Chapter 40

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"Yeona! What are you doing? You're supposed to be getting ready!" Kaira yelled at her best friend as she walked through the door.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She sighed looking up from her drawing, "I still have a few hours to get dressed, I'll be fine."

"You have one hour!" Yeona's eyes widened. "You've been so zoned out none of these poor women couldn't get your attention."

Yeona looked at the five women that were quietly standing on the other side of the room. Si-Woo had been so busy the past couple of months helping with the wedding that she gave her the day off to enjoy the festivities. These women weren't used to Yeona. They didn't know just how lost she could get in her drawings.

"I am so sorry," She said quickly, putting her things away and standing up.

"I knew I should've stayed with you."

"Nonsense, You had a kid and husband to take care of," Yeona said as she got undressed.

"I still can't believe you're marrying a prince." The two women looked at each other and smiled.

It took a couple of days after Namjoon proposed for them to make arrangements so that they could make a trip to Jinzou and Hwen. Yeona and KangDae went to surprise Kaira while Namjoon was talking to Deu-sung.

The look on Kaira's face when Yeona told her that she was getting married still made her laugh. The woman was overjoyed, asking her all kinds of questions about the mystery man who had finally captured her friend's heart. Only when the Royal horses carrying Namjoon and his guards showed up did she stop asking them. When Namjoon walked through the gate, dressed in his royal outfit, KangDae moved to quickly catch Kaira when she fainted.

The wedding was held a few months later in the Queen's garden. All of the plants were fully in bloom and enjoying the warmer weather. Yeona and Namjoon were surrounded by their family, friends, and the Royal staff as they became husband and wife.

After the ceremony there was a parade through the city of Yia, and that night celebrations were held all throughout the Kingdom. The people were excited for their Prince and his new bride. With the law becoming more relaxed around the Royal family being able to leave the Castle walls, the people of Yia were able to get to know and love their future queen. They were excited to see how she would go about her new role as Princess of Yia.

By the time the celebrations ended and the people made their way home, Yeona and Namjoon had already made their way to their quarters. They spent a majority of the night wrapped in each other's arms as they lay in bed and talked.

When Yeona got up and went to her art area, Namjoon followed with a box full of snacks and a book to read. The two sat beside each other in silence, just enjoying the quiet and each other's company before they eventually went to rest so that they could start their first official day as husband and wife.

The End

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now