Chapter 34

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"What is going on here?" Everyone froze at the sound of the man's voice who stood in the entryway of the soldiers training field.

Yeona watched as In-Su, the man who she'd just pinned again, eyes widened in fear. She looked at the other men and Si-Woo to see them all bowing. Yeona knew whose voice it was without even looking. He did not sound like the Namjoon she'd met over a year ago. His voice was kind and soothing in the month she spent with him. Now his voice was confident and commanding.

"Your Highness," In-Su said as he quickly got to his feet before helping Yeona up after accidentally knocking her over. "Because I am on duty I must take full..."

"You're what?" Yeona interrupted with a shout. "If I'd known that then I would have never challenged you!" She smacked him on the arm.

"I didn't believe the rumors going around that you were amongst the men who saved the Prince and his men. So when the opportunity to see if they were true showed I couldn't pass it up," He said defensively.

"You still should have told me. I would have fought KangDae or any of the other men to prove it was true."

"You're correct and I'm sorry. If it makes you any less angry I believe the rumors now." In-Su stretched his sore body. "You're one hell of a fighter, Yeona."

"I know," Yeona said with a big smile, "and thank you."

The sound of Namjoon clearing his throat brought their attention back to him.

"Hoseok and Jimin, please escort the ladies to their quarters. I need to have a talk with the men."

"Wait, they aren't in trouble are they?" Yeona's eyes grew wide as she stepped in front of In-Su. "If anyone should be in trouble here it's me. It was my idea to come here in the first place."

"Come on Noona, it's cold and late. We should get you and Si-Woo inside where it's warm," Jimin said softly when he reached her side.

"I'm not leaving, Jimin." Yeona crossed her arms.

"Yeona, please don't make us force you," Hoseok said as he and Si-Woo joined them.

"Let's go, Miss. I'll make you a warm bath and we can get you into some warm clothes." The woman said timidly as she placed Yeona's cape on her shoulders.

"Hoseok, I am not letting these men get in trouble for something I started. If I hadn't begged BaekJee to bring me here none of this would have happened. Besides, who is going to make me?"

"Your Prince." Namjoon's deep voice made everyone freeze again.

Yeona took a deep breath and clenched her fists under her cape. She faced Namjoon's direction again. His face was blank and she could see his tightened jaw muscles. "I'm sorry your, Highness," She said as she bowed. "I'll be leaving now."

Yeona didn't wait for her escorts or her Maiden as she made her way out of the training grounds. She wasn't sure where she was going on the dimly lit paths, but she didn't really care.

"This way Noona," Jimin said, gesturing toward the right direction when he caught up to her. The only response she gave him was a quiet 'thank you' and a nod as she once again continued on without him.

Yeona stared at her reflection in the mirror as she slowly got ready for her bath. She was annoyed. She was annoyed at Namjoon for pulling the "I'm your Prince" card and forcing her to leave. She only hoped that the prince was lenient on the men. It wasn't their fault that she tricked BaekJee into bringing her there.

As she got in the tub. Yeona worried if she would have the same feelings for the prince as she did for the man she met in Hwen. Only time would tell.

"I have never seen the Prince show any interest in a woman before." Si-Woo said, breaking Yeona out of her train of thought.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now