Chapter 21

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"Shouldn't they be back by now?"

"Settle down Yeo. It was raining earlier today. They might have stopped until it passed."

Yeona and BaekJee stood against the outside wall of the training grounds. The day after Jimin woke up the two of them helped him to the grounds so that they could figure out a plan. Two days later a group of ten men headed towards a location that Jimin remembered being near the camp. Five of them were supposed to be back tonight after scouting the area for a couple of days. While the other five stayed and waited for the larger group.

The two of them stared off into the darkness as they waited for the sound of the man and their horses. Yeona bit on her cuticle as her nerves became more intense the longer it took. Jimin said that they wouldn't kill the others yet. But there was still a chance of them dying and until there was confirmation they were all worried.

"There they are," BaekJee moved away from the wall at the sound of the horses getting closer.

"I'll let everyone know," Yeona said heading towards the gates.

Yeona and the group watched as BaekJee entered the courtyard with the five men on horseback. Everyone waited as the men put away their horses before making their way to the group.

"We have good news and bad news," One of the men said as they got closer.

Yeona looked at Jimin when he pulled her hand away from her mouth. "Stop chewing on your cuticle Noona," he said with a smile, "They are alive. I can see it on those men's faces." She nodded at him and the two of them returned their attention to the men.

"Well?" KangDae asked.

"The good news is, all six men are still alive," the man spoke.

"And the bad news?"

"They are in pretty bad shape. They are only given food every couple of days and they are left tied up all day. If we don't get them within the next few days I'm certain that they won't survive much longer. Especially with it getting colder."

"We'll head out tomorrow night," Yeona said with a nod, "Let's come up with a plan now and then get some sleep."

"Yeona, I don't think that's a good idea." KangDae reached out a hand to try and stop her as she walked towards the table with the maps.

"They are family. We aren't going to leave them to die," Yeona replied as she placed a map on the board. "I would think with you being Namjoon's uncle that you'd want to save him as quickly as me." The anger in her voice made everyone look at KangDae. Yeona was thankful for the board that was in front of her when a small smile spread across her lips. The two of them weren't able to talk yet but she overheard KangDae talking to her trainer before she and BaekJee went to wait for the men.

"She's not going with us is she?" One of the men beside her asked.

"Yeona is one of our best. So yes she will be going and fighting with us." BaekJee said as he and Jimin stepped off the porch.

"But she's a woman. She has no place-" The man's words were cut off as he hit the ground and his breath was knocked out of him.

"I would be careful with the way you talk about her," Jimin said with a laugh. He was still amazed at how quick and strong she was. The first time he saw her fight was the other day. BaekJee had been bugging her the whole walk to the grounds. By the time they reached the gates she had enough and he was on the ground faster than Jimin could blink. "She's not in a very good mood."

The man turned his dirt-covered face to the side and saw Yeona staring at him while she had his arm pinned and her knee on his back. "If you are scared just say it. No need to be nasty towards me," she said standing up.

"He told you she was one of our best," her trainer laughed as he helped the man up. "Now, why don't you show us where the camp is so that we can come up with a plan."

After he had wiped the dirt from his clothes the man moved towards the map. He showed them where the six men were being held. It was a heavily wooded area which made it easier for their group to stay hidden.

The remainder of the night was spent coming up with and finalizing a plan to save all six and then to escort them along with Jimin home safely. As the sun started to peek over the horizon and the group was starting to go their separate ways for the remainder of the day. One of the men that was in the group of five-spoke up and everyone froze.

"What about the women?" He asked.

"What women?" Yeona turned to look at him.

"The ones that they are keeping along with the men." He looked at the other four men wondering why they hadn't said anything. "Before we left they brought in four women. I overheard a couple of the men saying that your nephew," he pointed towards KangDae, "Had gotten close to a woman in each village he went through. For some reason, they want those women too. Now I'm not sure how many are left but they plan on capturing them all."

"Dammit," the sound of Jimin's angry voice made everyone look at him. "I'm sorry Noona." He took a deep breath, "There's two more. Namjoon didn't have a chance to get close to a woman in Jinzou."

"Jimin," the mixture of sadness and shock on Yeona's face made his face fall.

"You are one of the two Noona," he said, looking at the ground, "I can't go into too much detail. But this has gotten out of hand."

"What are you saying Jimin?" BaekJee stood beside Yeona.

"Noona is in danger because of this whole stupid thing. All the women he met were supposed to have someone watching them after we left." Jimin ran a hand through his hair. "If they have four of the women that means either their guards were killed..."

"Or they were in on it." Jimin looked at KangDae and nodded.

"Who's watching me?" Yeona asked Jimin.

"I...I don't know," he lied. "They are told to keep an eye on you from a distance."

"I'll be in the sleeping quarters if anyone needs me," she said, making her way through the group.

"Give her some time Jimin," BaekJee placed a hand on his shoulder stopping him from following her. "She needs to think everything out. She'll be better tomorrow I promise."

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