Chapter 10

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Yeona thought about the past week as her doctor examined her ankle. Every morning three of the guys would show up, eat breakfast with her and then walk her to work. In the evenings it was Namjoon, the two of them would walk through the nearly empty streets and chat.

Last night was her favorite. After spending most of the walk begging him to take her up the hill so that she could watch the shooting stars, he finally said yes. When he picked her up without warning and carried her up the hill she was thankful for the dark, it covered the blush that spread across her face and neck.

"Your ankle healed up nicely," The doctor let go of Yeona's leg and stood up.

"So does that mean I can go back to doing things I want to do?"

The doctor let out a laugh, "Yes Yeona, you can go back to your walks and running around with the village kids."

Yeona smiled as she walked out of the doctors. As she walked through the streets she thought about what she wanted to do first. She wanted to go to the training grounds but it would be too crowded this time of day, so she stopped by one of the food stands and bought some snacks before heading towards the stream. It was hot today but the breeze across the water while she was in the shade of one of the big trees would be perfect.

Yeona let out a sigh and leaned up against the tree she sat under. "Such a beautiful breeze." She said as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the cool breeze.

"Mind if I sit down?" Yeona opened her eyes to see Namjoon standing beside her.

"No, not at all." She sat up and moved her things out of his way.

"Stopped by the shop to walk you home, but your Uncle said you had gone to the doctors." Namjoon sat down beside her.

"He gave me the all clear so I went for a walk," She pulled her knees to her chest. "I'd like to thank you and the guys for helping me out the past week."

"No need to thank us. We did what was right and we enjoyed spending time with you." She watched him as he opened his book. Judging by his tone he wasn't in a very good mood.

"Are you ok Namjoon?" He turned his head and looked at her.

"Why?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"You look upset," A pout formed on her lips.

"It's nothing too serious," He looked back at his book. "No need to worry. I'll be fine."

"Okay." She reached beside her and grabbed something out of her bag, "Do you want a rice cracker?" She asked with a smile. Namjoon let out a small chuckle when he turned to see her holding one out for him.

"Thank you," he said, taking the cracker from her and watched as she stared at the stream while she placed her chin on her knee before returning to his book.

The two of them sat there in comfortable silence as they enjoyed the shade, breeze, and snacks that Yeona had laid out in front of them. The only sound was the nature that surrounded them and the occasional person that passed by.

Yeona stretched out her legs and leaned back against the tree. "The sun is setting," she said looking at the colorful sky, "We must have been here for hours."

"We must have." Namjoon said looking up from his book, "It will be dark by the time we get to the village. I'll walk you home."

Yeona gave him a nod and stood up. They gathered up all their things before heading back into the village. Namjoon was correct, by the time they arrived it had become dark. They passed a couple of people as they walked each of them making their way home for the evening. But there were a few that made Yeona uncomfortable.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now