Chapter 7

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Yeona sat on the ground of the training field and stretched as she continued to think about the question Seokjin had asked her last night. Would she give up the shop? Would she give up her life here in Hwen? She always thought if she ever got married that it would be to a man who lived here so that she could still work at the weapon shop.

"Excuse me." Yeona stopped stretching at the sound of a formal voice, "I'm supposed to train with you today."

"Please don't let that be who I think it is." She closed her eyes and said softly as she turned around.

"Noona?" A shocked Jungkook asked when he saw who was sitting on the ground.

"Hello, Jungkook." She replied as she stood up and wiped the dirt off her clothes.

"Well, this should be fun." Yoongi smiled as he stood against the wall.

"It seems you two already know each other," Yeona's trainer said, standing next to Jungkook.

"Yes, we do. I'm not fighting her." Jungkook turned to him and said,

"You said you wanted to train against one of our best, and she's one of them." Her trainer rocked on his heels and smiled at Yeona.

"You're not going to hurt me, Jungkook," Yeona said, trying to reassure him.

"You don't know that. I might, and I won't be ok if I do," Jungkook said, looking back at her.

"Jungkook, trust me. Ok. I've been training since I was a kid." Jungkook relaxed a little, knowing that she might know how to fight.

"Are you sure about this, Noona? I won't go too hard, I promise." She wasn't sure if he was trying to convince himself or her.

"I'm sure Jungkook." She said with a smile. "Just do me a favor and don't tell the other five about this." Yoongi and Jungkook both nodded their heads in agreement.

"Alright. Now that we've got that settled, let's begin, shall we?" Yeona and Jungkook got into their fighting stance and waited for the trainer to start.

It still took Jungkook a while to push the fear of hurting her out of his mind. But after she had managed to pin him down a few times, he realized that the trainer was right. She was an excellent sparring partner for him. They were both quick on their feet. He was a tad stronger than her, but once her body remembered how to fight, that didn't matter. She knew moves that he didn't, and he was thrown off guard when she held on to one of his shoulders, went behind his back, and swung her legs up, grabbing hold of his head and using all her strength to pull him to the ground and flip him.

"I think we should wrap this up," Yoongi said, moving away from the wall.

"Why? This is the best competition I've had since we got here," Jungkoook said as he threw a punch that was blocked again by Yeona.

"Because you two have been at this for two hours, and I think we've been found," Yoongi replied.

"We've been what?" Jungkook asked as he dodged a punch.

"Is this where you two have been all morning?" Without thinking, Jungkook tackled Yeona at the sound of Namjoon's voice.

"Sorry, Noona," He said softly, still on top of her as she caught her breath.

"It's okay, Jungkook. A little warning would have been nice, but I understand." She tapped his arm to let him know that she could get up.

"I got you far enough back so that they can't see you." He helped her up.

"Thank you, Jungkook. I'll see you tomorrow," she said as she started to walk in the opposite direction of the men.

After successfully making her way over the back wall and away from the training ground, Yeona carefully made her way back to her house. Her dress was tucked away in her trainer's office, and she was still in a men's hanbok that used to belong to her father's. She stuck to the alleyways and kept her head down, hoping no one would notice her.

"Did you fight a wild animal?" Kaira asked, watching her friend walk through her gate.

"Something like that." Yeona sat down beside her.

"I came by to see if you wanted to go to the market with me. But you were at the training grounds." She said, returning to her work, "I saw these swords that needed the cords put on them, so I decided I would do this to keep myself busy while I waited."

"I kept you waiting for a long time, huh?" Yeona asked as she looked at the six finished swords sitting next to Kaira.

"I've been waiting an hour," Kaira answered. "These are different from the ones you usually make."

"These are a custom order, and for some reason, I wanted to make them different," Yeona said, picking up the one with trees on the case, and the ribbon was a mixture of greens and browns. "The first day I showed up at the grounds, the owner had a couple of presents for me from my dad," Kaira stopped working and watched Yeona walk to her room and came out with a sword along with a bow and arrow set. "My dad was going to give me these as an early birthday present when they came back."

"They are beautiful." Kaira took the sword in hand, "Purple and blue butterflies. Remember when he came home and saw us jumping off the wall pretending to be butterflies?" Both women laughed at the memory, "Our moms got so mad."

"He started calling us his butterflies after that," Yeona said with a smile.

"Is this where you got the idea to do the swords?" Kaira handed her the sword.

"Yes, I'm not even sure why. But the more I thought about the customer, the more I wanted theirs to resemble mine in a way." Yeona ran her hand over the case.

"Maybe it's a sign," Kaira said, returning to attaching the cord.

"What kind of sign?" Yeona asked with a laugh.

"I'm not sure yet. But I am almost done here, so why don't you go get cleaned up and changed so that we can go." Yeona stood up, grabbed her stuff, and headed to her room.

Kaira kept an eye on her friend as she examined the jewelry and hair combs on the table in front of her. Yeona was a few shops down talking to one of the food sellers. Every month she would meet up with a few of them and put together and pay for a basket of stuff for the more impoverished families in the village. Both of their fathers were brought up on the poor side of the village. Kaira's father ended up working for and eventually becoming the town's magistrate. It took Yeona's father a little longer to get out. But once he was able to get his shop opened, he was able to move out. Like an act of fate, there was a house next door to the magistrates' house. Kaira's father and mother helped Yeona's parents fix it up.

At some point in time, Kaira's father forgot what it was like for the more impoverished families. Something that he didn't realize he'd done until after his friend passed. Yeona's father, on the other hand, never did. Just like his daughter, he would meet up with the food sellers and purchase food for families. Kaira remembered the first time she had seen Yeona and her mother going through their things to give away what they could. After explaining to her what they were doing, she ran home and grabbed some of her old things to give away too. As she grew older, she stopped giving away items and helping others. She became more focused on being a proper lady and learning how to be a good wife. Her father was the magistrate, after all. These things were expected from her. She envied Yeona. Coming from a lower-class family, she wasn't expected to act or dress a certain way.

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