeona sat up on her elbows.

"Because, my dear friend, you like to talk a lot whenever you have more than two glasses of wine." He squatted in front of her, "Each time you start talking about 'beautiful Namjoon' with the breathtaking smile, the dreamy eyes that anyone could get lost in, and his cute dimples." Yeona's eyes widened as he spoke.

"Oh, and my favorite one, 'lips so soft that just the brush of them across yours, lit your body on fire in a way that my kiss never could.' That one hurt a little." BaekJee tried to hold back his smile with a pout.

"I said all of that?" Yeona was thankful for the dark as the redness from her blush spread across her face.

"If you don't believe me you can ask Uncle and my Dad," He said standing back up.

"I said it in front of them?" Yeona rubbed the palm of her hand against her forehead.

"You did." He held out his hand to help her up, "It's not fair to the other men Yeo. No matter how hard they try they'll always come in second place."

"Are you saying that I need to forget about him?" Yeona asked, standing up.

"No," BaekJee placed a hand on her shoulder, "What I'm saying is don't settle for anyone that doesn't bring that shine to your eyes like just the thought of Namjoon does. Now let's get you home before it gets too late."

KangDae sat in the office and read over the letter that Namjoon had given him last year from his sister, "My Dearest Brother, There's so much I want to say to you but I don't have the time. I need your help but most importantly my son needs your help. A few members of the council have been in an uproar trying to stop him from finding a wife. They want him to fail so that they can appoint someone they see as more fit to rule the Kingdom. My husband and I fear for our son and his guards. But we, unfortunately, can't do anything without proof. We know what these men are capable of, at the moment Namjoon and his men have a huge target on their backs and they don't even know. I know you aren't allowed to interfere with his mission. But please protect him the best you can. The King and his trusted men have agreed that if the time should come they will look the other direction."

He let out a sigh as he put down her letter and picked up the one he had received from Kaira last month,

"Namjoon and his friends are being followed by unknown men."

That was all it said. KangDae rubbed his face. He hadn't heard anything else and the feeling of regret for not going to Jinzou was weighing heavily on him, but he couldn't leave without raising suspicions. The best he could do was wait for word from Namjoon, his guards, or someone else.

"What's wrong Uncle?" The sound of Yeona's voice made KangDae jump. He hadn't heard her enter the shop.

"Just thinking," He smiled at her, "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be off today."

"We were heading to the festival and she wanted to stop by and see if you wanted to go," BaekJee rolled his eyes as he came through the doorway.

"You two go have fun. I still need to do the paperwork for today." KangDae waved his hand to shoo them away.

"Are you sure?" He nodded his head, "Oh, before I forget. I was asked to give you this letter." Yeona placed the envelope on the desk before waving goodbye to her Uncle and leaving with BaekJee.

KangDae furrowed his brow as he reached for the envelope and pulled out the letter inside. "I am so sorry. The baby arrived early and I wasn't able to keep an eye on the guys. When I was finally able to today they were gone. I asked the owner. She said that they disappeared a few weeks ago in the middle of the night and that their rooms were trashed. They left almost all their belongings. Uncle, they didn't leave on their own. I just know it was those men who had been following them. I am so sorry." KangDae's stomach dropped.

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