Chapter 23

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"Noona, Did you get the idea for our swords from yours?" Jimin asked as he ran his hand along the case of Yeona's sword.

"Yes," she answered, making sure her hair was secured correctly under her hood, "My father made me that before he died. I thought that you guys would like something similar."

"We did. We took pride in our custom swords."

"Why are you talking like they are gone?" She turned to look at him.

"Because I don't know if they are or not. The last time I saw them they were in the hands of those men," Jimin said with a sigh and placed the sword on the bed.

"Jimin, I'm going to bring your swords back along with the guys," she said putting her mask on, "And if they have been destroyed I will make you new ones and deliver them to you personally."

"Are you ready?" BaekJee asked, stepping into the tent wearing the same black outfit as Yeona.

"Yes, I just need to attach my sword," Yeona replied, picking up her weapon.

"Yeona," she made eye contact with Jimin when he said her name, "Be careful, please. I could never forgive myself if anything bad happened to you and neither would the other six."

"Jimin," Yeona placed a hand on his shoulder, "I will be as safe as I can be and I'll bring back your friends alive." He could only see her eyes and they were filled with anger and determination.

"And our swords?" He asked with a smile, trying to lighten the mood some.

"Yes Jimin," she laughed and hugged him.

"You too BaekJee. Please be careful," Jimin looked at the man standing in the doorway.

"I'll try my best sir," he gave him a nod, "You be safe while we are gone."

Jimin watched the two of them leave the tent. He sat down and let out a heavy sigh, this mission was supposed to be simple. They started their journey of helping Namjoon find a wife over a year ago. If he or any of the others would have known that they were being watched by someone other than an appointed castle guard they would have been more cautious. He couldn't wait until they were back home safe behind the castle walls and all of this would hopefully come to an end.

He did know something about this whole situation that he didn't tell anyone after he woke up in Yeona's house. Something that would cause a stir in the Royal Court. He recognized one of the men that had captured them. He saw him a few times secretly talking to DongHyun, one of the King's advisors. Jimin usually wouldn't pay too much attention to other people's affairs, but he found it strange that the man started to randomly show up and speak only to the advisor in the dead of night. One of their conversations that happened a couple of nights before they left still played out in his head. They were talking about a plan and making sure everything was in place. He thought they were talking about the King. So the next morning he went to Yoongi's father and told him what he overheard. The Royal Guard asked Jimin not to tell anyone, which he found strange but understood. He now realized that their plan didn't involve the King, but Namjoon instead.

There was a reason why the Queen wanted Namjoon to find KangDae. It all made sense now. She knew. They all knew that the seven of them had a target on their backs. But as per the law, none of them could interrupt Namjoon in any way. Yoongi and Hoseok went to the castle after Namjoon and Yeona had been followed. They wanted to see what they should do about the situation. All they were told to do was leave Hwen and keep their heads down for the rest of the journey. But it seemed that no matter how low they tried to be, they were being watched by someone at all times.

Jimin wiped his hands over his face and then got out of bed. It was all out of his control now. The only thing he could do was wait for his friends and the rest of the group to return. He shivered when he walked out of the tent. It was freezing out and it had started to snow. The sound of the men who stayed behind caught his attention. They were talking and moving things around in order to be prepared for when the injured arrived . Jimin went over to help them, he wasn't going to be able to do much with his wound, but he needed to do something. Anything was better than letting his worry get the best of him.

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