Chapter 14

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"How much longer until we are home?" Yeona whined. Her body was tired and sore from traveling and the celebration.

Kaira's wedding was beautiful. The long travel and sore body were worth it when she saw her friend in her beautiful wedding gown. Both the bride and groom were so happy. Yeona didn't stop Kaira as she introduced her to every available man there who she had added to her "Yeona's potential husband list." Kaira, Deu-Sung, and Yeona were able to sneak away from the celebration for a while and relaxed as they talked. As she sat with the couple, she released just how much she wanted what they have. She wanted a husband that would cherish her like Deu-Sung did Kaira. Someone who looked at her like she was the most beautiful thing in the world, and they would do anything to make sure that she is always happy and protected.

"There they are!" Yeona snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her trainer yell from a distance.

"We would have been here sooner if someone hadn't fallen asleep on one of our stops." Her Uncle said as he dismounted his horse.

"Well, if someone would have made the stops more frequent, then I wouldn't be so sore and tired at each stop," Yeona stretched.

"Uncle Dea?" Everyone's heads turned to see the man walking towards them.

"BaekJee?" KangDae squinted to try and see the man.

BaekJee was Yeonas's trainer's son. He was two years older than her. He was the boy in the village that everyone thought was the most beautiful man in the whole world. Then he left the town five years ago, breaking all of their hearts. No one knew where he went, not even his father. He had just said that he had gotten a job in another village and would be back to visit whenever he could.

"Hello, Yeona," BaekJee said with a smile.

"Oh um, hello." She realized she had been staring at him and hadn't heard any of the conversations.

"She's tired from all the traveling," Her Uncle gently elbowed her, "You should head home. The sun is coming up."

"What?" Yeona looked at her Uncle with a confused look on her face.

"The sun, Niece. It's almost all..." He pointed towards the sky, "You know what, I'll walk you home. I'm afraid you'll get lost," He laughed as he picked up her stuff, "I'll be back in a bit to help you with the horses, Brother."

"I'll walk her home," BaekJee reached out to grab Yeona's things, "I'm on my way into the village anyways."

"Are you sure? I don't think she'll be much help," KangDae looked at his Niece, who had her eyebrows scrunched while looking at the man in front of her.

"Does she still live in the same house?" BaekJee's question made her snap out of her daze.

"Yes, yes I do. Thank you." Yeona said goodbye to her Uncle and trainer before leaving with BaekJee.

The walk to Yeona's house was silent. She didn't trust her mouth, so she decided it was best to stay quiet. BaekJee, on the other hand, wanted to talk, and as they rounded her street corner, he couldn't hold in his silence anymore.

"Are we not going to talk?" Yeona just shook her head, "We should talk, Yeo," BaekJee said, letting out a deep breath. "Ok, then I'll talk. I shouldn't have kissed you."

Yeona let out a chuckle.

"I'm serious, Yeo. I knew that you had feelings for me, and being the immature idiot I was, I thought it would be funny. But when you slapped me across the face and took off, I knew I messed up. We were friends, and I shouldn't have played with your emotions like that. I'm sorry." When they reached her house, he stepped in front of her, "Yeona, I'm not asking you to forgive me, but please say something."

Yeona looked at the man that was standing in front of her. The two of them had grown up together along with Kaira. The three of them were inseparable up until the day he left. The night before, they had stood in this very spot after having dinner at Kaira's house. It wasn't a big secret that Yeona had feelings for him. Kaira had accidentally let it slip one night as the three of them hung out drinking a bottle of wine that she had stolen from her parents.

When BaekJee had kissed her, it was like her dreams had come true. But when she opened her eyes and saw the look of amusement on his face, her heart broke. Because she knew that he didn't kiss her because he had feelings for her, he did it because he thought it would be funny. Her body reacted on its own, and she slapped him hard enough for the sound to echo, and she took off running. He chased after her apologizing while holding onto his red sore cheek. But she was quicker than him and was able to get away from him and climb up into a tree out of his line of sight. Where she stayed until she was sure he was gone.

She had actually forgiven him years ago. But she wasn't going to tell him that just yet. She was feeling spiteful and was also not going to admit that she agreed with him and that the kiss didn't have anything to it. Heck, just the brush of Namjoon's lips on hers had her weak in the knees. She did the only thing that she could trust her tired mind to do. Yeona took a deep breath, straightened her back, grabbed her things, and said "Thank you" before turning her back on him and walking through her gate.

Her Prince / BTS Namjoon x Original CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now