Sneak Attack - A brother/sister duo

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A/N - I haven't published anything since the 17th of December 😭😭 so take this as a sorry while I try to work on more fics-

"Sneak Attack"

Fanfic with my two OCs

Lee/Ler/Switch: Ler!Elizabeth, Lee!Ethan

Words: 418 (I know it's short but deal with it for now please 😭)


Ethan was in his room as he was playing with his stuffed animal. The 5 year old angel was up in his room playing all day that he didn't even come out of his room once.

A certain 16 year old decided to sneak up on her brother as he was in his room. She easily crept in the room without being heard. Elizabeth swooped Ethan off the ground, making the little kid squeal in surprise as he looked at his older sister who was smirking down at him.

“Eli!! That wasn't fuhuhunny!” Ethan began squirming in Elizabeth's hold as the girl tickled his sides. “Elihihiza!”

The girl chuckled as she continued to tickle her little brother's sides. “What? Can I not have fun with my little brother?” As she said this, she began tickling Ethan's sides much faster.

Ethan squealed as he laughed adorably, his small angel wings flapping behind him as he continued laughing. “GEHEHET OHOHOHOFF!”

Ethan's laughter was so contagious that Elizabeth began laughing with him as well.

The girl eventually moved away from Ethan's sides much to his relief. His break was short though as Elizabeth blew small raspberries into his neck.

Ethan's eyes widened before he burst into uncontrollable child-like laughter as he kicked his legs and began flapping his wings rapidly, anything to get away from Elizabeth. “EHEHELIZA! NAHAHAT THEHEHERE! IHIT TIHIHICKLES!”

“Aww, you're so cute when tickled.” Elizabeth teased as she finally stopped tickling Ethan. Ethan took in deep breaths of air as small giggles continued to escape his mouth. “Ahahare.. are yohou dohohone?”

The ravenette nodded as she smiled softly at her brother. She placed him onto his bed as she ruffled his dark brown hair a bit. “Yes, Ethan. I'm done, promise.”

Ethan melted into the touch as Elizabeth played with his hair. The boy then yawned as he laid onto his bed, curling up in a ball and using his wings as a blanket, drifting off to sleep.

Elizabeth smiled as she watched her brother fall asleep. She didn't move, she just sat next to his bed and fell asleep as well, her long demon tail wrapping around her waist as she drifted off to sleep with her younger brother right next to her.

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