Chapter 18

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"Such a fun night," Yeona said, clasping her hands behind her back and skipping down the road.

BaekJee smiled as he watched his friend dance around the empty streets with her flower crown on. She was happy and unaware of what was going on around her. He hadn't realized just how much he missed her over the five years that he was gone. She was a bright light in his life, always smiling and laughing. Kind to everyone around her. She was always up for whatever wild adventure came to his mind, no matter how dangerous she thought it would be.

His heart broke watching her light fade away when she lost her parents. A few years later when he left he saw it finally start to return to her eyes. But as he watched her now he realized that her light was back, especially now that she was less worried about work and free to be herself again. The kiss they shared had nothing to it and he was thankful for that. She was his best friend, his soul sister and her happiness was the most important thing to him.

"What did you do in the five years you were gone?" Yeona had finally settled down and walked beside him.

"Why the sudden interest?" BaekJee asked, looking at her.

"I don't know," Yeona shrugged, "I just realized that I never asked."

"I worked a lot," he said with a sigh. He knew she'd ask eventually and he went over the answers in his head that he had come up with on his way back to Hwen.

"I'm assuming you don't have a family because nobody came back with you," Yeona started braiding the ribbons hanging from her crown.

"No family, my work takes up all my time and it wouldn't be fair to anyone."

He watched her out of the corner of his eye as she thought about her next question.

"Before you ask, you've known me my whole life, Yeo. There are a lot of special ladies in my life," BaekJee laughed when she scrunched her nose.

"Are you going back?" Yeona slung the now braided ribbon over her shoulder.

"Yes, eventually." He frowned at the sadness in her eyes. It had never crossed his mind until now that without Kaira or him here she didn't really have anyone.

"Is your job dangerous?" Yeona's stomach dropped when she saw him nod,

"Don't worry, Yeo. It's not dangerous all the time. But sometimes things don't go as planned." He placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close as a drunk man stumbled past.

"Are you careful?" She wrapped her arms around his waist

"You know me, Yeo, I'm always careful." He hugged her as they continued their walk to her house.

"How much longer?" Yeona yawned.

"Are you getting tired?" He felt her nod against his chest, "That's your fault. I told you not to eat a bunch and to stay away from the wine," BaekJee laughed.

"But it was a celebration," She whined, stumbling a little as she tried to snuggle closer to him while they walked.

"You're going to make us fall over," He laughed.

"You're strong enough. You'll be able to stop me from falling." This time he stumbled with her.

"Yeona," He warned.

"Ugh, fine," She whined standing up straight and moving away from him slightly, "You're no fun," She pouted and crossed her arms.

"No, I'm plenty of fun. But I don't want one of us getting hurt." He smiled as he shook his head.

"Who's that?" The two of them stopped walking and looked at the slumped-over body against Yeona's wall.

"It's probably another drunk. Stay here and I'll get rid of him," BaekJee said as he moved closer to the mysterious person.

Yeona chewed on the cuticle of her thumb as she watched BaekJee approach the man. He gently shook the man, and talked to him trying to wake him up. The drunks never made it out this far so seeing him passed out against her wall was strange and frightening.

"Is he dead?" Yeona asked after a while.

"No," BaekJee said, trying to look the man over with what little light he had, "I think he's hurt though."

"Do I need to go and get the doctor?" Yeona asked, moving closer.

"Noon...Noona." Yeona froze at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Yeo, do you know him?" BaekJee looked concerned when she saw she'd stopped walking.

"I...I think I do." She slowly kneeled and took the slouched man's face in her hands so that she could get a good look at him.

"Yeo," BaekJee watched as tears formed in her eyes, "Yeona."

"It's Jimin." As soon as she said his name she started to cry. The bright bubbly strong man that she had met a year ago looked pale and weak.

"Yeo," The concern in BaekJee's voice drew her attention away from Jimin, "You need to go get the doctor." She let out another sob when she followed his eyes to the blood-stained cloth tied around Jimin's torso.

"Jimin," she gasped and placed a hand over her mouth.

"Yeona," BaekJee turned her head to look at him, "I'm going to take him inside. I need you to run and get the doctor. Okay?"

Yeona nodded her head as she wiped her tears. She gave Jimin one last look before standing up and heading towards the doctors. Time seemed to slow down the harder she ran. Tears streaming endlessly down her face. The more she thought about Jimin's body hunched over, the faster they came. If he was here and in this bad of shape, what was the fate of the other six men?

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