Chapter 33

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"We talked about this, Si-Woo. When we are alone you call me by my name," Yeona replied without opening her eyes.

"Yeona," she said with a sigh. "You need to get up so that you can get ready for dinner."

"Fine," Yeona groaned, sitting up and opening her eyes. "Where did those come from?" She motioned towards the shoes at the end of her bed.

"The Queen sent those. It started snowing while you were sleeping and she was afraid your feet would get too cold on the walk. So she sent each of you ladies a thicker pair."

"I don't even want to know how she knew our sizes." Yeona stood up to make her way to the changing area.

"I picked this one out of the hanboks you brought. The blue is pretty and it would match the cape nicely."

"That's not," Yeona stopped once she entered the changing area and saw the clothes that were hanging next to Si-Woo. "Kaira you little sneak," she laughed and shook her head.

"Is everything alright Yeona?" Si-Woo asked with a face of concern.

"Yes everything is fine. It seems that my friend didn't want me to leave my bags by the door for convenience, but so that she could sneak a new dress in there instead." Yeona took a deep breath and ran her hands down her face. "Okay, let's get this done and over with as quick as possible."

Everyone stood and bowed as the King, Queen and Prince entered the dining area. Yeona peeked through her lashes and watched their feet as they walked down the carpet in the middle of the room.

She couldn't help the smile that formed on her face as she saw the seven swords she designed go by during the procession of royals and guards that entered the dining room. Without even knowing it, she'd accidentally lived out her father's dream of having the royal family wear swords from his shop. The room filled with the sound of moving chairs and light chatter once the royal family and everyone else took their seats.

"Thank you everyone for joining us," the King's voice echoed through the silent room. "Some of you selflessly put yourself in harm's way to save not only the Prince and his men but also some women caught in the crossfire. Your bravery was above and beyond anything we have seen, or could have asked of anyone outside the royal guard. It is because of your heroics that a tragedy was avoided."

The King raised his glass and everyone in the room followed suit. "To those who put their lives on the line and to the innocent ones that got caught up in the mess. The Royal family would like you to know that you didn't go unnoticed and we wish you a life of happiness and wealth. Cheers."

Yeona had a difficult time keeping up with the conversations the men were having at the table as they ate. She could feel a pair of eyes watching her. She didn't have to look up to know that it was Namjoon. Even from five tables back his gaze made her body heat up and butterflies form in her stomach.

"What did I miss?" BaekJee's voice made Yeona jump. "Woah easy there Yeo. What makes you so jumpy?"

"He won't stop staring at me," she answered, taking another drink of her wine and looking back down at her plate.


"Jerkface up front."

"Oh, him." BaekJee looked up and gave Namjoon a wave, causing the Prince to finally look away. "There, he isn't looking at you anymore. You can stop pushing your food around and eat to help absorb the glass of wine you just drank down."

"I've already eaten some of it," Yeona said, falling back against her chair with a huff.

"You need to eat more," BaekJee picked up some of her food and brought it to her lips.

"I'm not hungry, BaekJee," She laughed and pushed his hand away.

"Are you sick?" He placed his hand on her forehead.

"No, I'm not sick," She said, moving his hand so that she could take a drink of her newly filled glass.

"Let me see." He pulled the cup away from her mouth mid drink and placed his hands on her cheeks, "Ah, I see the problem." BaekJee moved her head around as he looked into her eyes, "You're over-thinking something. Would it have anything to do with a certain member of the Royal family?"

"He lied to me," she answered the best she could through squished cheeks.

"He did not lie to you, Yeo. He and the rest of us were just following the law, you know that. Now tell the handsome BaekJee what's really wrong."

"You aren't handsome."

"That's a lie and you know it," he pouted.

"How am I supposed to compete with those women?" Yeona turned her head the best she could to look at the four women a few tables away. "Look at them BaekJee, they're beautiful and have had a proper upbringing."

"Yeona, stop." BaekJee turned her around to face him again, "You are the most beautiful woman in this room. Even the Prince knows that. He hasn't even spared the other women a glance."

"But he saw something in them, too. He chose them, too." She couldn't stop the tears that left her eyes.

"He had to because it is a part of the law." He removed his hands and wiped the tears from her cheeks. BaekJee leaned back in his chair with a sigh. He glanced up at the platform and saw Namjoon looking their way.

"Let's go find Si-Woo. You need some fresh air," he said as he stood up.

"How do you know my maiden's name?" Yeona asked, taking his hand so that he could help her up.

"Yeo, the castle might be big but word travels extremely fast." He placed her arm around his. "Like I know that you had to save one of the maidens. Which, by the way, she couldn't stop bragging about."

"You're just trying to cheer me up."

"You are correct, I am. But you have also become a favorite of the workers. You're a good person, Yeo. Everyone knows that."

"Is everything ok Miss?" A wide-eyed Si-Woo asked.

"Everything is fine Si-Woo. I just need some fresh air," Yeona smiled.

"It's still snowing pretty hard are you sure?"

"That's perfect," BaekJee smiled and rocked on his heels. "The snow will calm her worries."

As the two women wandered off to get their things, BaekJee turned to look at Namjoon. His eyes were filled with worry and his jaw was clenched as he continued to look in their direction. The muscles in his jaw relaxed when BaekJee signaled to him that everything was ok.

Namjoon nodded to him and averted his eyes elsewhere. He was being watched by the members of the court and they wouldn't be too happy if he was caught giving more attention to Yeona than the other women. But he couldn't help it. She was the only one he hadn't gotten to talk to yet.

He didn't know what to say to her, and he was afraid of what she would have to say to him.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now