Chapter 8

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"Are you going to talk about it, or are you just going to keep your thoughts to yourself?" Yeona asked while the women walked along the stream.

"What?" Kaira looked at her friend, confused.

"You hardly said anything while at the market, and we've been walking in silence for a while now." Yeona picked at the flower she had in her hand.

"I was thinking about your future husband," Kaira smiled.

"Oh really?" Yeona asked, amused by her friend.

"He's tall, handsome, and gentle-hearted," Kaira swayed as she continued to describe him, "He loves being outdoors just like you. And he's rich. So you won't have to worry about working so much."

"Just who is this mysterious husband of mine?" Yeona asked carefully, walking on the rock that lined the stream.

"Not sure yet. I'm still narrowing down your options," Kaira scooted closer so that her friend could use her for support.

"I have options?" Yeona asked with a laugh.

"Do you want to stay in Hwen, or are you willing to live somewhere else?" Yeona looked at her friend.

"I've been thinking about that question a lot. I've always thought that I would find someone and live here to keep the shop going. But now I'm ok with moving if I need to. Uncle had said before that if I ever needed him to take over the shop, he would."

"Just added seven more to the potential husband list," Kaira said with a smile.

"Who are these potential husbands?" Yeona was enjoying her friend's determination.

"Wait," Kaira scratched at her chin with one as she thought. "I don't know if they are rich or single."

"Kaira, I'm going to fall in love with my future husband for who he is and not his wealth. You better not have men that are spoken for on your list." Yeona pointed out.

"I think they have some money. Or at least one of them does. Wait! What if they stole the clothes, and it's all an act like you said the other day." Kaira grabbed Yeona's arm, throwing her off balance.

"Are you talking about Namjoon and his friends?" Yeona questioned as she regained her balance.

"Yes. what if they've really come to rob the town and take wives?" Kaira let go of Yeona, "Dang, I was rooting for you and Namjoon."

"Why are you rooting for me?" Both women screamed at the sound of his voice behind them. Yeona, completely forgetting about the rocks she was walking on, quickly lost her balance. She closed her eyes as she fell backward into the cool water. Her landing was a lot softer than she had imagined.

"Are you ok?" Yeona opened her eyes to see Namjoon kneeling in the water beside her.

"Just a little wet." She felt his hand move on the back of her head.

"You almost hit your head on that rock." Yeona followed Namjoon's eyes to see a large rock by her head.

"I um, thank you." She said, starting to sit up.

"No, problem." Namjoon helped her to her feet, "Which one of you would like to fill me in on why she was rooting for me?" He pointed to a still in shock Kaira.

"It was nothing bad, I promise. She was just, ow." Yeona hissed out in pain as she tried to walk.

"Are you ok?" Kaira asked, snapping out of her daze at the sound of her friend's pain.

"I think I hurt my ankle." Yeona tried to take another step, but the pain was worse this time, and she had to grab ahold of Namjoon's arm for support.

"May I?" He asked, pointing to her ankle. Yeona nodded and lifted her skirt slightly so that he could look. "You might want to go visit the doctor."

"You help Yeo, and I'll let him know that you are coming," Kaira yelled as she took off, running towards the village before anyone could object.

Namjoon sighed, taking hold of Yeona's wrist and placing her arm around his neck. He smiled and lightly laughed at the blush that showed up on her cheeks when he wrapped his arm around her waist. The only women he had been around before worked inside the castle or the occasional one whenever he and the guys could sneak out. But he had never seen one blush before, which was a shame because he found it cute. As he helped her walk, he wondered if the other women he'd meet would be like Yeona. Hardworking, kind, selfless, and talented. He was told not to fall for the first beautiful woman, but he couldn't help it the first time he saw her smiling and laughing with a few other villagers. He couldn't help but wonder if she would treat him any differently if she knew who he was. He liked how she treated him just like everyone else. If he chose her, would that change?

"So, where's the rest of your group?" The sound of Yeona's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"They, um, they are just doing their own thing." He knew that at least two of them were close by watching him from a distance. He was still the prince and not allowed to go out by himself. But he wanted some alone time to walk and think. So whenever he needed space, they gave him as much as they could, "My turn to ask a question. Why is Kaira rooting for me?"

"Well, um," Yeona cleared her throat, "You were on her list to be my potential husband." Namjoon stopped walking.

"I'm assuming I'm not on the list anymore?" He asked, looking at her.

"I'm not sure. I think she convinced herself that you guys are here to rob the village and take us, single women, as wives." Yeona's heart stopped for a moment as she watched Namjoon's smile grow wider, and his dimples showed. It took all the strength she had to not reach over with her free hand and touch one. But she couldn't help but smile and laugh along with him when he started laughing.

"So tell me more about this list," he said, as they started walking again.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now