Chapter 25

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BaekJee leaned against the pole with Namjoon while he watched Yeona and the man circle each other in the snow. If anyone else were to see the two, they'd be confused as to why she kept talking instead of just fighting. But BaekJee knew what she was doing. He has been on the receiving end of her favorite strategy before. She was getting him to move around and talk so that she could study him. Like a beast stalking its prey, looking for its weak points, and waiting for the right time to strike.

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself involved with," the man said.

"I really don't care."

"They are powerful people and they'll make your life a living hell."

"It already is."

BaekJee snorted at her reply. He knew it was a lie but her eyes were blank right now and he actually believed her.

"I guess I'm going to have to kill you and then your friend."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Namjoon, you should wake up. You're missing all the fun," BaekJee said in excitement, nudging his shoulder, as the man and Yeona's swords hit together.

The man was good, BaekJee would give him that much. But Yeona was better. He watched as she lessened her skills to make the man think that he had a chance against her. Once she'd boosted his ego and his moves became careless she went full force. She was able to get a few good slashes on him which angered him. The man brought his sword down hard, knocking Yeona's out of her hand and cutting her thigh.

"I told you that I was going to kill you."

"I'm not dead yet," Yeona said, running towards him and kicking his sword out of his hand.

She now had the man in the shape she wanted him. He was getting tired and was showing his weak spots, both from fatigue and the one's she had inflicted.

Just like she'd figured, his hand-to-hand skills were stiff. Yeona used his fresh wounds to her advantage. Striking them every chance she got.

"Come on Yeo. Now you are just playing with your kill." BaekJee adjusted his hold on Namjoon, "If you're not going to wake up and watch her fight. At least wake up so that I don't have to hold all your weight."

"Wow, she's pretty good."

"Finally," BaekJee said when one of the men from the other team stood beside him, "Take him."

"Dae sent me to make sure everything was alright before we left." The man who was much bigger than BaekJee scooped Namjoon up in his arms.

"Yeona! Either kill the man or knock him out! We need to get lover boy out of here." BaekJee's eyes widened when he realized his mistake. They knew all the women's names and hers wasn't a common one.

"Yeona, huh," The man said with a knowing smile as he wiped the blood from his mouth and stumbled backward, "Now I see why you're fighting so hard. You're one of the women he's chosen."

"Fuck!" BaekJee whispered. He straightened up and placed his hand on his sword ready to kill the man if he tried to say anything she wasn't supposed to know yet.

Yeona, having heard enough of this man's voice, took a deep breath and cracked her neck before running at him, just like she had done to Jungkook at the training grounds. She grabbed a hold of the under part of one of his arms. Using it as leverage to swing her body around his and bring him to the ground. This man wasn't Jungkook though, this man was a threat. So instead of lightly placing him in a headlock with her thighs. Yeona locked her ankles together and used all the strength to choke the man and make him unconscious.

"Come on Yeo," She opened her eyes to see BaekJee standing over her with an outstretched hand.

"Where's Namjoon?" Her eyes widened in shock when she realized that BaekJee didn't have him.

"He's on his way back to the meet-up point. Now if you'll kindly let go of this bastard," He pointed at the man, "These gentlemen would like to take him."

"Oh...OH!" Yeona quickly removed her legs from his neck and scooted away from him.

"How's your leg?" Can you walk?" Yeona scrunched her eyebrows at BaekJee. When he pointed at the hole in her pant leg she chuckled,

"I forgot about that." Yeona lifted her arms so that he could help her stand.

"This isn't going to work," He said once they started walking. "We've already been here long enough and the snow keeps getting heavier."

"What do you-" Yeona squealed in shock when BaekJee scooped her up in his arms.

"You're moving too slow." He adjusted her and started walking again.

"BaekJee, how did that man know me?" She placed her head on his shoulder.

"Well, he and his men were going after all the women that Namjoon got close to. Sorry about saying your name out loud like that. I didn't realize it until afterward."

"It's ok. What do you think he meant by 'they are powerful people' ?"

"Not sure," he lied. He knew exactly who that man was working for.

"Do you think Namjoon and his friends are wanted by the Royal Guards?"

"I doubt that. If the guards wanted them they would come after them themselves. He was probably just saying things to try and scare you away."

Yeona held on tight to BaekJee while he carried her through the cold snowy woods. When they reached the meetup spot she glanced around to make sure all six men had made it. When she finally saw them they were all huddled together under blankets in one of the wagons. All but Namjoon were awake. But she could see the adrenaline of the night wearing off the warmer they got.

"Are you going to ride in the wagon with them?" Her Uncle asked after giving her and BaekJee a lecture about taking so long.

"No, they need that room. Besides, it would look strange if one of us rode with them."

"Just get them back to the camp. We'll be fine." BaekJee added.

"Did all the women make it out?" Yeona asked, looking around.

"Yes, we took them back as soon as we found them. They've already been through a lot and we didn't want them to be scared anymore." The two of them nodded in understanding at KangDae. "Alright," He turned to look at the group. "Let's get these men back and treated so that we can get them home."

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now