Chapter 9

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"These turned out pretty good," Yeona's Uncle said as he helped her bring the seven swords out of the office.

"Of course they did. We made them." A smile was on her face as she looked at all seven of them lying on the counter.

"Are you sure they are coming by today?" He placed a small stool by her chair for her to rest her ankle.

"Yes, I told Namjoon yesterday while he helped me to the doctors that they were done, and he said they'd be by this afternoon." Yeona adjusted herself on the chair and placed her foot on the stool. "Uncle, do you know a man named Seong KangDae?"

"No, why do you ask?" He stopped in the doorway to the shop area.

"Namjoon was asking about him. Before he left, his mother gave him a note to give to KangDae." Her Uncle's heart skipped a beat.

So his suspicion about Namjoon was correct. When he had first seen Namjoon, he had a feeling that he was related to the King somehow. He looked just like Gyeongsun did at his age. But his eyes. He knew those eyes. His mother had those eyes, and so did his sister.

KangDae was thirteen when his older sister Seondeok met and fell in love with the then prince. He had shown up in their village of Emelle and stole the hearts of all the women. But only one of them stole his, and that was Seondeok. Then the prince disappeared one day, his sister was heartbroken. He didn't even say goodbye. A year later, KangDae and his sister were helping their mother in her garden when they heard a lot of commotion. Making their way towards their house were several royal guards on horseback, and in the middle of them was the prince.

Their mother poured them some tea as he explained why he had left and that he had come back in hopes that Seondeok would become his wife. Five years later, when their mother died, he had left Emelle and traveled to Yia in hopes of seeing his sister because she was the only family he had left. But he wasn't allowed inside the palace walls to see her. So he packed up what he could and ended up here in Hwen and was taken in by the training ground owner and his family. If his sister had found him and sent a letter for him with Namjoon, that meant that she needed him.

"Are you ok, Uncle?" The sound of Yeona's voice brought him back. "You look worried."

"I'm fine, Yeo. Just going over orders in my head," he smiled at her. Both of their heads turned towards the sound of the door opening.

"Good afternoon," Yoongi said when he stepped through the doorway.

"Where are the rest of the guys?" KangDae asked, shaking his hand.

"They are behind me," Yoongi replied before heading towards the counter. Slowly the rest of the seven men made their way into the shop. Each said hello and shook his hand before going to the counter.

"Why don't you gentlemen come to see me before you leave. I'll teach you to clean and sharpen your swords properly." KangDae said low enough for only Namjoon to say as he shook his hand.

"It's okay, sir. We know how to do all that." Namjoon smiled.

"Trust me. You and your guards will want to speak with me." Namjoon's smile dropped at his words. "You look just like the king did at your age. But your eyes are just like my sister's," he said before turning around and heading towards his shop.

"What was that about?" Seokjin whispered to Namjoon.

"I think she accidentally found KangDae." Namjoon looked towards the counter where Yeona was talking with the rest of the men.

"How's your ankle, Noona?" Jimin asked, leaning over the counter.

"It hurts. But doing good." She wiggled her toes to show him that it was fine, "It took me a little longer to get to work this morning. Thankfully Kaira's father saw me and had one of his men help me. Uncle has told me that I need to leave work early today so that I don't get trampled on," Yeona's smile dropped when she saw the look of concern on their faces.

"One of us will walk you to and from work until you're healed." The rest of the men nodded in agreement with what Hoseok said.

"You guys don't have to. I'll be fine," she tried reassuring them.

"It's my fault it happened. So we will take care of you," Yeona opened her mouth to say something and then immediately closed it. Namjoon had his jaw clenched, and even after only knowing him a short time, she knew that it meant he was in a serious mood and wasn't up for argument.

"Shall we look at your swords?" Yeona removed the fabric that her Uncle had placed on top of them and watched their reactions. A smile spread across her face as each man said their excitement about how good they looked.

"Which sword belongs to who" Taehyung asked without taking his eyes off of them.

Yeona smiled as she handed the men their swords one by one. The first sword went to Taehyung. At the end of his case were snowflakes, and the cord was a mixture of white and blues. "Taehyung, pristine, fresh, and luminescent like freshly fallen snow."

The second sword went to Hoseok. At the end of his case were flowers, and the cord was a mixture of reds, oranges, and greens. "Hoseok, captivating, exquisite, and dazzling. Just like flowers in a field"

The third sword went to Jimin. At the end of his case was an island, and the cord was a mixture of blues and tans. "Jimin, tempestuous, majestic, and mysterious. Just like the ocean."

The fourth sword went to Jungkook. At the end of the case were animals, and the cord, a mixture of every color she had. "Jungkook, fierce, willful and quick. Just like an animal."

The fifth sword went to Seokjin. At the bottom of the case were mountains, and the cord, a mixture of browns, whites, and greens, "Seokjin, bold, breathtaking and towering. Just like the mountains that surround us."

The sixth sword went to Yoongi. At the bottom of the case was a sun and a moon, the cords a mixture of silver, black, blue, and white. "Yoongi, calm, intense, and indescribable. Just like the sky."

The seventh and final sword went to Namjoon. At the bottom of the case were trees, and the cord had a mixture of browns and greens. "Namjoon, majestic, indestructible, and dignified. Just like the woods you love to walk in."

Each man gave her a bow and said thank you when they received their swords. She watched as they examined them and was relieved to see that they were all happy with their unique swords.

"How did you come up with the idea?" Yoongi asked.

"My dad had used a similar design before he died. And after watching you and being around you, I figured you'd like these," Yeona shrugged her shoulders.

"We love them, Noona," Jungkook said with a bright smile. "Thank you so much."

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now