Chapter 27

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KangDae had sent a few men ahead of them to let Deu-sung know that they were on their way. When they arrived at Jinzou, he and his men were waiting for them. They helped the women out of the wagon and ushered them into the government building so that they could warm up before going to their temporary lodging.

Deu-sung could tell by the look in Yeona's eyes that she had a lot on her mind. She didn't need or want to be around a lot of people right now. So he pulled one of his men aside while she was unloading her horse and told the man to accompany her to his house. He still didn't fully know the details of what happened. All he was told is that they would be stopping here for a few days with some women who'd been kidnapped.

"Yeo," Deu-sung softly said when he walked up behind her.

"Hi Deu," Yeona smiled. She was genuinely happy to see him.

"This man is going to escort you to the house."

"Deu, I'm fine staying with everyone else. No need to make any special arrangements," Yeona said as the man picked up her bags.

"I know. But something in your eyes tells me that you need your best friend right now."

Kaira came running out of her house the moment she saw Yeona walk through the gate. The guard that accompanied her placed a hand on Yeona's back, so that she wouldn't fall into the snow when her best friend practically tackled her with a hug.

"What's wrong?" Kaira asked, looking at her friend's face. "Come on, let's get you inside where we can talk." Yeona nodded as her tears started to fall.

Once they were inside and Kaira had gotten them some warm tea, Yeona told her everything. She started with Jimin showing up in the middle of the night at her house all the way to what brought her to Jinzou.

"Liars, every single one of them," Kaira said as she paced. Yeona opened her mouth to say something and then quickly closed it when Kaira pointed at her. "Don't say it. Don't you dare say that they aren't all liars. They are keeping something from you and in my book that's a lie."

"I'm starting to think you're more angry about this than I am."

"Dang right I'm angry. Uncle and KangDae were supposed to take care of you while I was gone."

"But they did."

"They still kept things from you Yeo." Kaira stopped pacing, pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh, "Then there's Namjoon and his friends. I told you something was off with them."

"But yet you still put them on my list."

"Don't get me started on that list. I've torn it up and have decided to start a new one. One that doesn't involve mysterious men. It will be filled with men that are well known and trusted."

"Excuse me Ma'am." The two women turned to see one of the house maids holding Kaira's son.

"Look who's awake," Kaira said with a smile and took her son into her arms. "Hi baby boy. Come meet your Aunt Yeona."

"He's so beautiful," Yeona said as Kaira placed him in her arms.

"I think you should stay with us for a while." Kaira sat down next to Yeona.

"I'm going to be here for a few days or until it's safe to travel again."

"I was thinking longer. Like a month."

"What?" Yeona looked away from the baby and to her friend.

"Just think of it as a vacation. You deserve one after everything you've been through and with how hard you've been working all these years."

"Kaira, I don't know. I don't think it would be fair to Uncle."

"Don't get me started on that again. You said last year that you wanted to have more time for yourself and get to know other people." Kaira turned to face Yeona, "Yeo, you've spent your whole life taking care of other people and putting yourself last. You deserve this chance to be free even if it's just for a short time. No worrying about the shop or anything else."

"I guess you're right. It would be nice to be able to get away and not have to worry about anything. Plus you never know," she looked back down at the smiling baby that was on her lap, "Maybe my future husband is here."

"Oh this is going to be so much fun," Kaira clapped in excitement.

The next morning when Yeona went to check on her Uncle and the women, she informed him that she would be staying. When he asked her why. All she said was that she needed to get away from everything and clear her mind. He knew there was more to it but didn't want to push her. He'd wait until she was ready.

So he nodded his head and promised to take care of things in Hwen for her.

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