Spider-Man's Webs - Peter Parker X Reader

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A/N: I'm sorry for not publishing in days everyone. It's just that i had more things to do in my life (School and Babysitting). I'll try to be more active since i have a lot of one-shot ideas in my notes. But therefore, enjoy.



Warnings: Swearing

Ships: None


"Peter! Get your disgusting webs off of me!"

Peter, who was on the other side of the room gasped dramatically, "How dare you! As you should know my webs are not disgusting!"

You rolled your eyes at your bestfriend, but couldn't help but smile at his playfulness, "Yeah, yeah. Just get them off me,"

Peter shrugged before going over to you to get the webs off. As soon as he finished he accidentally grazed your ribs making you squeak

Peter looked at you worried, "Y/n? Are you hurt?

"N-no!" You said a little to quickly

"Then what was tha-" Peter stood there, now understanding, "Y/n,"

"Yes, Peter..."

Peter smirked, "Are you ticklish?"

You looked the other way not facing your bestfriend, "No..."

"Then you don't mind me doing this?" With that said Peter then grabbed onto your sides digging in making you squeal and giggle hysterically

"Nohoho! Peheheter!" You said giggling while grabbing onto his arms and weakly pushing them away

"Aww, how come you never told me you were ticklish!" Peter asked while laughing with you

"I dihihidn't want yohohou tohoho know!"

"Well i guess i found out, huh?" Peter teased now shooting his wiggling fingers into your armpits making you shriek

"Peheheheter! Nahahahaha!"

Peter only chuckled enjoying hearing you adorable giggles. When he was dazing off his hands wandered to your worst spot making you shriek

"PEHEHEHETER! NAHAHAT THEHEHERE!" You said while laughing hysterically and kicking ypur legs to distract you from the sensations

Peter snapped back into reality now noticing where his hands landed. He smirked while looking at you

"Heh, didn't know you were this ticklish. Your worse than me!"

"NAHAHAHAT TRUE!" You squealed, pushing at his hands

"So true. And i won't be stopping anytime soon so just keep laughing!"

And laugh you did

You both never stopped laughing that day

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