Chapter 22

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"Are you still mad?" Jimin asked Yeona when she sat beside him in the wagon.

"I wasn't mad Jimin. I was upset."

"Then are you still upset?"

"A little yes." She adjusted the bedding in the wagon to make it more comfortable, "I'm just more upset with myself more than anything."

"Noona," Jimin turned her face to look at him, "Don't. Whatever you think may happen isn't true. Trust me, please. I can't tell you anything but please know that it's not what you think."

"Okay." She smiled at him and nodded.

The two of them sat back and talked as the wagon started to move. A collection of fifty fighters were leaving Hwen in ten different groups. Yeona and Jimin were in the second set, with BaekJee on horseback in the lead.

The trip was long and Yeona was thankful that she wasn't on horseback. They stopped a few times to rest, and so Yeona could check Jimin's wound to make sure nothing happened to it during the bumpy ride. As the night grew colder the men put on their coats while Jimin and Yeona covered themselves in the blankets they had brought.

"Come on you two sleepy heads, it's time to get up." Jimin and Yeona snuggled closer together as a cold breeze rushed over them. "You are going to make me climb in there aren't you?"

The sudden movement of the wagon made the two of them jump. They squinted into the bright morning sun to see BaekJee standing in front of them, rocking the wagon.

"We're awake, we're awake," Yeona said, picking up a handful of bedding and throwing it at him.

"We are just outside of Jinzou at our camp," BaekJee said, reaching out a hand to help Jimin up. "A warm fire and food are waiting over there." He pointed behind them. "We'll eat, go over our plan, and get some rest."

"Have the others been informed about the women?" Yeona hopped off the wagon.

"They already planned to get them too." BaekJee helped Jimin down. "Last night while you were sleeping we crossed paths with two of our men who were following a man to Iksan."

"Why Iksan?" Yeona asked while warming her hands.

"He was going after another woman."

"Wow, he didn't waste any time did he?" She said more to herself while staring at the fire.

"Noona, it's not..."

"It's not like that." She looked at Jimin and gave him a small smile, "But it still hurts."

"I know," he said, taking the food that BaekJee had offered him.

The plan was simple. Five would stay at the camp with Jimin while the rest and Yeona went to rescue the guys and the women. KangDae tried to convince Yeona that it would be safer if she stayed back but she refused. She understood that he was worried because she'd never actually fought and it could be dangerous. But she promised Jimin when he was still unconscious that she'd do whatever it took to reunite him and his friends.

Yeona held on tightly to the hilt of her sword as she quietly made her way through the woods. She wanted to look around some before the group headed out in a few hours. But her plans changed once she saw the smoke coming from the enemy's camp. Before she realized it her feet had brought her closer. Yeona stood on her tiptoes as she tried to see over the makeshift wall and tents that blocked her view.

Yeona drew her sword at the sound of a branch snapping not too far from her. "Who is it?" She asked ready to fight whoever it was.

"Calm down Niece," KangDae said, stepping out of the bushes, "It's just me."

"What are you doing here?" Yeona asked as she placed her sword back in its case.

"I saw you leave the camp and followed you just in case." He looked over at the wall, "You're going to have to get up that one of the trees to see anything. But I'm warning you now, it's going to make you even angrier."

"Can you help me up?" KangDae nodded and then got in position to lift her so that she could reach the first branch.

Once situated on a high enough branch, Yeona squinted her eyes and looked over the camp. Along with the many tents, she could see seven large stakes scattered around. She placed a hand over her mouth once her eyes landed on the one closest to her. She couldn't see his face well because his head was hunched over but she knew by the clothes that the man standing tied to the stake was Jungkook. His clothes were torn and filthy, his skin was dried and rough from being outside. The man that she had met over a year ago was hardly recognizable.

She climbed down from the tree, grabbed her sword from her Uncle, and marched towards their camp without saying a word. Her temper rose higher with each step she took and the image of Jungkook floated around her head. He was in worse shape than Jimin had been when he showed up. She knew by just looking at him that they were going to need to rethink a few things in the plan because there was no way those six men would be able to walk out on their own

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