Chapter 29

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The King sat across from Namjoon at his desk and watched as his son read the list of names in front of him. For the past three weeks the guards had taken in over one hundred people including those from the camp who took part in the capture of him and his men.

Namjoon usually kept out of the Royal duties, doing solely what was required of him. It was a surprise to not only his father, but the rest of the royal court, when Namjoon showed up at one of the meetings a week after he had returned. He was now a constant by his father's side. Namjoon had plans for the future of his kingdom and the King was excited to see them.

"Are we sure this is all of them?" Namjoon asked, not looking up from the paper.

"Would you prefer there be more names?" The King cracked a smile.

"I'd prefer it if there was none," Namjoon let out a small chuckle and sat the papers down. Tomorrow the guards would start carrying out the punishments.

"What do you think, your Highness?" Yoongi's father asked.

"I think they are fair considering what they did to us and the women."

"Speaking of the women," the King said as he stood up, "Did you get a chance to speak with your Mother? She was wanting to have a little party with the men who saved you and them."

"Yes, I gave her the names of all the ones who were taken."

"And what about the one who wasn't?" The King asked, looking at Namjoon.

"I think it's better if she didn't know what could have happened to her." Namjoon had purposely left Yeona's name off the list. Not because he wanted to hide who he really was, but because he wasn't sure how to tell her just yet.

The King and Yoongi's father said their goodbyes to Namjoon and left. Once the doors were closed behind them the two of them looked at each other and smirked. They knew who the mystery woman was. BaekJee and Namjoon's guards had told them all about Yeona. Not only did she capture Namjoon's heart, but she took care of Jimin and put her life on the line to save Namjoon and six of his men.

The King knew his son well enough to know that he was currently sitting in his room still trying to figure out how to tell Yeona everything. But what Namjoon didn't know was that she was one of the main reasons for the little feast that the Queen was working on. When he gave her the list of women she noticed that one name was missing. A name she had heard her son mumble a few times in his sleep. So she went and investigated. First she went to the King and when he couldn't help her, the two of them went to BaekJee and Namjoon's guards.

The men had explained that they didn't tell Namjoon about Yeona being there because she'd asked BaekJee and Jimin not to. The only reason why the other men knew was because they happened to be awake when they were rescued.

So while the Queen and her ladies planned the celebration they made sure to include her in the guest list. Yeona would be arriving with the other men who helped save her son. The Queen knew if they were meant to be together neither would be mad about the truth being revealed. Or at least not for too long.

"Is that everyone?" The Queen asked, looking at the stack of invitations.

"Yes your Highness,"

"Good, have them sent out first thing in the morning."

Yeona smiled and talked to the baby that was laying in front of her while she got him ready for the day. Her time in Jinzou was definitely what she needed. During the past month she was able to live her life carefree for the first time since her parents died.

"How was your date last night?" Kaira asked.

"It was fine." Yeona answered, picking up her nephew.

"Are you sure it was just fine?" Kaira arched an eyebrow. "The two of you have gone out almost every night the past couple of weeks and you got home pretty late last night."

"It was nothing like that, so just wipe that smile off of your face." Yeona adjusted the baby on her hip and pointed at her friend. "I broke things off with him last night."

"YOU WHAT?" Kaira's outburst caused Yeona and the baby to jump.

"Are you ok?" Yeona brushed her hand over her nephew's hair and kissed his forehead. "Did your loud mommy scare you?"

"Why did you break it off with him?" Kaira asked in a softer tone.

"My heart just wasn't into it as much as I wanted it to be. I was hoping it would be. But when he kissed me.."

"HE KISSED YOU?" Kaira squealed loudly, cutting Yeona off.

"Will you stop!" Yeona hissed at her friend as she tried to sooth the now crying baby, "You're scaring the crap out of your son." Yeona threw a toy at her which made the baby laugh, "Now, back to what I was saying. When he kissed me there was nothing. Not even an ember." Yeona pouted, "Which is sad because I really liked him too."

"So what took you so long to get home?" Kaira picked up a basket to place their purchased items in.

"It was still pretty early when we said our goodbyes at the gate so after he left I went for a walk. I ended up by the stream and lost track of time."

"What did you think about while you were there?" Kaira asked when they stepped out of her house and headed towards the market.

"I'm tired of looking, Kaira. I've spent the last year going on so many dates. I'm tired of thinking that I've found the right man and then being let down. As much as I want someone to spend my life with, I don't think it's meant for me."

"Don't say that Yeo," Kaira pouted, "You never know what the universe has aligned."

"I just want what you and Deu have. Someone to laugh with, someone to spend my days with doing things we enjoy, and maybe one day having a family. Is that too much to ask for, universe?" Yeona asked, looking up at the blue sky.

"Who you want is Namjoon."

"I don't want Namjoon."

"Yes you do. That man captured your heart over a year ago in Hwen and never returned it." The giggle that came from Kaira's son made both the women laugh, "See, even my son knows."

"I thought you didn't like Namjoon anymore?"

"I still like him," Kaira answered as she examined the items on the table, "I'm just mad at him and the other men who lied to you."

"I do miss him, I'm not going to lie. But I also miss the other six guys and BaekJee," Yeona sighed.

"I know. But you miss them for different reasons." Yeona nudged Kaira with her free arm when her friend smirked and winked at her, "What? All I'm saying is that if any of the other guys showed up you'd be excited to see them in a friendly way. But if Namjoon suddenly showed up you'd be excited in a more exciting way."

"Will you stop!" Yeona said with a laugh.

"See, that blush on your face says that I am correct."

"It doesn't matter anyways. They are back in Emelle by now. Or whatever village they are from."

As the women made their way back to the house they were stopped by a group of people who were gathered outside of the Magistrates Office.

"What happened?" Kaira asked, standing on her tiptoes to try and see over the crowd.

"I'm not sure," Yeona replied, grabbing her friend's hand and guiding her to the side entrance.

"Is that a Royal Messenger talking to Deu?"

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